Aug 13, 2020
Awesome update ! It was well worth every single day of the waiting time ; I laughed , I loved all the sex scenes and was also scared shitless at some times ; I did not expected that, but the scenes at Denise's school truly made me scared , as I was completely alone, all by myself at my apartment :eek: ... :) I want to thank NR for such an awesome game and update ;) (y)


New Member
Jul 16, 2018
Can any one please help me with a save from the end of chapter 5 as my computer had a virus and i had to reinstall windows

thank you


New Member
Feb 16, 2019
This continues to be my favorite game I've played on here by FAR!!! It is one of only two games that I'll voluntarily start a new play-through from the beginning just to enjoy the story again. It sucks me in every time and makes me feel an attachment for the characters. The story and charaters evoke a gamot of emotions across the entire spectrum. I'm curious to see how Macy reacts if/when she finds out just how much Denise has been doing with our MC. As always, VERY WELL DONE Naughtyroad! BRAVO!!! I look forward to the next update no matter how long it takes.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2018
naughtyroad With every update, I fall for Macy that much more. To see her fully embrace her feelings and just go for it was extremely gratifying, as well as frickin hot.

You've done an amazing job of writing a father's fears and regrets for the MC, especially with regards to his perceived failure to protect his children from their hurts. That sense of duty to protect is so key to his whole personality. That dream sequence where he's chided for focussing on getting intimate with Denise instead of protecting her was so on point for him.

I also loved how you did Denise's Anxiety Scene. As my radio keeps informing me, a lot of us are dealing with anxiety and depression, and this scene visualized that feeling that I've personally had very well. Almost too well. I actually stopped and had to take a breather. I hope that the feel of that scene isn't coming from personal experience, but if it is I hope you're doing better.

With the work crew wrapped up, and the progress we've made on the homefront, it feels like we are close to the end of our story (especially with how this update ended). All I can tell you is that I am eagerly but patiently awaiting the next update.

Sweet angel Denise, you lewd mastermind, your plan is almost complete.


Mar 4, 2019
Cheers for the confirmation. I've posted a ticket to have the links removed from the post, and added a message to the op.

Did I ever tell you guys how much I hate the walkthrough mod? Goddamn that lazily made piece of crap is a thorn in my side.
Then why don't you make a proper one yourself? I remember playing the first two episodes blind as a bat and with no idea where the game was going! tbh there is a need for one, at least for those of us lacking any emotional intelligence, and perhaps the best way forward is for you to step up and lead this!
  • Haha
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 8, 2019
Then why don't you make a proper one yourself? I remember playing the first two episodes blind as a bat and with no idea where the game was going! tbh there is a need for one, at least for those of us lacking any emotional intelligence, and perhaps the best way forward is for you to step up and lead this!
The thing is, you don't need it, if you stop treating the game like a puzzle box and just realize that nothing will be missed if you don't get each and every last hidden love point attribution, and you don't lose anything for "getting it wrong" and annoying someone once in a while. In fact, there's some great funny dialog in getting it wrong, and you're robbing yourself of it.

But for some reason, all you lot are so conditioned that you need to walk a tightrope or you'll miss out, that you're somehow incapable of having a good time and let the story lead you where it'll go.

In the mean time, it is *my* responsibility to make sure that your choices reward you rather than punish you. It's also my pride and joy to make sure you see each and every thing I put in there except when you really, really don't want to, because fuck, I put way too much effort in to go hiding it away.

But now, you also want to make it my responsibility to make your choices for you, because that conditioning I mentioned is stressing you out so much. Shit, I might as well go make a kinetic novel.

Breathe out, and take one step at a time, dude. I'm not out to trip you up, I'm out to let you have a good time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
Is there a patch to update the game or do i have to download whole game again? I couldn't saw anything at OP.


Nov 23, 2019
Then why don't you make a proper one yourself? I remember playing the first two episodes blind as a bat and with no idea where the game was going! tbh there is a need for one, at least for those of us lacking any emotional intelligence, and perhaps the best way forward is for you to step up and lead this!
Sorry, this isn't directed strictly at you - but at the whole idea of walkthroughs.

Just play the game.

Remember Bob Ross - "We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents.” Have accidents and see where they lead. Don't be afraid to give what you think might be the wrong response, you may find it gives you a more appeasing outcome. We learn most and best when we are "wrong" and experience the consequences. Also, making different decisions and seeing the different outcomes in games (even adult games) builds stronger creative and critical thinking skills that, yes - believe it or not, you can use for better decision-making in your own life. So you aren't just working your "love muscle" but your "thought muscle," as well. If you think you may lack in some emotional/mental intelligence and that is why you desire a walkthrough - games like this one can actually make you a better player in games and a better decision maker in life. ,

Save often (or use the auto saves) and go back a few steps if the results don't fit your own narrative. This isn't life where you can't change the decisions you've made. In games, you can sit back, step back, and slide onto another thread in the multiverse. Isn't that part of the fun of games - Replayability?

PS: Do you REALLY want to add even more work to that which naughtyroad already accomplishes in each update? Do you want two years between updates, because that's how you get two years between updates. ;)


Nov 23, 2019
Is there a patch to update the game or do i have to download whole game again? I couldn't saw anything at OP.
Download whole. If you search "compressed" in this thread, you will find a compressed version if you wish not to download a file of that original size.
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Co-Writer: Retrieving The Past
Game Developer
Jul 10, 2018
The thing is, you don't need it, if you stop treating the game like a puzzle box and just realize that nothing will be missed if you don't get each and every last hidden love point attribution, and you don't lose anything for "getting it wrong" and annoying someone once in a while. In fact, there's some great funny dialog in getting it wrong, and you're robbing yourself of it.

But for some reason, all you lot are so conditioned that you need to walk a tightrope or you'll miss out, that you're somehow incapable of having a good time and let the story lead you where it'll go.

In the mean time, it is *my* responsibility to make sure that your choices reward you rather than punish you. It's also my pride and joy to make sure you see each and every thing I put in there except when you really, really don't want to, because fuck, I put way too much effort in to go hiding it away.

But now, you also want to make it my responsibility to make your choices for you, because that conditioning I mentioned is stressing you out so much. Shit, I might as well go make a kinetic novel.

Breathe out, and take one step at a time, dude. I'm not out to trip you up, I'm out to let you have a good time.
It's often a personality type thing, Naughty. For quite a proportion of people (there are only 16 Myers Briggs Types) every choice is a challenge - one of the choices is optimal and the others are not. And for some types that is an enjoyable challenge, while for others it makes them fearful that they may have chosen the sub-optimal option. It isn't just other games that have conditioned them to feel this way, but their cultural and social upbringing, environment, etc. Many people find choices stressful, and walkthroughs offer a simple reassurance, diminishing that stress (rational, justified or not) makes for a more relaxed, enjoyable experience.

Many of the choices can mean missing a joke, some can mean missing a scene, and in a few cases possibly an entire path, and there's not necessarily any way to know beforehand which of those types of choice has just been presented. You'd be amazed what anxiety that can cause in some people. And that's an actual percentage of people, not a fraction of 1%.

Now, that doesn't mean you have to have a walkthrough, or even colour-code your choices for severity or importance, or make any allowance at all. It's your project, and you get to choose who it appeals to, and who it will frustrate. I'm just pointing out it's a legitimate thing, and a real thing, and might be something to consider anew with an understanding of the perspective.
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