
New Member
Dec 21, 2020
That tends to bring attention you don't want. In addition to being something even the typical self-described degenerates of a lewd-game site won't touch with a ten-foot barge-pole. Hell, we're all probably on lists just because some variants of the game come with the '3rd party' patches pre-installed and I keep having to go in and delete them -_- as I've got no use for them (other then making some of my own mods aware of their existence should they be enabled, so certain characters can react appropriately-generally with copious amounts of violence :p).
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New Member
Dec 21, 2020
As for my questions, sort of carry into eachother a little, tdlr at the bottom if your as lazy as me XD

1) Is it possible to increase the number of actors present in a open world scene? aka you go into a bar and it generates what 3-5 temporary actors? by default?

Having problems because after interacting with actors to make them permanent (exhange number > decline, for example the "owner" and waitress of a pub i frequent etc) I'm finding it difficult to get more people to load in especially if there are 3-4 permanents.

I understand that an actor wont always be at work (mostly noticable in offices if i "perm" a bunch of colleagues) to show up but im having difficulties populating areas with temps with them present.

Current easiest workaround is popping into the bathroom (if available lol) constantly like some geriatric to "reload" the room or having to change locations and back again. So kinda continuing on to next question:

2) My knowledge of scene writing is quite basic at the moment, currently getting my head around how things work and ive succesfully complied some multi-choice basic what if parameter based events.

But is it possible to write a scene or lpaction that grabs everyone in the room to make a scene, for example a social gathering with those present?

I realise temporary/permanent actors are entirely different but the only way I've tried to do this ingame is attempting to add everyone there as a contact then force executing a scene and proceeding to invite everyone, only to then block/delete the temp actors. Not exactly streamline or, usually possible if an actor decides "no im not giving you my number bugger off"

Admittedly ive not tried writing one that involves more than 2 total not including player. But I've not seen anymore than 6 looking into others peoples mods, Some of which I've seen drop actors to generate new in thier place.

Is there a game engine limitation for total actors displayed in-world/scene or? Is there a .ini or something i can edit?
engine wise, it's possible! However the number of actors generated randomly by the game isn't modifiable by a script that I know of. scenes can spawn any number of them, but there's no way to make sure a scene triggers every single time you go into a new area either, far as I know, just trying to set a fairly high chance (as the scene-frequency slider still rules)


Active Member
Sep 14, 2017
As for my questions, sort of carry into eachother a little, tdlr at the bottom if your as lazy as me XD

1) Is it possible to increase the number of actors present in a open world scene? aka you go into a bar and it generates what 3-5 temporary actors? by default?
Most scenes are written around 1-5 actors. It can be hard to juggle a lot of NPCs for a scene. But you can have maybe up to 20 NPCs. I have a scene that has over 10 actors but all they do is function as background while I engage with only one actor.
It all depends on how much work you want to put into it.

But is it possible to write a scene or lpaction that grabs everyone in the room to make a scene, for example a social gathering with those present?
A bit of code I use for one of my scenes.
Helper = getPersonHere()
While !Helper.isInterestedIn(Player)
     Helper = getPersonHere()
If !Helper.isValid() || !Helper.isInterestedIn(Player)
    Helper = generatePersonTemporary()
    While !Helper.isInterestedIn(Player) || Helper:age > 35
        Helper = generatePersonTemporary()


Sep 27, 2018
As for my questions, sort of carry into eachother a little, tdlr at the bottom if your as lazy as me XD...
Your colleagues at work don't actually need to be visible for you to do things with them in scenes. You can just use

to get a co-worker for a scene. Pretend they're all at work with you but they're somewhere else in the building.

Kind of don't pay any attention to who you can actually see in a particular location in the game when it's not coming from a scene. That's just kind of an irrelevant visual nicety for the most part. Scenes all grab actors based on various conditions, or just create a random new actor, and then spawn them in if they're not there already which they almost always aren't. There is a function for getting characters already present, GetPersonHere(optional bool permanent), but I don't think I've ever found a scene that actually uses it.


Jun 8, 2017
Having a horde of NPCs in scene is pretty useless right now, as long as their presence is purely cosmetic; I mean, they don't react at all with the player whatever the action.

