Oh, so many reply! Thank! I adore Belle, the "shrink" Scene was incredible hot. Add a simple Option to "Molest Belle" (in Quotation because Sarcasm) would be great. Also she fould ride Player Penis while sex with others or participate more. And if Relationships continue I dearly love ro be Boyfriend to Belle.
I almost crying at Endgame when she fall. I have loved for Tinkerbell sexy since Child, and Belle is so amazing close. This also first 3D H-Game I ever truly like, and will be Support a Patreon soon. Any action to speed Story to know if Belle all right.
Also I must had "smell Onion" trying to convince Nell to meet Queen thinking she might die. Was certainly NOT really Tears lol!
Belle is best Girl. Would love for she to reveal to more girls to join in, she so Sweetheart and deserve Partucipation. She fould even ask to join Encounter even if only Player see her (or she use Tongue on her while have Sex other girls WOW!) Or force Samarra (also so sexy Black Woman! in game!) to give Oral Sex to her when Samarra act Submissive. (If I am honest, just dearly want more Belle in everything.)
Oh also to Author: This game Love for Evelyn is best written than most Erotica I have read! She and her Dialog and Dilemma feel very real genuine. I so much like your Game and Girls within, I have actual Feeling of Care for all. In Future wish to see more Threesome, Foursome and "Moresome" in part since they all so very lovely. And more veryhot Bar Wench and corrupt Nun, want to confront and punish Primrose Father... I just want more of this Story
Thank you Author Belle so very much for make it and engage with Players. It is all very awesone and to know you will see and know my Praise for you direct. I can hardy wait for more!
PS: You are real Fairy and Game is Biography, yes?