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- Add consequences for player actions and decisions: death (game over), prison, STD, etc (with cheat options for those who don't want to be bothered with these)
- Prison porn trope: sex between inmates, inmate-guard, conjugal visits, etc
- Go through the 500+ scenes currently in the game again and fix inconsistencies and oversights in trigger conditions (for example: meeting someone randomly while you're masturbating, hanging out with a non-incest relative triggers corruption scenes)
- More actions (non-sexual obviously) to take as a parent raising your kids
- ~ 10 new maps. Keep your requests coming!
- Optional (can be disabled in Esc > Settings) conditions for sex positions: for example, a low-perversion partner may turn down anal sex, or a low-fitness player cannot perform aggressive carry
- A few tweaks to the modeling career added in v1.13, according to the community's feedbacks
- A setting option that prevents the game from ever auto-unpausing unless you manually unpause
- A % chance setting (disabled by default) in the 'Customize NPC Distribution' menu that allows fantasy features (elven ears, orcish teeth, etc) in generated NPCs
- Bug fixes and other improvements
Estimated Release Date: 8 - 11 Nov