Dungeon Mod V3.2 The Harem Update 1
Original Details
What is included
The Basic Harem room: Please build the Harem first(May cause issues if you dont). As normal fluff and filler not yet done, so no real cost to the building.
Once A slave reaches 100 obediance they can be transferd to the harem.
Harem currently has limited features, but it will show you where its heading.
Bonus: Stalking Now has Elder kidnap options, for you granny grabbers. Stalk/Homes/Elder.
Note: starting a harem will add the OpenRelationship status as they will be classed as Girlfriends.
To move slave into harem:Obediance >= 100: Process slave: Send to harem.
What isnt included yet.
Harem multi npc sex.
Harem girl work tasks: Will include Maid/ Prostitute(posibly combined with
sexybastardo's prostitue mod) and what ever other ideas I have(Open to sujestions)
Fluff stuff, build cost, conversations, basic filler.
Quirks, each slave will have a random action that has a much greater impact on stats.
To Install
Unpack into the Lifeplay main folder(where Lifeplay.exe is)
End result should look like this "LifePlay\LifePlay\Content\Modules\LL_SlaveTrainer\"
If the "LL_SlaveTrainer" folder isnt in Modules, One of us did something wrong!
Enable LL_SlaveTrainer in the mods menu.
To use
Menu/Crime/Dungeon - Build and visit your Dungeon
Menu/Crime/Hunt for Slaves - Get more slaves!
Bug that removed slave in the process slave menu(Even if you didnt sell them)
Time related bug.
Added the base npc models for students and elders (Forgot these in last updates)
Please report all errors (Apart from spellings/Typos as I am still working through those)
View attachment Dungeon ModV3.2.7z