
May 9, 2017
Does this mod still work?

I created a character with max weight but in game check weight said 50 kg.
Nope it needs sp_beautiyExpansion to run becauce the bodies are connected to it, and beautiy expand is missing boob and eyelashes from the contact mod sliders, and then the game goes nuts cuz it cant find them anymore thus sending the whole game into a fubar situation


New Member
Aug 9, 2019
Nope it needs sp_beautiyExpansion to run becauce the bodies are connected to it, and beautiy expand is missing boob and eyelashes from the contact mod sliders, and then the game goes nuts cuz it cant find them anymore thus sending the whole game into a fubar situation
Thank you.
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creating moddable 3D life simulator
Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017

Windows (64-bit):
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Windows (32-bit):
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Update Only: (requires v4.0 Stable or later)
Windows (64-bit):
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Windows (32-bit):
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Change Log:
- New group sex animations to cover the gender combinations not currently covered yet, namely (M = Male, F = Female):
-- MMM
-- FFF
-- (That covers all the cis combinations up to 5 actors, but still many gender combinations involving trans are not covered, will be something for future group sex / trans KotM updates. For now, trans actors simply use the female animations for most group sex scenes)
- New "Host a group sex party" action you can choose at home where you can invite people from your contacts (if high perversion / someone you've done sexual things with before) or random strangers online of any gender combinations to make use of the new animatioms
- Commissions from patrons for June


Active Member
Aug 17, 2016
and like i said unless you go to stats and change it your self thru there which the game reconizes first, it dont matter what setting you put it at in beauty standards the Base game stats get first priority, you can remove the whole texted beauty standards default text file and the game will not even reconize its gone Remove the stats file and the game wont even start unless you change the main files the low text file gets over ruled by the Base each and every time
I think there's a bit of confusion here.

attractiveness.lpstat sets the valid range for the attractiveness stat, and yes if you set the min to 50 or 60 or whatever then the game shouldn't generate anybody with an attractiveness lower than that.

beauty_standards_default.txt is literally what it says: default. It's the default values the game uses for the new beauty standards system and has nothing to do with values you custom set in the game. The game absolutely does care if you remove that file, but only when you hit the Default button in the NPC Distribution & Beauty Standards menu. If you hit that button and default file isn't there, it'll instead set all of the beauty standards values to 50, rather than pulling values from that file.

In the NPC Distribution settings, you're setting values for average attractiveness, rather than a hard minimum and maximum like in attractiveness.lpstat, so if you have a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 100 in the lpstat file, and then set an average attractiveness value of 50 in NPC Distribution, then NPCs can generate with attractiveness anywhere from 0 to 100, but the average will be 50.

So my question has nothing to do with minimum or maximum values. I'm simply asking for further info on how the different face and body shapes are chosen from the Beauty Standards based on the values set for each shape, and the NPC's attractiveness.
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Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
tired of getting old anorexic and fat NPCs? as in pimpyour girl where there 70yrs old and skin and bones?? or vin Preg or better preg? where they are mostly the same skin streched bone rack with a face so ugly they have to sneak up on a glass of water? In scenes where it says generatePersonTemporary in the brackets; ie generatepersontemporarily right after StartScene, you can put in what you want for body size like athletic_F or athletic_M or your own custom body just make sure that it has the _F or _M at the end,and away ya go, also in vin_Base, Scenes, meet_random file there is meet couple, meet newperson, any Scene with 'meet' in front of it, you can in the brackets put body size you want even your own custom body, as long as it has _F or _M at the end F and M must be high case,as you see it here,F or M , AND in that same file, meet_random, there is two files one says pop, the other is pop1, these are as it says on the file they are in,meet_random there is 5 generatetempPerson() add the body you want in each, if you want all male then make sure the body u write in has the "_M or _F at the end they can be all F or M or mix them up its up to you, "Actor = generatePersonTemporary(teen_F)" it should look like this after or with the M instead of the F depends what sex you want, do the same to pop1 AND your laughing all the way to the body preference bank:giggle: Oh i forgot this can be done for pimp and porn shoots also and the john scenes,pimp or porn also;) you might be able to do sb_BeautyExpansion as well, but it would have to be a custom NPC character dont know cuz 90% of the NPCs that generate in my game dont need it other than the make up or hair change :devilish:
dude, little question, if i want use my custom female body, i need place the file in a specific folder? and is posible this apply only to females and males stay normal?


Jun 27, 2021
Hi I can't get it to launch in linux I have given it permission and its says something about ue4 release then disabling core dumps
And then something about xdg-user-dir not found
if that is any help as to why it isn't launching.


