@P&P , guys congrats on the update.With a little speed reading and enjoying some of the scenes and most of all,the dialogue,it took me about 1 hour and 20 min. So it's not that short of an update,but I think people mean that because of the time spent making it. Nevermind that.
1.Are you going to implement a CG Room? It doesn't have to super fancy,just so we know who is who when we choose and put them in chronological order.
3.The phone is a little buggy.It stops while choosing options and when you choose the quests and try to exit after,the game stops for a few seconds,without being able to do anything and then it goes back to previous screen.
4.Just curios which characters you 2 have in mind to continue the story with in the next update? Also,I actually forgot she was married in this update,cuz I barely heard any mention of him and also he wasn't in the house.It felt like she was the b0$$!
Great job! Love the dialogue and this game!