Perhaps one of these years we'll see how present NPCs cheer or insult (or even ask to participate with) the player while having sex in public :love:... right now, sadly, is just a way to increase GPU workload.
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Jul 26, 2021
Hello here is some info for players who love pregnancy and aren't satisfied with the current stock morphs. Go to Pregnant_Morphs.txt in the Module files and change the values to these:


Maximum Fat Retention After Pregnancy:0

You will see a much fuller and rounder bellies as opposed to the smaller and flatter ones that form by default. For reference, here is a photo from a co-worker around 24 weeks, and normally she would be almost popping in her late 30s to look like this:



Jul 26, 2021
Annnnnd one more because I'm in a good mood. This one has a special story behind it. My then at the time gf decided I deserved a "reward" and so invited her friend over for a threesome. It was this cute Indian girl. Little did I know she had a bf and now he's cucked and she is 33 weeks swollen with my baby. I hope this inspires you to change the pregmorph settings :)



May 6, 2019
Does anyone have problem with your employees showing up naked at work (in your bussiness)? Or better yet, does anyone managed to solve this problem?


Sep 22, 2018
freaksnake Sounds like an error with your uniforms.txt that defines what actors wear at work, so look here (lifeplay>content>modules>uniforms.txt) Id say either check it (its rather simple to comprehend) or download a update only version of LP and replace the uniforms.txt entirely.

Should fix it, unless you have a mod somewhere that somehow overwrites it. otherwise who knows ;p
Yeah, i already try that, but nothing! Seems like it is a save corruption problem, cuz when i load an old file, or a start a new game, the problem disappear!
ps: sorry for my english, not my native lenguage.


New Member
Jun 11, 2018
Annnnnd one more because I'm in a good mood. This one has a special story behind it. My then at the time gf decided I deserved a "reward" and so invited her friend over for a threesome. It was this cute Indian girl. Little did I know she had a bf and now he's cucked and she is 33 weeks swollen with my baby. I hope this inspires you to change the pregmorph settings :)
It did. Thanks for the visual stimulation ;)
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May 6, 2019
Been fired for showing up naked or for an interview. Redownload or patch.
No, no, in my case, I was the business owner (or at least my character was), and every time I visited the said place, my employees were naked, for some reason. I have no problem with 'Nudity Matters' mod, or is it because this mod that my employees were naked?
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The Grifter

Active Member
May 28, 2017
No, no, in my case, I was the business owner (or at least my character was), and every time I visited the said place, my employees were naked, for some reason. I have no problem with 'Nudity Matters' mod, or is it because this mod that my employees were naked?
Same here, by now however I reached the ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ point about it. Not using the Nudity Matters mod, btw.
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New Member
Apr 14, 2020
Most scenes are written around 1-5 actors. It can be hard to juggle a lot of NPCs for a scene. But you can have maybe up to 20 NPCs. I have a scene that has over 10 actors but all they do is function as background while I engage with only one actor.
It all depends on how much work you want to put into it.

A bit of code I use for one of my scenes.
Helper = getPersonHere()
While !Helper.isInterestedIn(Player)
     Helper = getPersonHere()
If !Helper.isValid() || !Helper.isInterestedIn(Player)
    Helper = generatePersonTemporary()
    While !Helper.isInterestedIn(Player) || Helper:age > 35
        Helper = generatePersonTemporary()
Thanks for your input Ravenger6660, I have your entire mod collection and have used them both as inspiration and to learn from, so thank you. When i get some time to write some scenes i'll play around with this code.

I notice the .randomise etc, would that not change the actor? selected by getPersonHere() ive not seen that or understood it yet so plenty of gaps in my knowledge

However i feel i might of explained myself slightly wrong by using the word "scene". What i mean is you enter a place, it generates background temporary actors, some are visiting, some work there.

Is that also defined as a scene or; My query being 1) can you increase the number of background actors generated in a location (scene?). 2) And using said code you've shared here, can i use it to grab background characters whos appearance and clothes are already shown, or is this the only way to generate and display actors once an actual .lpscene loads? lack of experience working with lifeplay here lol

To help explain what im going for here, an example: my character enters a pub that ive never been in before (no contacts, no permanent actors), the game currently loads in 3-5 people, i wish to make it generate say 3-20. potientially based on time of day (somewhere being closed already does this via 0 people). These being inworld actors i can select and interact with normally, but I then decide say, to be a thieving dipshit and pickpocket someone, i fail a sneak test minigame for example and get caught. as part of that scene being caught it pulls in everyone present. using said present actors i run a series of what if elses on each character (or perhaps only a random number of them) allocated as witness1. witness2. witness3. etc; via either thier masochist stat (pity npcs dont have karma) or rapportwithplayer to determine thier general reaction, ignore/call cops/kick my ass (via martial i guess) leaving me to either flee, fight or negotiate. Probably end up in an alley knocked out or in jail because my guys are usually rubbish in thier martial stats

Realising that would be rather extensive to write for possibly upto 20 people but hey..

