I know Itch.io can be weird themselves when it comes to adult games these days but I see you still have it for sale there. So Im assuming its till OK to get it there?
Yeah. That bout of cancelations on Itch a while back was a bit mysterious.
I've seen a whole lot of explanations there, and the most plausible to me at least had to do with it hitting devs that were resetting purchases with each update pushed. It sounded plausible to me, because it's an easy mistake to make if you publish updates using the web UI instead of their Butler tool. which updates an existing channel, instead of creating a new one each time. And if you do make that mistake, it means people lose access to their previous purchase (which the dev never realized I wager).
That probably caused lots of those customers to hit up itch support about it to complain, which would be costing them an arm and a leg in labor cost, since many dev's don't opt in to giving Itch its cut of the sales. That's entirely optional at Itch, another reason why I feel people should really be looking a lot harder at Itch as one of the good guys, no strong-arm tactics there like Steam's "give me a third or GTFO, you know what, GTFO anyway".
So from that perspective, it makes a lot more sense than the rather random distribution of content that was hit. But I don't think a definitive answer was ever given about it, and lots of different theories floating around.