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Jun 16, 2018
I have faith that Belle will handle Callie in a way that is respectful of the character and still advance the story as needed.

If it was me? I give the MC a spell to switch genders, so he can become female and then sleep with Callie. That way we also get more Lesbian content. Everyone wins. (y)
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Jul 17, 2018
For a dick, sure.

Rather than help her find someone and be happy with who she is he'd rather use magic to change her to suit his needs.
I actually agree with your argument and commend your courage to make it, even anonymously on the internet, knowing the opposition you'll face. I think lesbian conversion hits especially close to home because it is something, as you've experienced, that way too many people believe is real, and that represents a real threat to individual rights and identity.

But as long as we're looking from this hideous dump called reality, let's not overlook that this game allows you to violate the minds of people in ways that could be worse than death. You steal peoples' most private secrets with entitlement. You make people who trust you catatonic and suggestive to molest them. You slowly manipulate people into having sex with you. You change your sister's moral foundation (and damn if it wasn't a beautiful scene). And that's not even at full power.

None of these things would be at all acceptable outside of fantasy, but we're all playing this game because it lets us be the hero of our ugly and dark power fantasies. I know that doesn't make such a personal topic less fucked up, but I hope you recognize that we're all a little fucked up to play past the prologue.


Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
I think people forget that this is a game where you molest girls while theyre asleep and mind control them to have sex with you. A bit too late to start being respectful lol.
Personally, I never understood that fetish.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I actually agree with your argument and commend your courage to make it, even anonymously on the internet, knowing the opposition you'll face. I think lesbian conversion hits especially close to home because it is something, as you've experienced, that way too many people believe is real, and that represents a real threat to individual rights and identity.

But as long as we're looking from this hideous dump called reality, let's not overlook that this game allows you to violate the minds of people in ways that could be worse than death. You steal peoples' most private secrets with entitlement. You make people who trust you catatonic and suggestive to molest them. You slowly manipulate people into having sex with you. You change your sister's moral foundation (and damn if it wasn't a beautiful scene). And that's not even at full power.

None of these things would be at all acceptable outside of fantasy, but we're all playing this game because it lets us be the hero of our ugly and dark power fantasies. I know that doesn't make such a personal topic less fucked up, but I hope you recognize that we're all a little fucked up to play past the prologue.
The difference for me there is during those mind invasions you only open up what is already there.

His sister already wanted him but incest is frowned on and that scared her. Sure slowly manipulating people to fuck him is a shitty thing to do but chances are he could have got in their knickers either way.

Samara bounces on his balls before he starts mind fucking her. I think Primrose already had a crush but was too shy so got the push she needed.

The problem here is Callie is still a lesbian no matter how deep in her mind he hooks, that can't change who she is. He claimed to be a friend yet is wanting to go out of his way to change who she is just to suit him. Now imagine if she found out that's what he wanted to do, that's how man hating lesbians are born.

I'm not a man hating lesbian, I like men just not sexually but the idea that they can "convert" or "fix" us, cured by cock if you will, is just something that's a bit too close to home and really frustrating. It's not all men that's why i'm not a man hating one and some of them say it as a joke when it's been brought up but there are those that do think it.

Most of the game is great, i'm not gonna slam it, it's just particular thing that grates on me.
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Developer of Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
I'm not a man hating lesbian, I like men just not sexually but the idea that they can "convert" or "fix" us, cured by cock if you will, is just something that's a bit too close to home and really frustrating. It's not all men that's why i'm not a man hating one and some of them say it as a joke when it's been brought up but there are those that do think it.
I've said this before, but it's worth repeating to get my perspective on the issue: There is no situation in this game in which you will be able to "cure a lesbian by cock." I find that concept insulting myself. Callie is not sexually attracted to the MC, and no matter how much manipulation and begging he does, this won't change. She might be willing to let him have some fun because she cares about him, but she won't become attracted to him or let him actually have sex with her.

The only way to get around this will be by using magic to change her sexuality. He's not going to "cure" her, and he's not going to remove her existing preferences. In other words, you won't make her straight, but you will at some point be able to make her bi through specially designed magic. Importantly for this discussion, it's entirely optional, at least when it comes to Callie.

Unless porn is meant to be completely vanilla (which is fine but quickly grows dull, in my opinion), there's always going to be something taboo about it. It might be infidelity, incest, public sex, anal (which is hardly taboo anymore, but I digress), or any number of other things that break some societal norm or another. I recognize this and have built a game that plays with taboos and the breaking of some of them. This will always cause offense to someone, but I try to do things as respectfully as the genre allows me to. Among other things, that means that I take Callie seriously as a character with her own challenges, desires, insecurities, and limits.

