I accidentally stumbled upon this game yesterday while searching for something else and I have to say, wow! Nice game! Love the story, love how the MC cares and helps people. Very nice.
I also liked some of your animation idea (like showing a car turning a corner etc), very unique.
I heard this was based on a real movie which I now HAVE to see. I found the trailer for the movie, looks great as well.
For anyone curious like me, this is the movie trailer:
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I found the odd missing texture problem, mainly in the coding, I actually extracted the code and fixed it, it was just missing a character on a background image. It was line 3264 of the file day_02.rpy, it has "scene bg 295 with dissolve" when it should be ""scene bg 295c with dissolve" as far as I can tell. Just "295" doesn't exist. I just corrected the missing letter and it recompiled when i ran it again. But I thought i would let you know anyhow.
I also had a couple ideas for certain scenes. When you pan up and down to show the body of someone standing there. You seem to use multiple images for that which makes it choppy, is more work (more renders) and takes up more file space. Instead you can have a vertically tall image, taller than the screen height, 1920x3000 or whatever (around 3 times the height of whatever size you use). You then use some simple RenPY code to smoothly pan up and down that image, getting a much better effect, with only one image...
This is some example code from my own notes, I hope you don't mind me suggesting this...
### Showing a tall vertical image that pans up and down the length of it.
#First set up a pan_view early in code, with your other defines...
#This will pan from the top (yalign 0.0) of the image to the bottom (yalign 1.0) and back up, repeating twice.
transform pan_view:
yalign 0.0
ease 6.0 yalign 1.0
ease 6.0 yalign 0.0
repeat 2
# Then when you want to pan an image, do this...
show image_name at pan_view
Another idea is while driving, you can have a similar smoothly scrolling background image, except it is horizontally longer than the screen and it scrolls past in the background smoothly, basically looping along the same image. Only requires two images, one for the forground with transparent windows etc where you see the background and the background image that scrolls by smoothly...
### Showing a horizontally scrolling background, like the passing scenery by a car.
#First we display the scrolling background image which should be twice as wide as the screen
#So a 1920x1080 display should have a 3840x1080 image. The right and left half of the image should match
#so that when the image reaches the right side and jumps back to the start, you don't notice the jump.
#for a 1920 wide image, the right 1920x1080 should be the same as the left so when it loops, you don't see any difference
image ParallaxBG:
xalign 1.0
linear 1.0 xalign 0.0
#show the above scrolling image first
scene ParallaxBG
#overlay a foreground image like a person in a car with a transparent area like a window to see the background through
show fground with blinds #"fground" in this is the name of the foreground image
Again, great game, still playing through it and loving the story. Gotta see that movie now as well!