Please, that have nothing to do with my browser or injecting malware. I used IDM download that file from uploadhaven node. That warning star after the download bengin begin and before the process complete. Windows defender warning the IDM temp file if you know how it work. It is the file itself trigger the warning.
OK, let's keep this simple, Part of my company is internet security.
You use a downloader fine, not my choice but fine.
Windows defender is completely useless (in fact in my opinion it is in itself malware. Windows defender should never be turned on unless you can't afford a decent firewall, and there are some decent free ones.
Malware is normally injected by browsers which you (and I have to take you at your word for it), don't use. So if you get a malware / virus message then if it was me I would have tried a different source other than upload haven
The crux of the matter is I downloaded it using mega and OC tested the file before even unzipping it (7zip) it had absolutely no malware or viruses. You seem unaware that EXE files are either containers of virus/ malware or get infected from the downloading source.
I have given you alternatives that I expected you had used, but if you just downloaded it from one source, I seem to be wasting my time.