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Staff member
Community Liaison
Jul 7, 2017
I've had one bug while running it on Linux: imported textures won't select. Have you been able to use them at all? Other than that, no problems I couldn't duplicate on Windows.

(I'm running it on Fedora 31 with GNOME on proprietary NVIDIA drivers.)
Sorry, forgot to reply to this one. I haven't tried imported textures. If you point me in the right direction, I could probably give it a try some time later this week.

Hi I can't get it to launch in linux I have given it permission and its says something about ue4 release then disabling core dumps
And then something about xdg-user-dir not found
if that is any help as to why it isn't launching.
The message might or might not be related to why it's crashing, but you could try typing xdg-user-dirs-update --force in terminal, then launch the game. If this doesn't work, please launch from a terminal window, then paste the output here (in a spoiler please)
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Jun 27, 2021
Sorry, forgot to reply to this one. I haven't tried imported textures. If you point me in the right direction, I could probably give it a try some time later this week.

The message might or might not be related to why it's crashing, but you could try typing xdg-user-dirs-update --force in terminal, then launch the game. If this doesn't work, please launch from a terminal window, then paste the output here (in a spoiler please)
HI I've tried your suggestion:
xdg-user-dirs-update --force
and it says command not found
I'm not very experienced with linux sorry if Im missing something obvious. I've also tried it without the --force and still says the same

ALso the only way I know how to launch renpy games in linux well at least get them to work is through terminal that is what im doing.

One of the errors codes I'm getting when trying to launch in the terminal is:
sh: 1: xdg-user-dir: not found
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Nov 28, 2018
Is there a way to make my character to stick to their clothes ? I have my attire all set up but it gets annoying when the game just randomly put stuffs on my outfit especially when your contact invites you out on a gym and my boi goes naked when he has that gym attire
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Jul 28, 2019
HI I've tried your suggestion:
xdg-user-dirs-update --force
and it says command not found
I'm not very experienced with linux sorry if Im missing something obvious. I've also tried it without the --force and still says the same

ALso the only way I know how to launch renpy games in linux well at least get them to work is through terminal that is what im doing.

One of the errors codes I'm getting when trying to launch in the terminal is:
sh: 1: xdg-user-dir: not found
Hmm. Try 'sudo apt install xdg-user-dirs' to install the package that provides the command and then try 'xdg-user-dirs-update --force' again.

Alternatively what is the output of 'echo $PATH' ? (Copy paste preferable.)
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Jun 27, 2021
Hmm. Try 'sudo apt install xdg-user-dirs' to install the package that provides the command and then try 'xdg-user-dirs-update --force' again.

Alternatively what is the output of 'echo $PATH' ? (Copy paste preferable.)
Hi thanks for that, so I did the sudo apt command you suggested and it downloaded and did something at least,

I then retried the force command again and it didn't say anything so I don't know if it worked or didn't work this time.

I went to launch it again and I got this:
bash: ./: Is a directory
user@host:~/Downloads/ga/lifeplay$ ./
4.20.2-4302132+++UE4+Release-4.20 516 0
Disabling core dumps.

I don't know what an echo path is, is it what I've just sent above?


Active Member
Oct 27, 2017
Sorry, forgot to reply to this one. I haven't tried imported textures. If you point me in the right direction, I could probably give it a try some time later this week.
Missed the quoted message too, and I been asking about it.

I've tried several things, and aside of small overlays (tattoos), nothing sticks to characters.

Basically, I made a custom skin for testing (Frnakenstein) and tried applying the different skin parts to a NPC. They do work... untill you close the window. After opening, the skins are back to default.
Then I tried applying the same skin parts as overlays. Again, the same, gone after closing. Even accepting piece by piece doesn't make them stay, and even after saving right after.
I checked the NPC save files, and they DO are listed on the character data, but the game apparently refuses to load them.

Then I tried new tattoos.
Those did work well, zero problems.

I thought the problem might be the skin/models (since tattoos are applied as overlays) themselves, but neither works.
My only guess is that the skin file sizes are limitedsomewhere in the code, maybe to save space/weight?
A .png of a small tattoo is just some k of size, but a full skin .png is around 12-13 megas...
Jul 28, 2019
Hi thanks for that, so I did the sudo apt command you suggested and it downloaded and did something at least,

I then retried the force command again and it didn't say anything so I don't know if it worked or didn't work this time.

I went to launch it again and I got this:
bash: ./: Is a directory
user@host:~/Downloads/ga/lifeplay$ ./
4.20.2-4302132+++UE4+Release-4.20 516 0
Disabling core dumps.