I have deep respect for the LBQT community and their challenges, and the last thing I want to do is to offend anyone. But when taboos are involved, this becomes impossible to avoid entirely. At least I hope that the optional nature of most of these taboos means that those who dislike them won't feel like they're being forced into them. Take the sleep molestation, for example. You should be able to get through the game, and get the best ending, without engaging in that content after the brief tutorial during day 1. The same will be true with Callie.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2018
For fucks sake.

I'll try and type slowly for the benefit of those that are struggling to grasp this.

I'm not championing gay rights, I don't give a shit about SJW agenda's and i'm starting to get really pissed off with having to explain myself because halfwits can't grasp simple concepts.

Whenever I go out I get some fucking idiot say his dick can "fix" me and cure my lesbianism because it seems some fucknuts think it's an illness only their sperm can fix.

It's fucking annoying.

It's a pet peeve.

It's a personal thing that pisses me off when a guy tries to convert a lesbian nothing more, nothing less.

That particular bit in the game hit a bit close to home and irritated me, that's fucking all.

I'm not slamming the game, i'm not slamming the dev, i'm not offended and i'm not trying to drag LGBTwhateverthefuckletterstheyaddedon tumblr politics into it. It's just 1 little thing that annoys me.

What's slightly more annoying is having to justify my damn self over a little thing that annoys me because people seem to think i'm pushing an agenda yet when they have a complaint about something that's fine.
Just out of pure curiosity, can you quote some posts in this thread that imply that you can cure gay woman with a dick? I only saw typical horny stuff about wanting to fuck Callie and want to know if I missed something.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Just out of pure curiosity, can you quote some posts in this thread that imply that you can cure gay woman with a dick? I only saw typical horny stuff about wanting to fuck Callie and want to know if I missed something.
There is a spell that will change her sexual orientation.
Mar 21, 2019
For fucks sake.

I'll try and type slowly for the benefit of those that are struggling to grasp this.

I'm not championing gay rights, I don't give a shit about SJW agenda's and i'm starting to get really pissed off with having to explain myself because halfwits can't grasp simple concepts.

Whenever I go out I get some fucking idiot say his dick can "fix" me and cure my lesbianism because it seems some fucknuts think it's an illness only their sperm can fix.

It's fucking annoying.

It's a pet peeve.

It's a personal thing that pisses me off when a guy tries to convert a lesbian nothing more, nothing less.

That particular bit in the game hit a bit close to home and irritated me, that's fucking all.

I'm not slamming the game, i'm not slamming the dev, i'm not offended and i'm not trying to drag LGBTwhateverthefuckletterstheyaddedon tumblr politics into it. It's just 1 little thing that annoys me.

What's slightly more annoying is having to justify my damn self over a little thing that annoys me because people seem to think i'm pushing an agenda yet when they have a complaint about something that's fine.
While I am reasonably sure that you are sick and tired of this conversation, I am very curious what country you live in? Not in the Dox urelf plox i fix yoo, but as in, what kind of shitholes do you have to frequent to find these retards?
That said, I can't say I ever experienced any of these "too close to home" moments with any kind of medium. Is that some kind of lack of empathy on my part / am I too disconnected? Honestly curious here.
Also, THAT is where the squick kicks in as far as mind control is concerned? You squish your sister's brain ingame to make her more receptive to full on incest, that seems pretty invasive if you were to apply irl logic to porn game...


New Member
Jan 5, 2019
What's slightly more annoying is having to justify my damn self over a little thing that annoys me because people seem to think i'm pushing an agenda yet when they have a complaint about something that's fine.
Isn't it called discussion =) You state your opinion and someone else state theirs, most of the time if opinions aligns discussion stops or changes it's direction. Considering that this particular cornerstone (changing fundamental psyche of one's mind) is somewhat sore thumb for some of participants so things turn out like this. So no need to self justify anything to yourself, or to anyone. On side note - some of your phrasing choices sounded like one of my recent patient (i'm psychiatric consultant) that made a lot of trouble for people and mostly herself. So sorry if i was wrong by taking tour standpoint as aggressive.

PS. I think that people who are participating it this debate (me included) and most of adult people (in terms of mindset) are never thought that you need to cure such thing as sexual orientation. For starters it is just some deviation, and as long as it is not forced on others (or not used as reasoning to fuel some anger) it is absolutely normal.

PPS. English is not my native and last time i had some decent practice at phrasing things was like 10 years ago - so sorry if its bad or hard to read =)


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Isn't it called discussion =) You state your opinion and someone else state theirs,
That's what you mention is a discussion.

People telling me i'm trying to push an SJW agenda because I don't like something and happen to be a lesbian isn't a discussion, it's fucking annoying.

Especially considering i'm one of those lesbians SJW's hate because we don't agree with the tumblr tarts and I don't hate men and complain about mansplaining whatever the fuck that's supposed to be.

The point is, I say something I don't like involving a lesbian, they hear i'm a lesbina and suddenly it goes from discussion to agenda pushing despite me not asking for any changes just saying it's one thing I don't like.


