The lag depends on city/map size, or how much details in it. If you look at the download size for Tokyo, it's 92mb, compared to others which is 40mb it's huge. I myself use smaller map, one that's under 20mb.
I really hope that city customization, like ethnic distribution is available for editing, but in the mean time, you can use the following hack to get what you want:
1. Go to [game install dir]\LifePlay\Content\Modules\vin_Base\Presets\phenotypes\ folder.
There you will find a bunch of *.lpcharacter files.
2. Using notepad, open each file which doesn't have the word "asian" in it,
search for the line "INFO Race: 100% Caucasian".
Replace "Caucasian", or "African" to "Asian"
3. Now only Asian NPC will be generated
That approach will make ALL NPC asian. If you want only the females are Asian, but random males, do the above approach, but in the "[game install dir]\LifePlay\Content\Modules\vin_Base\Presets\female\" folder instead.
For better immersion, also edit "Names_F.txt" and "Names_M.txt" in "[game install dir]\LifePlay\Content\Modules\" so the character names reflect the map. For example, cos I'm playing the Nice map, I edited those 2 files and replace them with French names. For naming ideas, I use
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site. She compiles a fairly exhaustive list of names based by country.
Also, for those who complained about 'potato' characters, that can be edited out from these folders as well. I'm attaching my own edits to remove potato characters from generated below. However, it doesn't affect already generated characters.
NOTE about the attachments, there are 2 main folders: LifePlay and BasePreset. The Lifeplay is the one you use / apply to the game folder, BasePreset is the base of all the presets in the LifePlay folder, in case you want to shuffle them around.
How do I make these Presets:
I extracted the presets from ManuelBastioni Labs v1.6.1b, convert them to LifePlay format, and fiddle around a little bit. Because the mods will refer to the presets by name, I renamed the extracted preset to conform the standard ones. The attached "MBLab Raw" contains raw extracted and unedited presets from Manuel Bastioni Labs, in case anyone want to fiddle around with it.