additional infofor phone user
If your phone is not SD/Adreno don't use winlator... winlator is heavily modded for SD/adreno
also if your phone is SDgen1 and so on, try Termux/box86/64 Exagear/winlator do support it
For any Mali/Exynos phone user go for a clean ver. & Exagear 3.x for stability + input bridge(its almoat impossible to look for clean ver so a bit modded is fine too)
Now you have exagear.. what's next?
vc (visual C)x86 if yoir goin to play some VN this is a must get and wats more your in luck "VIsual c runtime all in one" is available... made for wine
directX you get can this installer, google search is your friend or if got basic mod exagear, wined3d should be available alternative DirectX(into the trash you go DX installer)
Last... SD/adreno are the only chip that can use turnip+Zinc(performance but unstable) or DXVX(directX + 3Dvulkan render avoid this if your only using exagear) ofc this also available to dimensity chip but you need to be sure of its vulkan support... yea SD is made trully for emulation :3
For mali/exynos make sure your phone is atleast comparable to SD650 for playing wolfRpg and if you want to play games like wings of roldea atleast comparable to SD855
Edit: forgot for mali/exynos use LLVMpipe,virGL & mesa20.x
Honesly i don't like virGL so i prefer LLVMPIPE OR MESA and the better your phone the nore VN you can play and don't forgwt to set locale to JP/EN