Since it's my first post here I'll say that I find the gameplay with archetypes very interesting, and while progression seems to be linear it could allow for interesting branching down the road. I think the concept is great!
However, the game is currently very slow and sluggish. I understand adding some difficulty in picking the right topics for your hotbar before you set out, but the reloading mechanic is kind of annoying and just adds some extra steps between each interaction. Even the permanent topics have to be reloaded, which seems unnecessary. Perhaps removing the reloading would be nice, and add a counter on the hotbar that shows how many of a limited topic you have left. Making it inactive after using it during an interaction is fine though.
And it takes a bit too long for my taste to get into the meat of the game. You have to grind a lot of different stats before the MC starts earning money or can do much at all. And focusing on advancing the archetypes is hard, but I can see that it will speed up eventually as the characters get XP in different things that they don't currently need.
The other big issue is the interface being slow. My PC is getting old, but it's not incapable of running decent games. Each transition takes
5 seconds (edit: it starts out with them being a second or two right after starting up the game, but increases as the game is running), and most screens have two entry transitions if there is a dialogue on entry. The game also seems to easily crash if you accidentally click the wrong thing while it's loading something. I hope the dev is able to streamline the code at some point to be more snappy between transitions and save/load.
Certain XP rates could be higher to speed the gameplay up, but these also increase at a faster rate when your character learns new skills and research. I also don't like that it uses my system locale for currency (and perhaps other things). Not sure if this is intended.
That said, I'm just a free player. I'm enjoying the game overall, just pointing out the negative bits as feedback.
take a peek is broken? I click and it freezes. Diane's room.
Same here. 16:00 Parents Bedroom after cleaning the kitchen. No archetypes yet and started playing in this patch. I cleaned her kitchen to no avail