
Active Member
Feb 8, 2021
While I do find this game to be above average in it's writing style, some of the "regulars" are this board should consider taking some time off the internet. The religious like fervor to a porn game is pretty fucking creepy.
You literally don't know what simple fun is.


Active Member
Dec 11, 2020
While I do find this game to be above average in it's writing style, some of the "regulars" are this board should consider taking some time off the internet. The religious like fervor to a porn game is pretty fucking creepy.
It's only just starting the tech overlords are preparing us for when the ai's and aliens come together and take over if they haven't already. Either way just enjoy the show.
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Sep 22, 2018
Tbh, I'm amazed myself. I put it up as a top tier reward because, frankly, I don't do crap wrt creating supporter benefits, as I prefer to spend my precious time on the game itself as much as possible, and it was one of the few things I could think of which required virtually no effort from my side.
In addition, I was hoping that tying it to the top tier would keep the public contact area as low as possible and keep damage to a minimum, in case I effed up catastrophically.

I never figured people'd actually sign up or tier up for it, especially since the public release is just a week or so behind the beta, and they're getting a rougher, unpolished, buggy version of that for their trouble.

I'm really, really grateful for all the beta testers that test it thoroughly, combing through the steaming pile that will be the beta release and help me correct my many, many slip-ups and gaffs. But I can't stress this enough: the beta's not the best possible experience to have on your first playthrough, and I'd urge anyone who wants that to wait for the official release.

Of course, if you still wanna toss a few coins my way anyway, I'm not gonna complain about that. :D
I like that you at least take the effort to do a test first. There are a lot of devs on here that don't do that and release unfinished buggy stuff to the general public (sometimes unplayable) It shows integrity and pride in your end product which I find admirable.


Shameless Dev
Game Developer
Mar 18, 2018
As a writer who play to get some ideas too, i can say: Our writing here dont show it, cause english is not our first language. We try our best to comunicate with you guys, cause ppl who speak english are the perv ones creating perv things to us. Thx. Keep the good work, pervs to pervs. :D(y)

Bobber Tail

Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
naughtyroad I have to ask if anal is on route?
We know Denise's obsession with detail and this would be a week of custom designed diets and observation of texture, aroma and taste for each potential passage, as well as clean versus dirty factors. This would be the biggest update ever in choices and just how messy things get.
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Jan 21, 2018
naughtyroad I have to ask if anal is on route?
We know Denise's obsession with detail and this would be a week of custom designed diets and observation of texture, aroma and taste for each potential passage, as well as clean versus dirty factors. This would be the biggest update ever in choices and just how messy things get.
Ofcourse anal is on the way! You saw the bear))
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