I don't know what an echo path is, is it what I've just sent above?
'echo $PATH' returns the default locations for your system to look for commands to execute or data to save/load and the order it searches them (lifeplay needs to know where AppData is to save, for example). But it is not needed since it seems that xdg-user-dirs succeeded in setting the directories (since no message saying if failed was returned).

'bash: ./: Is a directory' suggests a syntax problem (probably the $ of lifeplay$), the proper way to deal with it is probably by escaping ( ) but I'm not experienced enough to do it without trial and error. If it is part of a folder name then rename it, else try breaking it down and cd'ing to the lifeplay folder first and then running the .sh.

It takes a little while for for lifeplay to launch for me after the 'Disabling core dumps.' message.
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Jun 27, 2021
'echo $PATH' returns the default locations for your system to look for commands to execute or data to save/load and the order it searches them (lifeplay needs to know where AppData is to save, for example). But it is not needed since it seems that xdg-user-dirs succeeded in setting the directories (since no message saying if failed was returned).

'bash: ./: Is a directory' suggests a syntax problem (probably the $ of lifeplay$), the proper way to deal with it is probably by escaping ( ) but I'm not experienced enough to do it without trial and error. If it is part of a folder name then rename it, else try breaking it down and cd'ing to the lifeplay folder first and then running the .sh.

It takes a little while for for lifeplay to launch for me after the 'Disabling core dumps.' message.
I originally changed the main folder name and just changed it back to what it was when it was first unzipped.

I'm now only getting these 2 lines:
4.20.2-4302132+++UE4+Release-4.20 516 0
Disabling core dumps.

So that didn't something at least, I'm not sure what you mean by escaping and quoting, and I already am cd'ing till I'm in the location of the .sh if thats what you meant.

Not sure what else to do about the disabling core dumps if I've miss understood something you have suggested.


May 9, 2017
dude, little question, if i want use my custom female body, i need place the file in a specific folder? and is posible this apply only to females and males stay normal?
it would go in the Modules file as long as you add _M or _F to it but since the 4.0 they dont seem to be reconized i have about 6 custom in the Modules file myself i just go to edit appearence and change them myself, this ive been looking at for the last 2 weeks, and i dont see them generating into the game, but im not finished lookin at this, could be different on other ppls games. what im trying now is to just have custom bodies in presets I have taken all but age out and put in customs into the rest, ie male ,female, phenotypes,phenotypesdaz, and so on are all been removed, i do believe some one else stated that their custom body doent show up so untill i try out the game with just presets ill have to get bac to ya on that one
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Aug 8, 2017
I originally changed the main folder name and just changed it back to what it was when it was first unzipped.

I'm now only getting these 2 lines:
4.20.2-4302132+++UE4+Release-4.20 516 0
Disabling core dumps.

So that didn't something at least, I'm not sure what you mean by escaping and quoting, and I already am cd'ing till I'm in the location of the .sh if thats what you meant.

Not sure what else to do about the disabling core dumps if I've miss understood something you have suggested.
What sort of hardware are you trying to run this on? On the Playing on Linux thread you mentioned that you're running Whonix - even if the hardware is fine that distro might be imposing too much overhead.
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Jul 28, 2019
I originally changed the main folder name and just changed it back to what it was when it was first unzipped.

I'm now only getting these 2 lines:
4.20.2-4302132+++UE4+Release-4.20 516 0
Disabling core dumps.

So that didn't something at least, I'm not sure what you mean by escaping and quoting, and I already am cd'ing till I'm in the location of the .sh if thats what you meant.

Not sure what else to do about the disabling core dumps if I've miss understood something you have suggested.
Ah okay, that's all good. I get those two lines as well and then the game launches. Does it quit/return to a prompt (i.e. [user@host]) at that point or just stall?

To follow up on rcbcgreenpanzer what does taskmanager say (cpu, ram utilisation) when you launch the game?
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Jun 27, 2021
What sort of hardware are you trying to run this on? On the Playing on Linux thread you mentioned that you're running Whonix - even if the hardware is fine that distro might be imposing too much overhead.
whoinix is ran in a virtual machine so I'm not fully sure other than I've set it to have 2gb of ram

Ah okay, that's all good. I get those two lines as well and then the game launches. Does it quit/return to a prompt (i.e. [user@host]) at that point or just stall?

To follow up on rcbcgreenpanzer what does taskmanager say (cpu, ram utilisation) when you launch the game?
Nothing seems to happen other than those two lines appear below. I can't find a task manager to check if anything happens, I'm trying to find out now how to get a task manager for my version of linux lol
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