Eeeeep an update!!!
Thank you Belle (both of you).
This game just keeps getting better and better- this may have been a small update, but it was an excellent one. I gotta say Belle (both) you just keep checking off my boxes... Your game has;
- Pixies (Belle has replaced Tinkerbell in my heart). Lol
- Faeries
- Bookish, shy, sweet girls
- Asians
- Dryads
- Red-heads (hopefully we'll get to do much, much more with Callie in future updates- it's been a while since she's had any love).
- Nuns- maybe in a future update, Sister Agnes will be prepared to "receive our body". Blasphemous? Yes. DILLIGAF? No.
All this game needs is some type of petite Demon and it will be "The Greatest Game of All Time"! It already has exceptional art, fantastic writing, great humor/wit, a gorgeous cast of characters, and an amazing story.
I anxiously await the next installment!!!
Thank you Belle (both of ya).