For a dick, sure.
Rather than help her find someone and be happy with who she is he'd rather use magic to change her to suit his needs.
I actually agree with your argument and commend your courage to make it, even anonymously on the internet, knowing the opposition you'll face. I think lesbian conversion hits especially close to home because it is something, as you've experienced, that way too many people believe is real, and that represents a real threat to individual rights and identity.
But as long as we're looking from this hideous dump called reality, let's not overlook that this game allows you to violate the minds of people in ways that could be worse than death. You steal peoples' most private secrets with entitlement. You make people who trust you catatonic and suggestive to molest them. You slowly manipulate people into having sex with you. You change your sister's moral foundation (and damn if it wasn't a beautiful scene). And that's not even at full power.
None of these things would be at all acceptable outside of fantasy, but we're all playing this game because it lets us be the hero of our ugly and dark power fantasies. I know that doesn't make such a personal topic less fucked up, but I hope you recognize that we're all a little fucked up to play past the prologue.