
Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
I like the game but I simply can't enjoy the game cause the character creator is just bad, I barely make anything that remotely resembles a human. There are presets but they too look very odd. Trying to make thicc girls, but never seems to work. If someone has a really good looking character, please do share them.
Check in the "Mods" section, ( under the "Spoiler" button ), of the OP page. There are several 'pre-made' characters there .
Like : , N1ck's Character Presets , srg91's Presets - kayser's Presets
Also, look where you create character, there is a button, that gives you access to pre-made characters all ready supplied by Vinfamy.

Hope this helps some ;) .

Deleted member 289409

Active Member
Nov 12, 2017
Was attacked and raped in an alley by a female NPC. She later came saying she was pregnant and didn't know what to do.
1. How would she find her victim/know where he lived?
2. Why would she go and risk getting arrested to go to him?
3. Why on Earth would be pay for her abortion (that's from BP though) or help raise/raise on his own his rapist's baby?
1. Female rapists are stalkers chances are they already know who you are and where you live and work. And if they didn't know any of that they will stalk you after the rape until they find all that out. They have the same mentality as the crazy ex that can't let go.
2.&3. Society still has a problem believing a woman can rape a man so who would believe you worse yet all she has to do is claim you raped her and you'd be screwed.


Dec 29, 2019
Having finally gotten the hang of the Sneaking minigame (I thought of it as a Minesweeper clone instead of a Mouse Thru Tunnel minigame), I think the minigame is not actually a "game" because it lacks any strategy. Its rules are so fundamentally simple that it is actually just a test of patience, lacking any choice. Here's two criticisms and suggested improvements!

Moving your mouse actually has no tactical benefit whatsoever -- because the playing field is quite literally randomized every turn, it is far more meaningful to stay in a single tile unless you have an "easy" move to click an adjacent tile.

In addition, as your successful step count increases, the game speeds up, increases the number of red tiles, *and* reduces the number of green tiles. This means that with lower Sneak levels, you will simply sit for upwards of two or three minutes holding your mouse steady before a green tile appears adjacent to you.

In other words, the optimal strategy of the game is to sit and wait until a green tile appears adjacent to you, which is simultaneously the move that requires the least amount of skill and effort... a direct contrast to proper game theory which requires optimal moves to require the greatest skill and effort.

Here are my suggestions:
1) Green tiles should remain in place over several turns of the field -- say, five or six. This gives players incentive to move toward them on every turn, disincentivizes waiting, and gives players a strategic decision on how aggressive they want to be when they move toward them (i.e., how fast they will move the mouse/how many tiles they will risk moving before the turn ends and the red tiles shuffle).

2) The number of green tiles should be fixed, both regardless of Sneak skill and regardless of the number of successful steps in the current session; if a green tile disappears, it reappears in a random position. The current behavior of decreasing the number of green tiles as your successful step count increases actively diminishes fun.

3) Optionally, instead of the entire field being totally randomized, some of the red tiles should "migrate" on each turn -- clusters of red tiles should move to replace blank tiles, leaving behind blank tiles as they migrate. As before, the rule that a red tile cannot overlap the player's tile should be applicable.

4) A timer bar should diminish over time, giving the player only a fixed amount of time to complete the minigame before the time runs out. This should be quite generous -- say, two minutes -- but drives the player to continue moving their cursor. Optionally, this timer bar would only begin to diminish if the player stays in the same tile on two consecutive turns (and pause once the player touches another tile), providing incentive to play more aggressively and have a chance of bumping a red tile.

5) Adding additional tiles and elements in play would enhance strategy and require greater levels of care and attention -- for instance: "breathing" red tiles that toggle between red and blank each turn and which CAN cause the player to lose the game by remaining in them (the player can learn where these are simply by watching across more than one turn); "squeaky" permanently red tiles that appear like blank tiles until you come within 3 (2?) tiles of them; horizontal and vertical "draft" red tiles that move until they run into another red tile and then reverse direction; and a "spotlight" that overlaps a 3x3 chunk of tiles, moves in a single direction at a rate of 1 tile per turn, changes direction by 45 degrees or 90 degrees each time it completes a random number of moves, and ricochets off the border of the play field. The goal is to increase the amount of tactical and strategic detail without going entirely overboard, however, so while the sky is the limit in terms of creativity, there should be no more than a half-dozen possible elements to overcome to ensure that the game remains relatively easy to pick up and play.

6) Adding a number of "lives" to each play of the game (e.g., three strikes) would allow players a chance to learn the game through doing without losing on their first mistake, as the player must wait for a random event to fire before having a chance to take a crack at the minigame again. Giving a nod to older arcade classics with a "Continue? 9... 8... 7..." countdown would also allow players a chance to quit the minigame rather than forcing them to lose the next two lives on purpose if they decide they don't want to try again after a ragequit-inducing loss.

7) Sound effects! Add a heartbeat that plays on each turn, a quick tenth-of-a-second footstep sound whenever the player moves a tile, and a loud crash/bang/bump/squeak/etc. whenever the player bumps a red tile. Especially as the step count increases and the turns get faster, this will increase the adrenaline/fun factor of the minigame.

