I've tried that, but never really gotten it to work. I'm willing, but really I kind of need some help. Do you have some settings that work, either a file or just tell me what to set it to? If that's too much trouble I understand. But thanks.
There is more solution exist but i don't know your taste.
Basically the game uses phenotypes from here:
As you see there more 'profile' files exist for the asians.
This means a lot and its means when generate an npc one of the profiles above aplied on that.
If you open one in a notepad you see that stats what will be applied and the interval how strongly. This called morphs.
For example from the southasian.lpcharacter file i pick a line:
MORPH Face_Triangle_min: 100% 0.08571428571428572=>0.16799999999999998
'MORPH' - is the command
'Face_Triangle_min' - it is the morph name, mostly self explanatory
'100%' - this means how percent chance to be this morph will apply (in 100% always) when the generation happen
'0.08571428571428572=>0.16799999999999998' - this is the 'from-to' value interval what randomized during the generation
This can be simpler like from 0 up to 0.5 is looks like '0 => 0.5'.
So what can you do?
Make your asian npc in game what you like.
Go 'contacts' -> 'add npc' -> 'edit appearance (cheat)' -> select the 'Randomize full character' icon but set it to be generate 'asian' in the popup.
This last step can you repeat while is character closest to your taste. After that use 'Morph tab' and there the 'switch to Detailed Mode'.
Cycle through what you want to edit (face, eyes, chin, etc..) and use sliders. Remember the morph names listed here (for later use this will be handy).
My advise: edit only the facial things only and don't bother the other body parts, because the head's appearance determine the feel: this is an asian npc. Try simplify things and keep in mind what you set here will be used male and female generation too. If you satisfied with what you did save the preset with the first icon.
Now you have a preset what you can apply manually on any character with load preset button (blend is mixing the original with your preset).
Back to the basic profiles:
Open an asian basic profile files (above) with notepad, and find and open your created preset.
Here you can see similarities and differences. From now it's your choice what you implement in the base profile files.
You can copypaste morph lines into it from your preset, but make sure it looks like the original files form: 'MORPH
morphname chance interval'. If interval looks like this 'MORPH Face_Triangle_min: 100% 0.5' that means this value applied always and without randomization. (intervals safely can be any numbers within min '-3' and max '3'). Avoid implement genderspecific morph mostly related with genitals (base profiles has unisex morphs mostly).
If you finish editing files spend time to testing it. If you done editing make a backup too, because the next update will be overwrite.
About playing with beauty standard:
There you need to give max value asian related faces (it comes from the face's name), and hopefully that applied in the most case, and maybe zero out that ones what you didn't like.
There is an other possibility:
If you use the official interracial mod, there you can genderspecifically modify the asian males and females (has 2 presets).
But it will be only good if combine with the first method above, because this presets isn't used in the base game, means only the interracial mod's scripts use them.
Thats it, but it's a lot. I'm sorry if it bothers anyone because of its length...