Dec 16, 2017
The difference for me there is during those mind invasions you only open up what is already there.

His sister already wanted him but incest is frowned on and that scared her. Sure slowly manipulating people to fuck him is a shitty thing to do but chances are he could have got in their knickers either way.

Samara bounces on his balls before he starts mind fucking her. I think Primrose already had a crush but was too shy so got the push she needed.

The problem here is Callie is still a lesbian no matter how deep in her mind he hooks, that can't change who she is. He claimed to be a friend yet is wanting to go out of his way to change who she is just to suit him. Now imagine if she found out that's what he wanted to do, that's how man hating lesbians are born.
The game does go out of it's way to point out that the mind control spell will not be able to turn Callie straight, no matter how good the MC gets at it and that instead another spell is needed. So it kind of depends on what that other spell actually is.

As to the morality... Yeah, the MC is a pretty terrible person by rl standards even if he's probably on the better side of porn protagonists, I think all the girls (except maybe Samarra) would hate him if they found out what he did to them.


Feb 28, 2018
Um, sorry for being obvious, but from point of narrative it is the most logical thing for main character to wish for. And of course if you immerse yourself in this narrative, no one forces you to do this (be a nice wing man for a girls and let EvelynxCallie be a canon). By the way last update already made possible to change one's mindset open to the idea of incest, so possibility to widen gender preferences looks at least less intrusive and shocking (and by looking at threesome scene no one makes Callie straight, looks like she will be full bi), and considering whole magic/hypnosis and other mind correcting stuff in game it is pretty naive to think that such plot will make exceptions for a opposite gender character to be unreachable.

PS. Sorry if offended in some way, just pointing out that it is a story, so it's meant to be interesting for all players (it means having a possibility and a choice to use or not use this possibility).
Sure. That's why I said "ambivalent." I can see the logic, but as someone who's known a person who committed suicide after "conversion therapy," it's more than a bit uncomfortable.


New Member
Jan 5, 2019
Sure. That's why I said "ambivalent." I can see the logic, but as someone who's known a person who committed suicide after "conversion therapy," it's more than a bit uncomfortable.
That became a bit personal and grim =) We're talking about game here, and mostly pretty harmless and naive so far (in good way) considering setting and all mind invasion stuff, so lets not unearth our own fears and painful memories and just wait for new version =) Anyway Callie is good and all, but for lots o reasons i want to see Primrose story done =)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
So on to other topics.

We just passed the beginning of the month and there should be a new release coming down the pike. It will be time to get our sleep molesting asses back to work corrupting enslaving converting preparing, yes let's go with preparing the populace of the town for the arrival of the princess and maybe getting around to solving the mystery of her sister's disappearance. Oh and maybe another visit to the fairy queen since she seemed quite enamored with the MC, over that limp dicked fairy king. Or maybe finally catching the crone getting changed, and I'm not talking chameleon scale disguise lifting, but maybe a bit of sleep molesting for her too, as she has now realized how powerful you actually are. And I guess I can't ignore the elephant in the room, but Callie and the nun are practically the only other females in the game that the MC hasn't gotten his dick wet with so if you want to go for taboo things, how about throw in his sister for a great foursome in the church. Talk about "going to church".

And really, I see no reason to turn Callie straight, but what's the harm in a little in out amongst childhood friends, no commitment, just a little bump and grind to pass the time waiting for the nun to stop by for more leather harnesses. :) Callie could be a great partner for the MC if he didn't have that pesky little Belle hanging around all the time.:rolleyes:
Mar 21, 2019
That's what you mention is a discussion.

People telling me i'm trying to push an SJW agenda because I don't like something and happen to be a lesbian isn't a discussion, it's fucking annoying.

Especially considering i'm one of those lesbians SJW's hate because we don't agree with the tumblr tarts and I don't hate men and complain about mansplaining whatever the fuck that's supposed to be.

The point is, I say something I don't like involving a lesbian, they hear i'm a lesbina and suddenly it goes from discussion to agenda pushing despite me not asking for any changes just saying it's one thing I don't like.
This might seem like defending the indefensible, but internet discourse has always been shit, and has only gotten worse in recent years. Misrepresenting you standpoint and jumping down your throat is, of course, a dick move, of you forgive the pun. That said, I have had my fair share derailed discussions and debates at university, on the internet and even in my circle of friends that started along VERY similar lines. I usually don't let it bother me, and have gotten quite adept at defusing these things, but I still developed the habit of paying extra attention to these flareups. Others, sensitized in our little filter bubbles, have developed habits of their own in responding to these kind of (usually imagined) stimuli. People are shit and that results in the usual Internet Drama. I'm not asking you to just smile and wave, but perhaps consider that it is not meant as a personal insult, but just people overreacting to what they perceive to an invasion into their space.
Still, I hope you can still enjoy the game overall, and no hard feelings.
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