Hmmm it seems like there's a bit of confusion here.
We're not giving less space to the nsfw content, we're preparing the ground to move on to the spicy content.
It goes like this: to make the porn scenes we need to have the models, so we're making the models first.
The models happen to also need the basic animations so that they can be found around the world, so you can fuck them, so that needs to be done, you know. So we're doing them. There were protests in the threads because we privileged the sex over the basic movement for the first tech demo, and now that we're fixing that you still protest? lol. There really is no way to make everybody happy. Anyway they're being done, they had to be done, and they'll be over soon.
To recap we're following this pipeline: drawings -> rig -> meshes -> basic animations -> kinky sex.
Let's not forget the code side of it: project basic logic -> dialogue system -> ui -> actual dialogues -> logic to have the dialogues work -> importing the sex scenes -> sex scenes in game. orrrr something of the sort, I'm not a code mage, just a humble animator.
Basically, what I mean is: We're working to make that happen, even if you don't recognize those efforts as part fo that goal, that's what they are.
Now, do you remember when we said we'd have to clone Kuja to have art sooner? that's what it is, we can't have art faster than that unfortuntely. And the rest of us are making things necessary to the game while that task is being done.
So if the coding of the dialogue finishes, do our code guys just idle there doing nothing? no, we wanted to have minigames, so they coded minigames in. Old build had that too, with tanning, pots (lol if you consider that fun) and so on.
Does it take away from the goal of creating NSFW content? Of course not!

It was idle time anyway!
The art is still going on nonstop, and the rest of us are working in parallel around it to integrate all these pieces.
You can't build a rooftop without building the house first, and so we're building the house. Some of us are placing the furniture, some of us are placing the bricks, Some of us are making the plumbing. They all make the house!
I understand you may have felt it was weird that for the last weeks no NSFW content was a highlight. It's still our priority, but I hope this explanation can help you see the bigger picture. I'm placing all the boner bones in place, worry not. Dicks work, boobs are bouncy, their time to shine will come. Heck, even fish lore puts the ground for tentacular porn XD
Anyway, I am confident this is the most logical and efficient route to follow to get the best results.
Think about it: We reduced the number of characters we're working on to deliver a new demo faster. We're reducing the initial location to deliver a demo faster. We're cutting the first part of the story to get to a complete little demo faster. We're literally doing that

just have faith, please! We're literally working towards that.
You'll see this kind of highlights for I think 2-3 more weeks then the tune will change. You can't have a game without backgrounds, the characters, the controls, the dialogue system in any case. so this literally just had to be done.
TL;DR: we are working towards sex, but there's like a whole team working on the game, so if a task is done people are still adding stuff, you should either be happy about it or just ignore it, in any case it's not taking anything away from you. This is the shortest route to the goal, trust me.