Wow. That's disappointing and unexpected.

Changes the whole structure of the game.
I knew about the pregnancy thing. But like you, thought we could still choose who was in harem. I'll stick around to see what happens with proper version then and won't bother playing this one. Fingers crossed it's just a bug.
Unfortunately not a bug... Basically I had a choice to make.
1. I stick to the original plan you can choose exactly who is or isn't a LI for the MC. This would mean like this most recent update I have to render 16 or more of the same image due to the different characters that could be in the scene. Meaning then updates will take me a long long time as seen in this most recent update.
2. I change it to make it that certain characters still "on-the-scene"... Rita, and Lateshya in this instance are automatically added to the MC's LI. Meaning for the future I would only have to render single images and therefore can get updates done quicker.
Obviously there are some characters I cannot do this with... if you bypassed Naomi on Day 1, we don't see her again, or if you sent Mia away after helping her at the club etc.. but for some I can have it that they are automatically added. Yes some may not like it, but otherwise I end up getting comments like "It's been 85 years since an update."
I've mentioned this before, I do this in my spare time as I have a full time job, now running as business and can't give all my time to making games, I would love to, but can't. So anything that would make my life easier and quicker to get updates out I will do.
Also just a mention in case anyone is interested. Since I have now finished Day 6, I am going to be working on getting an update out for my other game I created, OctoPussy Island. This is now being worked on for a few months and then I will be starting back up with the next Limitless update.