
Forum Fanatic
Oct 19, 2022
so you are now saying the MC will have to see all instead of choices - why bother - I'm out you have violated the readers who again don't want all the women in the story. So typ. Dev screws the readers again story by adding / actually omitting the choices made by the readers. whats next NTR swinging
If you were worried about update times - you shouldn't many are really dragged out
Bye Felicia!


Feb 27, 2023
Violated the readers? haha.

Basically what ever way I choose to go people moan, either I make all these different routes so people can choose exactly who they wish and it takes me even longer to do updates and people here (Who are getting to play these games for free) moan about the extended wait time between updates.... or I do it so you don't have as much freedom (making the scene with Lateshya happen whatever your previous choice) and then people moan cos they don't get the option.

And its one scene, with 1 LI, of which I have already mentioned I may look at going back over and doing an alternate route, I just wanted to get this update out. But hey if you don't like it and feel like this the end for you with my game, then please by all means don't feel like you have to succumb yourself to playing my game. I won't loose sleep over it, and will continue to spent my time making my games for the people who actually enjoy it and support me very kindly in doing this.
first of all I apologize for my bad English is not my native language, you are saying that the problem to force us to be with Lateshya is because you do not want to take a long time making paths, but is not it more logical to cut the update at that point for people who did not choose it? I am one of those who didn't choose Lateshya and the girl from the date I have played other games and I have been forced to skip updates because there was no content for the LI'S I had chosen and it never bothered me because it was my CHOICES that led me to that, it was not the DEV who told me look your previous choices matter very little this is my game and I do what I want, no. so what I'm getting at is that if my choices hurt how much play time I will have in an update that's my problem, but what I ask is that you don't force me to be with a character because you don't have time, if this update had ended for me after the dinner before the kiss with the date girl I wouldn't have minded but it didn't, and that almost made my eye explode.

I hope everything was understood and again sorry for my bad English.
Sep 3, 2020
Violated the readers? haha.

Basically what ever way I choose to go people moan, either I make all these different routes so people can choose exactly who they wish and it takes me even longer to do updates and people here (Who are getting to play these games for free) moan about the extended wait time between updates.... or I do it so you don't have as much freedom (making the scene with Lateshya happen whatever your previous choice) and then people moan cos they don't get the option.

And its one scene, with 1 LI, of which I have already mentioned I may look at going back over and doing an alternate route, I just wanted to get this update out. But hey if you don't like it and feel like this the end for you with my game, then please by all means don't feel like you have to succumb yourself to playing my game. I won't loose sleep over it, and will continue to spent my time making my games for the people who actually enjoy it and support me very kindly in doing this.
wait I'm confused I've been saving

up my updates I haven't played in a while

is there forced sex now
have the monogamy routes been removed

if that is the case brother I don't blame people for being upset

try to understand brother for us monogamy players a forced sex scene is like NTR

for us, we don't mind waiting for an update

or for our girl to get content

as long as we don't have to cheat or do anything we don't want to do

other players may not think it's a big deal but for us monogamist players

it is heartbreaking:cry:
Sep 3, 2020
first of all I apologize for my bad English is not my native language, you are saying that the problem to force us to be with Lateshya is because you do not want to take a long time making paths, but is not it more logical to cut the update at that point for people who did not choose it? I am one of those who didn't choose Lateshya and the girl from the date I have played other games and I have been forced to skip updates because there was no content for the LI'S I had chosen and it never bothered me because it was my CHOICES that led me to that, it was not the DEV who told me look your previous choices matter very little this is my game and I do what I want, no. so what I'm getting at is that if my choices hurt how much play time I will have in an update that's my problem, but what I ask is that you don't force me to be with a character because you don't have time, if this update had ended for me after the dinner before the kiss with the date girl I wouldn't have minded but it didn't, and that almost made my eye explode.

I hope everything was understood and again sorry for my bad English.
don't worry brother I have a reading disability but I understand you

but exactly brother take me for example

I was told that my girl would not have

content in the game for a long time

I didn't care I was just happy and grateful to have monogamy

as an option, I did not mind waiting at all


Forum Fanatic
Oct 19, 2022
don't worry brother I have a reading disability but I understand you

but exactly brother take me for example

I was told that my girl would not have

content in the game for a long time

I didn't care I was just happy and grateful to have monogamy

as an option, I did not mind waiting at all
Unrelated to any choice or monogamy etc drama...
Are you Hulk Hogan?

You use brother more than any other person I've seen besides him.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2022
Can't seem to unlock Mia's replay.
Looks like it should be from the morning after her & MC's hotel stay - which I have seen, but it remains "Locked" and grayed out.
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Oct 30, 2022
When this version says "Day 6 Part 4 completed" does that mean just that version is completed or that the game is complete?
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New Member
Apr 25, 2024
Espera, estoy confundido. He estado ahorrando.

Sube mis actualizaciones. No he jugado en un tiempo.

¿Hay sexo forzado ahora?
¿Se han eliminado las vías de la monogamia?

Si ese es el caso hermano no culpo a la gente por estar molesta

Intenta entender hermano, para nosotros los jugadores de la monogamia una escena de sexo forzado es como NTR

Para nosotros, no nos importa esperar una actualización.

o para que nuestra niña se contente

siempre y cuando no tengamos que hacer trampas o hacer algo que no queramos hacer

Puede que a otros jugadores no les parezca gran cosa, pero para nosotros, los jugadores monógamos,

Es desgarrador:llorar:
Lo que dices tiene cero sentido que haces buscando juegos monógamos en juegos nopor, pedir monogamia en este tipo de juegos es un chiste, si quiere juegos monógamos busque juegos japoneses y coreanos hay tienen miles de esos juegos aburridos.


Oct 6, 2020
And its one scene, with 1 LI, of which I have already mentioned I may look at going back over and doing an alternate route, I just wanted to get this update out. But hey if you don't like it and feel like this the end for you with my game, then please by all means don't feel like you have to succumb yourself to playing my game. I won't loose sleep over it, and will continue to spent my time making my games for the people who actually enjoy it and support me very kindly in doing this.
But it's not just one scene now is it?
Okay maybe it's a one scene, but soon it will be two, then three etc.

I kicked that clothing chick to the curb the first chance I got. I clearly remember her making comments and showing as much if not more interest in the girls than the MC during the first encounter or two and having the choice to shoot her advances down. I see in this update she's now going to be forced. Another LI rejected, that was done away with.

At this point may as well just put a kinetic tag on it and be done.

If that's what you want to do cool go for it, but to make that change mid game is not great. Feels dishonest to me, but I'm sure you didn't intend it that way but it's still how it comes off to me. That mean next sharing scene or les stuff is going to be forced because options is too much work?


Engaged Member
Jan 27, 2019
Hopefully. I'd rather the dev spend time making the game they have in mind, over spending time givin' tons of options for people who only show up to complain.
Especially since each option will require their own renders and writing. While it sounds like easy thing to do, it can seriously balloon the game size and dev time. Which is why devs should always just focus on what they wanted to do, instead of catering to everyone of them.
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