[edit] 8) One more for the road. Actually requiring a click when you "step" on a green tile is often frustrating if you're fast enough to get into the tile but the game switches the board before the mouse-up event goes through. The flow of the game could be made more exciting simply by allowing a mouseover of a green tile to complete a step. A cheerful sound, like a cat's bell collar, could provide positive feedback that the player stepped on a green tile.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2019
1. Female rapists are stalkers chances are they already know who you are and where you live and work. And if they didn't know any of that they will stalk you after the rape until they find all that out. They have the same mentality as the crazy ex that can't let go.
2.&3. Society still has a problem believing a woman can rape a man so who would believe you worse yet all she has to do is claim you raped her and you'd be screwed.

In the game female MCs who rape males are treated legally the same as male rapists.


May 12, 2020
There are icons everywhere during the map, and you still have a hard time finding anything. I lost my home many times during gameplay and could for the life of me not figure out how to find it.
Your home should be available on the map shortcuts (right-click the map thing in the bottom right corner). You can also bookmark gyms, strip clubs etc to show up there.

Deleted member 289409

Active Member
Nov 12, 2017
In the game female MCs who rape males are treated legally the same as male rapists.
No shit Sherlock. Just like in RL if a woman is raped and waits to long to report it unless a pregnancy is involved it's nearly impossible to prove. So if your male MC doesn't report it right away how is he going to prove it later.
Better question is how a female NPC your male MC raped during a Home Invasion found out where he lived.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2019
No shit Sherlock. Just like in RL if a woman is raped and waits to long to report it unless a pregnancy is involved it's nearly impossible to prove. So if your male MC doesn't report it right away how is he going to prove it later.
Better question is how a female NPC your male MC raped during a Home Invasion found out where he lived.
There isn't an option to report, as it is in many scenes a stranger (in the alley, etc) but when known it says you don't want her to go to jail. Even if she gets you drunk and does the deed on a first date. Or hanging out as just friends.

Deleted member 289409

Active Member
Nov 12, 2017
There isn't an option to report, as it is in many scenes a stranger (in the alley, etc) but when known it says you don't want her to go to jail. Even if she gets you drunk and does the deed on a first date. Or hanging out as just friends.
That's my point no report no proof later. So you basically asked a redundant question. Since it's not an option in the game ask for it to be one then. Whether it happens or not who knows.

Not trying to pick on you or give you a hard time. But as someone that used to manage around 60 mods on Nexus seeing questions like the ones you asked I learned from experience that 9 out of 10 they are not making a request just asking for options on it. Most modders and game developers do the same.
But if it's a genuine request just be straight forward and make your case based on your own views that will get our attention. So if you want the option to report female NPC rapists (or male NPC rapists as they get the same scenes), or be able to tell them to get lost if they get knocked up from raping your male MC (or whatever it is that you actually want), then either quote one Vinfamy's post or use the @ to mention them so they get a notification.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2019
That's my point no report no proof later. So you basically asked a redundant question. Since it's not an option in the game ask for it to be one then. Whether it happens or not who knows.

TBH it's true. I was molested at 7 by a 12 YO girl - daughter of friend of the family.I KNOW a male forcibly raped by a female would probably be laughed at/ignored. I actually have PTSD. Still a virgin, afraid to ask out a girl. Hetero and want a girlfreind. I have flashbacks from it. I freaked out big time nurses had to touch me in that area.

Deleted member 289409

Active Member
Nov 12, 2017
TBH it's true. I was molested at 7 by a 12 YO girl - daughter of friend of the family.I KNOW a male forcibly raped by a female would probably be laughed at/ignored. I actually have PTSD. Still a virgin, afraid to ask out a girl. Hetero and want a girlfreind. I have flashbacks from it. I freaked out big time nurses had to touch me in that area.
Sorry to here about that. Where I come from we would treat a female raping a male just as harshly as we would a male raping a female. As we've long known it's possible for a female to rape a male especially if she is older, bigger, stronger or armed.


Dec 11, 2019
Have not updated in a while since the recent big patch bullet points where not really my thing; but in case I do: Are the preg elements optional aka have a big "off" switch?

The devs are pumping out content at an incredibly impressive rate, but I'll be honest, I don't think the updates to the game are targetting the issues to the game.

The problem with the game is that the core mechanics feel half-finished.
Some really good points made. I agree; what they have done so far and the difference from what I remember when I saw it the first time is really impressive. But I'd lie if I say the things gastonmacha said never crossed my mind too.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2019
Since high-risk days mean 10 times normal fertility for females, what is it on low-risk days? The normal number is for ones that are neither high or low I think.


Out to Play
Jul 5, 2017
Vinfamy I'm not sure if thats how you wanted things to work but any children that are not MC's children are not getting saved in the game, they're just gone after the mother gives birth and you can't find them in contacts even if you cheat it.
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