Unity - Loser [v0.11.00] [Night City Productions]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    A great idea with absolutely no execution. The UI feels cumbersome and the experience tiring. The balancing is very poor with the game requiring insane amounts of grind. The women look great but the scenes are too few and far between and just do not justify the tedium. Hopefully he balances the game but seeing that he doubled down on his previous one as well I have little faith in that.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it! Amazing game, can't wait for more!
    I hope for an even bigger iteration among the characters. With a lot more of freedom
    My only concern is the amount of grind, beyond that, there is no problem in my opinion.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game reminds me of Lucky Mark. The dev of this game must have played that one and said sure it's a good game but where's the grind? The dev even posted he thinks it's FUN to watch your character cleaning house, cleaning his room, watching the MC sit and play video games within a game. An example of how much grind there is: The younger sister can ONLY be advanced Fridays at 18:00. There is no skip time button, so you have to just sleep hundreds of times. The writing is OK, but since you see the same exact scene hundreds of times there is basically no story. The Archtype idea cold be cool IF there were options to make them anything you want. There is potential for hundreds of routes each with unique content. But, as it stands you have to progress from exactly one personality type to the next, in sequence. I give it 2 stars because it could maybe in about 5 yrs be pretty good, what little writing there is isn't engrish, renders are not bad.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I can honestly say with no hesitation that I really like this game and what it is going for. That being said the grind is just truly unreasonable. If you have an active social life and work-life this is not for you. As much as I don't want to sound rude this is the type of game I'd only suggest to someone who has no life. You have to put time into this game. In my opinion an unreasonable amount. In my opinion, what you get for all that time isn't even worth it when you can find other quality games with renders just as good as these.

    I played for a good bit before I finally said fuck it and cheated. Even with max stats and money you still have to grind. It just becomes bearable. If you want to get to the sex fast here is a tip. Focus on the neighbor. She's the easiest to get anything with but it still takes a shit load of time. Time I, unfortunately, do not have.

    It's honestly a shame. I like their other game. It was one of the first games I played here. This one is just not worth it. I couldn't recommend this to anyone who values their time.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Loser, is surprisingly a game. Because, the more I played the game more its felt like a complaints about someone in form of a game.

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    Perhaps, it's because the game way to look things are very specifics. False accused go to jail for 2 year, but still had no idea to about world. Sounds, very specifics perspective from someone to other person to me.

    Self opinion aside, Mechanically, this game giving you an intriguing starting options. Even tho, it kinda bland reward wise for every grinding achievement.

    You need to unlock almost everything, I guess, by repeating same process, well it's based on real-life I guess and also reward in real-life aren't that great either. Who would mind to get +1 out of 200 points as reward, no? Well to be honest, you can get even greater than that which are "permanant" topic to talk to.. err.. someone.. don't look at me, I had no idea.

    The story, apart from prologue, I had no idea what the story is. it isn't because it's bad story-telling. But, it lacks of in-game progress.

    The first, four character you met are extremely rare to be available to talk to, they are too loose as family. they rarely interact or can be interacted, everyone almost locked behind a locked door whole time.

    And it seems like, the other family member had telepathic, they know something when they aren't there. Well, I know it's a game. But, I also felt like this game trying so hard to be real-life imitation, so I don't feel like it's out of question.

    Interaction, as stated before in story part, interaction are luxury in this game. But, also hassle, you only could choose 6 one-time topic for starter and if you grind enough "smart" you can add 4 more slot.

    But, unfortunately, even if you speak to other character in game, they didn't even said anything. Because, it's only represented as the topic icon and the other character doesn't even talk back the same topic as yours as it show different icon most of the time.

    But, if you talking about something they like it's adds up to your relationship point somehow, and make sure you slotted correct topic before anything. Which are only available in some specifics place to edit, no biggie.

    The artwork, it's decent, looks like they working hard on it's originality, which is cool.

    The NFSW, too bad even after an hour playing, I still hasn't found any excluding one frame of peeking a brushing-teeth character in bathroom.

