
Developer of Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
I really recommend opening the full versions of these character previews for those who can. They are rendered at a full 4K resolution, so there is a lot of detail there.

One thing that you might not get a good feel for due to the lighting and the limited camera angles in these previews is just how much of a technological jump there is in 3D technology between Long Live the Princess and Supermodel. LLtP is primitive in comparison, with doll-like skin, unnatural facial expressions, and lifeless eyes (relatively speaking).

The Supermodel girls will hold up even under extreme closeups, and they have many subtle features that bring them alive in ways that LLtP could only dream of. Take Blink above, for example. You don't really see it well in this image, but she has skin impurities (just like an actual human, and not in an unattractive way), freckles, and even peach fuzz on her face. None of the new characters have painted-on hair or eyebrows, something that was an issue with a few LLtP characters.

One thing in particular that has been considerably improved since the LLtP days is the eye technology. I have standardized the eye system across all the new characters, which makes them look consistent (in fact, I've done this with all the tech, from genitals to breasts to hair to faces). The worst thing about many 3D-rendered games is that the characters look dead because of their eyes, as if you're looking at a posed corpse or doll instead of a human. That should not be a problem in Supermodel.

But hey, don't take my word for it. Here is a small preview image of Anna Morgenstern's left eye, which should go a long way to showing just how far we've come:



Active Member
Dec 2, 2021
...she has skin impurities (just like an actual human, and not in an unattractive way), freckles, and even peach fuzz on her face.
AVNs are the perfect vessel for hyper-realistic visuals and it's awesome to see you exploring just how far you can take it. It sucks that some have such a skewed perspective on how a character should look, but in reality absolutely no one fills the definition of a perfect appearance.

Out of curiosity, how long does it take for a single 4k render to finish on average?
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Developer of Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
Out of curiosity, how long does it take for a single 4k render to finish on average?
It depends a lot on the scene. Some of the character previews shown so far have rendered in a little less than 10 minutes, while others (Seraphim in particular) took an hour. Actual scenes taking place in an environment that isn't just empty blackness take longer. I do regular 4K renders for $20 patrons/subscribers, and those can take 5-6 hours in some extreme cases. Render time increases exponentially with resolution, so it's mostly just a problem with 4K renders.

For LLtP, I've been using 720p as the game's resolution. In Supermodel, I'm increasing that to 1080p, though many renders will need to be at a higher resolution than that (though not necessarily 4K) because of visual tricks I intend to pull off. Even just the increase from 720p to 1080p makes a big difference on render times, but I'm prepared for that.


Jan 1, 2021
Can anyone upload save games for this I have lost mine sadly..
Why! you cant find version 0,40 enywhere free! You have to pay?
And the end
1-Selena she is afraid of Lillit-Then morph sex
2-Demon-invide Tadeus action-let you se hes secrets-absorb-banish-Finish
Now you have to be a King ore marrie one of the other girls
different endings
Game over.
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Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
Why! you cant find version 0,40 enywhere free! You have to pay?
And the end
1-Selena she is afraid of Lillit-Then morph sex
2-Demon-invide Tadeus action-let you se hes secrets-absorb-banish-Finish
Now you have to be a King ore marrie one of the other girls
different endings
Game over.
you have to banish demon and you don't have to end with royals.


Jan 1, 2021
you have to banish demon and you don't have to end with royals.
As i told! banish the demon! what you have to do
You have to say yes ore no to Selena
you can marrie one of the other girls
ore stay single!
Here the storry ends.
But A good Update could be
"MC returns to the city Callie and sister Agnes are together
and he visit them in the night Using deep sleep! knocking them up ;)
Nell and MC train together ! visit the room whit the blond Lady and she joins in beed!
Visit the place where the old fay queen works have fun whit here
and stay by Evelyn at night!
work whit Primrose and have some fun
Mayby fiend the royals and Samara
The show must go on!!!!
Ells? the storry ends! Game over no update needed
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Jan 1, 2021
As i told! banish the demon! what you have to do
You have to say yes ore no to Selena
you can marrie one of the other girls
ore stay single!
Here the storry ends.
But A good Update could be
"MC returns to the city Callie and sister Agnes are together
and he visit them in the night Using deep sleep! knocking them up ;)
Nell and MC train together ! visit the room whit the blond Lady and she joins in beed!
Visit the place where the old fay queen works have fun whit here
and stay by Evelyn at night!
work whit Primrose and have some fun
Mayby fiend the royals and Samara
The show must go on!!!!
Ells? the storry ends! Game over no update needed


Developer of Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
Supermodel Character Reveal: Vanguard

The final member of STALWART's roster of superheroes is Ida Yasuda, known to the public as Vanguard. Of the three, Vanguard is the one who is most likely to show some kind of enthusiasm for modeling. And yet, there is something off about how she deals with public attention.

Next week, we'll start looking at characters outside the core superhero team. The first of them is employed at STALWART but isn't a superhero. Technically.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Guys how do you get all Charisma points? I already have 3 and already discovered all the secrets of Nell, Callie, Primrose, Samara and even the Crone's. Do I need to start NG+ to get them?


Jan 1, 2021
Guys how do you get all Charisma points? I already have 3 and already discovered all the secrets of Nell, Callie, Primrose, Samara and even the Crone's. Do I need to start NG+ to get them?
Yes its the secret in this game! dont know why? finish that game you play !Banish Demon "read my guide"
And start a new game from the beggining.
So is the game build up! its allways the same!! Boring couse you allready played the game to end.


Jan 1, 2021
Yes its the secret in this game! dont know why? finish that game you play !Banish Demon "read my guide"
And start a new game from the beggining.
So is the game build up! its allways the same!! Boring couse you allready played the game to end.
here is one of my saves hope you can play it ;)


Apr 28, 2018
I really recommend opening the full versions of these character previews for those who can. They are rendered at a full 4K resolution, so there is a lot of detail there.

One thing that you might not get a good feel for due to the lighting and the limited camera angles in these previews is just how much of a technological jump there is in 3D technology between Long Live the Princess and Supermodel. LLtP is primitive in comparison, with doll-like skin, unnatural facial expressions, and lifeless eyes (relatively speaking).

The Supermodel girls will hold up even under extreme closeups, and they have many subtle features that bring them alive in ways that LLtP could only dream of. Take Blink above, for example. You don't really see it well in this image, but she has skin impurities (just like an actual human, and not in an unattractive way), freckles, and even peach fuzz on her face. None of the new characters have painted-on hair or eyebrows, something that was an issue with a few LLtP characters.

One thing in particular that has been considerably improved since the LLtP days is the eye technology. I have standardized the eye system across all the new characters, which makes them look consistent (in fact, I've done this with all the tech, from genitals to breasts to hair to faces). The worst thing about many 3D-rendered games is that the characters look dead because of their eyes, as if you're looking at a posed corpse or doll instead of a human. That should not be a problem in Supermodel.

But hey, don't take my word for it. Here is a small preview image of Anna Morgenstern's left eye, which should go a long way to showing just how far we've come:

View attachment 1822759
Wow! Those are impressive graphics :)

Solomon Grundy

Active Member
Nov 25, 2021
Guys how do you get all Charisma points? I already have 3 and already discovered all the secrets of Nell, Callie, Primrose, Samara and even the Crone's. Do I need to start NG+ to get them?
I have no idea what that other person is ranting about, but no you do not have to play NG+ to reach 5 Charisma points. I know for a fact I got to 5 cha before starting a new game, so it's definitely possible. If I remember correctly, you have to actually successfully romance all the ladies, including Evelyn, not just unlock their dark secrets. And one point comes from a book that you discover while working in the library.
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