Days together: 45
Compounding level: 23
Affection: 121
Cooking Level: 8
Potions unlocked: Awakening from some event that randomly happened at the start of a day (and i've never had the chance to use it)
Sex scenes unlocked: 0
I've wasted more than 2 and a half hours achieving nothing, i've tried resting for multiple days, i've tried spamming the talk option, i've tried going on walks during different days and doing different things (only the 1st walk had something special), i've tried seemingly everything and there's no progress apart from the red haired lady suddenly appearing one day
If someone has found the conditions for events to actually happen please tell me cause i'm going insane
Edit: Finally got the confession after the tavern appeared at 58 days, for some reason i can't cook anything other than the 3 starting meals so leveling up cooking took longer than expected, thank you for the replies