    Overall, well idk, maybe it's better for something else? no idea, I just play and tell. So, people know what they are expecting to begin with. I thought, Public version was meant to be a glimpse of appeal what you can do in game if you get not public one or perhaps it's simply I don't understand this kind of appeal.

    Version - v0.07.02 Public
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    As a game it's just a garbage grind, but ripping it with assetstudio lets you see the new cgs without the bs.

    Worth a dl everytime and if you want a time sink this is the way to go, grind away.........
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    So this has many aspects that I really enjoy but it is really brought down by the grind. Grind for stats, grind for topics, grind for exp for yourself an other characters. These numbers need a significant shift because it takes way too long to get anywhere. I upgraded two characters, the mom and the father, once and after that I really don't wanna go through the tedium again another 10+ times. The ideas are great, changing characters simply by talking to them about topics instead of the usual mind control device or magic is novel, and the system is interesting but the numbers needed are too high and the numbers gained are too low. I never even made it to any sexual content because to get there is too tedious and boring. I honestly would suggest with the numbers given for mc exp that the needed exp for levels be cut in half. For changing characters, 50 to 25 talks is too much especially for characters you only get one hour a day to talk to. 10 to 15, maximum of 20, is what I would recommend. Maybe unrealistic but fun should be the focus, not realism and as it stands currently this isn't fun. As for mc stats, I would say the requirements are fine but more skills should reduce requirements and stat usage for activities and sleeping should restore more health and focus, not much but go from 6 to 10 or 12. Overall 2 stars because I know it would be fun with some simple number tweaks but without them this shit is boring.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Not worth the effort. There is too much grind, it's unclear what you should be doing, and the player is penalised unnecessarily for choosing certain options. The renders seem like they would be decent, but they're probably not worth the effort involved in seeing them all. Spend your time elsewhere.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    2 stars as of v06.03

    What's good:
    - The art
    - The concept

    What's bad?:
    - Grinding like hell, really i usually like to grind but this is just tiring. I'm here to fap, you can't be seriouse and thinking i will grind 4 hours straight for nothing.
    - Interface can't be understand. How the hell do i raise and lower characters dominance/submission? Its says that dominance perk 2: for every dominant action i gain 1 submission point. That's a total bullshit, i managed to find a strange way to lower dominance and i don't even know if that's the right way to do it. How the fuck could a game be this messed up?

    I really have nothing else to say, i know i might not be the brightest out there but damn, this game is totally idiotic. If the perks says one thing, it has to do it. I can't grind 4 hours and in the end the fucking perk is somewhat twisted. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?

    Sorry i'm not usually this harsh, i usually review for giving 4/5 stars but this game is just some trash as it is for now
  10. 3.00 star(s)



    TL;DR - Loser strikes me as a game where the developer came up with a great idea for a mechanic but than failed at balancing. With a little more time and tweaking, it has the potential to be something amazing. Time will tell if this game will reach it or if that will be in the *next* game instead.

    The game begins with an intro to be added later, leaving you standing in your room with little idea who people are. Fortunately it's easy enough to start piecing that information together. The renders aren't horrible, but they aren't anything to write home about.

    The AT/Conversation system is fascinating in how it functions, albeit with some serious time balancing issues. Currently it is so much of a grind that it detracts from any experience with the game. It's a massive grind with the cheats and a virtually impossible one without it.

    Despite all of this I am still giving the developer a 3/5. Accepting this as a work in progress which is trying to differentiate itself from other other games of its type, the developer still has a lot of work to do but is off to a fairly promising start. If the system were balanced a little better it could really have a lot of potential.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    If you check the discussion you'll see that this game generates quite a bit of controversy, which is why I felt it worth reviewing.
    I give it 5 stars because it's amazing, flawed, but it's also unfinished, so, like "A for Effort." It's perhaps the most thought-out and intricate game I've encountered on this site. Such a refreshing change from the usual, you know what I mean. There is, I think, real creative talent in putting this together. On the plus side, that means you have:
    - excellent renders;
    - complex gameplay that serves as a surprisingly involved analogue of real-world relationships;
    - distinct, fleshed-out characters;
    - titillating, ever-evolving plot;
    - excellent dialogue. None of the usual suspects (such as self-pitying inner monologues, excessive narration, jarring we-just-met-but-you-have-a-big-penis chatter, bizarre renpy-speak);
    - Clever humour. Actually, it's more wit than humour, and that makes it even better.

