Right now the game is somewhat good but it could be way better.
Need to restrict jods to only 2 shifts instead of 10 hours, yes I know I can leave anytime I want but hey I'm just saying.
Jobs start at 8 am work 1 shift go eat then work another shift would be great.
We need a "Go Home" button so it is easier to find your home in large towns, if you choose to go get something to eat the game will send you all the way across the town and it is very hard to find your way back.
We need more activities at home with family and or spouses and so on.
"Spend Time with Family" is not all that great when you either sneak/peep into rooms or join them in another room for a very short time. Family member are away from the home from about 8 am to 7 pm every day.
Need to sleep in the bed when we go to sleep and GF or spouse needs to sleep there to. (I thought this was already in the game when I first tried it many months ago.)
Would like to be able to adjust each person when in a sex act to line them up better.
Either with a mod or
Vinfamy can put all this into the game would be great.