
Active Member
Jan 11, 2022
While unfamiliar with Renpy, I can assume there's significant issues with that as well because certain values will still yield different outcomes. E.g. you're at the end of the game and have "lovepoints = 50;" you then jump back to scene 20 and there is a discrepancy of potentially 50 points. So he'd need to save every choice and then systematically emulate the steps back to scene 20 or alternatively store the variables at certain checkpoints for later usage. The first solution is ass while the second is striaght up twice the ass because what do when you create new save games? Yea, suddenly you need 5000 tables for 10 gallery scenes.

Changing any of the prior story's order would require updating the stored routes/selections so that means writing an updating script that would also break every couple updates (because that's just how it is).
Not to mention any kind of debug editing of variables would yield a bunch of errors meaning more people crying about things not working (sure, no need to address them, but they'd still be there).

If I was developing a renpy game I'd just say "haha lol, no, suck it" to any kind of save->gallery permanence. I'd wager less than 10% of people even use the gallery and even then only a fraction use the feature more than 5 times. It would be a massive waste of time unless it would be for the fun of making it and then abandoning the feature in the next release.

Edit: After thinking a bit more, a good and easy to implement solution would be to just create a separate save game at certain checkpoints when the gallery event occurs. When loading a gallery scene (save), you'd also set a "gallery = true" variable which would tell the game to exit once reaching another checkpoint.
Then whenever you hit the checkpoint again in a different playthrough, it'll overwrite the gallery scene (save).
The gallery scene selection view would just be a gallery scene (save) loading view.
Super simple solution if it's possible to create multiple save views. Obviously more work than it's worth, but would actually work, be very compatible and wouldn't be excessively difficult to implement.
Lovepoints can't go beyond 10, I believe. But, I guess your criticism sort of holds if you had lovepoints at 5 when you came upon that scene, and then by the end of the game you have lovepoints at 10 instead, you'd get a different scene... based on how you're saying it'll work, anyways. I honestly don't technically understand what the plan is.


Apr 3, 2021
Summer? Summer! Where you at? Arizona deserts? It's 2½ months until midsummer! By that time your nuts'll need a vacation 'cause LoML's been out 10 wanks from then!
This was a reply to a comment i made in April 6th that the update will probably be ready for summer vacations... so guess i was right...


Sep 8, 2017
Tbh, there's a lot that theoretically possible, but the work is... significant, and it's somewhat fragile, and the defaults will not be very satisfactory either because what you really want is your playthrough, not some default (otherwise, why bother having that level of choices and reactivity at all).
So, for something that's not a core feature, I decided to go with something that yields a, well let's be generous and call it a workable result, with a reasonable workload to implement.

Mind, come next release all that should be moot, as I'm planning to switch it around and see if I can't get something working by getting creative with automatically made custom named saves, so it'll be loading up your actual playthrough instead, choices, dialog, and all.
Random questions but what do the black square picture icons represent on the progress report? Like scene 8, 11 etc.
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Active Member
Feb 23, 2020
About replays, I don't personaly use the function. A game I played that had a unique way of implementation (or in adition to replays) is seven realms. in this game there is the plsibility for the player to mark a sceen as favorite while playing and the the sceen gets ''recorded'' in a special extra section. I don't know the specifics, might be worth a bit of time to investigate how he does it. If only to save a bit of time down the line. I havent visited that thread thow so I don't know how active is that dev.


often the biggest step forward is to "step back"
Jun 30, 2018
Can someone explain to me what all those graphic icons, arrows, boxes, banners mean on that supposed Progress bar?

what the hell is all this?????
every column represents a scene. The more images on a scene, the more complex. Girls on images do NOT represent the girls featuring that scene. So once all grey parts are done, the game will be ready for testing (symbols at the left lower). Once all is colored, tha game will be released.
It's pretty easy to understand.
Aside that, it's all explained on the top left corner of that picture - you just need to read.


New Member
Aug 10, 2020
ah yes, i remember last year september when i discovered this game and liked it
and then after waiting in december someone said itsprobably finished end of January or start feburary, and one guy replied and told them no, if you are lucky its done end of may and every laughed
good times


Jun 23, 2019
I am here for my weekly dose of bears, trebuchets, and people trying to understand non-standardized update chart. Alls well with the world now.
The graphic progress update chart remains now as they did in the past. It is, to a large extent, a representation of how many scenes there are, how complex a scene is for the author (more heads), but maybe not how long it will be for the player to experience, how many renders it has (sometimes), or which character is in the scene. Likewise, once all the scene bars are filled, there is a whole separate graph series on the bottom that will have to be filled out before release date. Although in the past, once that starts to happen we can usually expect the release within a month, but not exclusively. This second progress bar covers the Q&A process before release. To sum it up with a tortured analogy, it remains, in many ways, like points in the "game show" Who's Line is it Anyway? It is nice to have, but she's a coming when she's a coming and the progress chart does not get it here a day sooner.

Can someone explain to me what all those graphic icons, arrows, boxes, banners mean on that supposed Progress bar?

what the hell is all this?????


often the biggest step forward is to "step back"
Jun 30, 2018
I am here for my weekly dose of bears, trebuchets, and people trying to understand non-standardized update chart. Alls well with the world now.
The graphic progress update chart remains now as they did in the past. It is, to a large extent, a representation of how many scenes there are, how complex a scene is for the author (more heads), but maybe not how long it will be for the player to experience, how many renders it has (sometimes), or which character is in the scene. Likewise, once all the scene bars are filled, there is a whole separate graph series on the bottom that will have to be filled out before release date. Although in the past, once that starts to happen we can usually expect the release within a month, but not exclusively. This second progress bar covers the Q&A process before release. To sum it up with a tortured analogy, it remains, in many ways, like points in the "game show" Who's Line is it Anyway? It is nice to have, but she's a coming when she's a coming and the progress chart does not get it here a day sooner.
nearly correct:
Except the fact that the portraits DON'T show what characters are featured in that scene - the portraits are random.
(see description on the chart on top left corner.)

Basically the chart is made to be self-explaining - if only people would start to read XD)
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