Damn, I saw this populate on my filtered list, felt very pog indeed, then I read the comments.... Fuck man. Seems we're losing another game to the mindset that they're creating enjoyable "games" without the focus on H content. I cannot stress enough to these devs that the SOLE reason there's interest in their game is the nut factor. Great animations, great art, and a lot of it. Anything else is just a cherry on top and FEW games are enjoyable enough to play without H content.
Just two off the top of my head, Alien Quest and Captivity. Both are tight and crispy side scrollers that could really stand on their own without the H features, but DAMN is that a VERY rare occurrence. Then you have games like Night of Revenge, Succubus Affection/Forest of the Blue Skin. You take the H content out of those games, and you've got yourself a free title on Newgrounds - not even a $4.99 title on Steam.
But honestly, I can't even blame these devs and I came to this realization last night - the H scene will very much not likely see titles that will knock our socks off for a very long, if ever, time. True talent is actually going to go find itself in real studios at one point in another. To top this off, this "real talent", will often be highly specialized. A god tier animator, will not also be a god tier programmer. These Triple A Titles, or even indie studios, are housed by a multitude of specialists that come together as a team to produce respectable games WITHOUT H content.
Reality is, H games are made by hobbyists that have to act as generalists to produce a product that - let's be honest - is often sub-part at best.
I just wish H game devs respected their limitations and actualized their potential by honing in on the aspects that act as STEROIDS for consumer interest - the hentai. But hey, ya know what, they may actually want to make the games they're making. They could be making games that they want to play, and that is absolutely okay.
TL;DR: H game devs may not recognize their talent/production limitations nor what the people interested in their products actually want. Cloud Meadow anyone?