A simpler example would be, I enter a pub, 5 people there, i want to grab everyone present and start a scene, for example (vin_base/scenes/social/house_party.lpscene) but using existing background actors, and obviously not set at home, a pub background.

Or another, i go to work with 3 known contacts, one whos number i dont have, 2 actors not visibily present or tempactors and my boss, during a "work.lpaction" theres a chance for a scene to trigger that then takes everyone present, and say plays a scene where my boss demands everyone in thier office because someones decided to idk fuck with the coffee machine or something, or maybe just a meeting..
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New Member
Apr 14, 2020
Your colleagues at work don't actually need to be visible for you to do things with them in scenes. You can just use

to get a co-worker for a scene. Pretend they're all at work with you but they're somewhere else in the building.

Kind of don't pay any attention to who you can actually see in a particular location in the game when it's not coming from a scene. That's just kind of an irrelevant visual nicety for the most part. Scenes all grab actors based on various conditions, or just create a random new actor, and then spawn them in if they're not there already which they almost always aren't. There is a function for getting characters already present, GetPersonHere(optional bool permanent), but I don't think I've ever found a scene that actually uses it.
Didnt know this, I had just assumed based on AI that the actors where somewhere else at that time doing thier schedules, not "lurking" offscreen on location shall we say. Need to read up on GetPersonHere


New Member
Apr 14, 2020
Final thing here, is it possible to install yourself as say the boss of an office? without having to use an existing questline to replace them? trying to "write" a character whos an older, divorced boss whos business is screwing up and hes entering a late mid-life crisis whilst trying to manage his complete ass of a son. Hes probably going to end up like Walter White from Breaking Bad at this point lol. going to self impose losing lots of money each month and only has 2 years to "fix" himself


Active Member
Sep 14, 2017
I notice the [.randomize] etc, would that not change the actor? selected by getPersonHere() ive not seen that or understood it yet so plenty of gaps in my knowledge
It would

But the randomize only occurs if person is not valid or not Interested In Player

1) can you increase the number of background actors generated in a location
Answer: No or I have not found out how to change that.
Nor edit a Strip club to spawn only guy on Tuesday for "Girls night". Editing gender spawn at location
Nor edit hotel for a random "nudist convention". Editing dress or uniform at location

2) And using said code you've shared here....
Answer: It will grab any Npc "you see" in the room currently clothes and all.

Looking at what you are trying to accomplish.
Guest1 = getPersonHere()
If !Guest1.isValid()
    Guest1 = generatePersonTemporary()

Guest2 = getPersonHere()
If !Guest2.isValid()
    Guest2 = generatePersonTemporary()

//Repeat based on number you want
Look at my Standard_House_Party.lpscene for a guide. Look at "SitWith"
But know that however many actors you want to interact, they will have to be "Permanent".

Or look at Collage_party specifically "Guest5"
Which regenerates a new Temporary person every time.
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New Member
Apr 14, 2020
1) unfortunate, i had a feeling this was the case

Interesting, 2) especially

Since you said

~Answer: It will grab any Npc "you see" in the room currently clothes and all.

If a location only usually displays upto 5 people, can i for example use your code here upto a potiential Guest5.
and then to "simulate" there being more, using something like the following code quickly (poorly and loosely) edited from (vin_base/scenes/uni_lecturer/job_interview_lecturer.lpscene

Total = Random(0, 15)
count = 0
While count < Total
Actor = generatePerson()
Actor:age => Random(18, 80)
Player(Happy):: "Nice to meet you"
count += 1

To then generate additonal guests? of course this becomes complicated then assigning a random number of them to the current scene im assuming, and not Actor.saveandDelete in this instance, which in this case could be Guest6. to possibly Guest.20

Perhaps trying to randomly create people is aiming to high right now lol, and just stick to generating an additonal 5, pity it has to be in a .lpscene and not inworld
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