The more you play the game, the more you start to see scenes that are legit broken or not even finished.
Example 1:
A woman walks up to you and say yours hot. The trick is that she is already pregnant when you sleep with her.
It then leads to either accepting her or running. Running ends the scene, no muss, no fuss.
Dating them is what breaks things.
Problem 1: You accept dating them, they are NOT added to your contacts. But their house is slapped on your map. They may or may not be there. So you have two choices. (Or three)
Run NN Manager so you can find them under girlfriend/spouse then add them to contacts.
Or hope you run into them at their house.
(Or you can go into the file and add exchangeContact(Actor) like I did but that is besides the point)
Problem 2: You choose to accept the kid as yours, the baby becomes yours. Literally yours, which kinda makes sense but it doesn't because the kid is gonna look like you. So it wouldn't be a "secret" child. More like your baby batter changed the kid's DNA.
Problem 3: You say the child will never be yours legally.
Then she suddenly isn't pregnant anymore, because the game has no idea how to handle an empty value for Actor.impregnate(). You can't make it yourself, that wouldn't make sense.
So my guess is you would have to generate a random NPC off to the side, slot them in as Actor2 then use them for the random kid. Just spitballing on that one.
Now I type all this BS out because this whole scene was made without testing it first.
And this is only ONE scene, which by the way means that your city map would have houses all over it, 20 hidden girlfriends that override each other in the worst way
Don't get me started on the alley rap music scene that ends up with the actors sodomizing each other instead of you and your companion
Vin needs to take a month and go through some of these scenes man.