    On the negative side... good Lord this game is frustrating. First, it's not a VN ,it is a game, and it's complex. I normally unren and look at the images to get an idea of quality and flow before I even decide to play, but that doesn't work here.
    I think the biggest problem is simply the slowness of the transitions, and the lack of optimization in button-clicking. You think you're going to do something and it doesn't work, and then you click-click-click through the week to cycle to the next once-in-a-week opportunity. It's perverse; normally I hate grind, but the personality-evolution (AT) system in this game is so well-done that anticipation keeps me going. I've put in easily over 30 hrs into this... No other game on this site comes close.
    There are half-a-dozen changes I'd love the developer to do, but if you read the discussion you'll see they've already been asked and explained why they won't.
    So, as long as it's a work in progress, 5 stars. But if it's still the same brutal slow-moving click-fest at completion, right down to 1 star.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    GRIND, GRIND AND MORE GRIND. Terrible game mechanics and a lot of characters, but very few things to do with them. Renders are good, but there are only a few for every character. You will get sick of seeing always the same few scenes.

    First, you need to grind for a long time to get the stats (money, stamina, focus, points... things like that) that you need to interact with the other characters. Second, you have to remember the day and hour when you can make that interaction, and when that moment arrives... usually you don´t have in the inventory the item or the ability that you need (the inventory system is just a mess), or you don't have "focus" or "stamina" enough... so you have to grind more... And when, at last, you are ready to make that interaction with the other character (let´s say, for example "talking with X"), is grind too, since you need to repeat it hundreds of times to get some results, always seeing the same scene and renders... Finally, you get the result you want: you can influence that character, corrupt her, you have your reward... and it´s a lame scene with only a few renders and a generic dialogue. Something like being able to peep the character in the shower and see her tit, take a photo or give a massage (if you have the stats, of course)...

    The initial premise it is supposed to be about a boy that lives with his family, but the members of the family act like if they were room mates. They barely seem to know each other since they rarely interact with each other and the interactions of the MC with a member of the family don't have any effect in the other members. It would have been a much better choice for this game to have less characters, about only half, or 1/3 of the actual characters, but better written, with more scenes and interactions with them and between them, and some kind of story instead of just random scenes.

  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.07.00 Public

    You will need a cheat mod to play this

    Holy fucking grind! This is one of the games that contains the most grind content here on F95. It is a truly sandbox game, but with a lot of exhaustion and time consumption. In theory the game looks like fun, but in practice it is very tiring and you quickly give up playing. As I can tell, the idea of the game is good but in practice it is necessary to decrease the amount of grind present in the game because it will consume all your time for small rewards. Everything in the game ends up being painful, searching for the right topics to increase the female character's stats, grinding for topics, in short, nothing is fast, even trying to craft a quick administration you will be barred by the time it will consume. In the end you get frustrated for wasting your time.

    If the gameplay had less grind or was more fair, those who like sandboxes would enjoy the game. I like sandbox, the game has a unique specialty but the problem is having to grind for hours that will take days so that in the end you get frustrated. His game has characteristics similar to RPG (bad joke), you need to manage your resources, getting topics and managing them, some of them (like aggression) are very difficult to get, you need to see what the positive and negative topics of each NPC are, and then evolve them to the next stage and ends up being very time consuming and tiring, besides you need to increase your skills, always keep an eye on the status bar, so, whenever you talk about a specific topic you will be gaining exp from that topic, which is positive but everything is very time consuming. I say this because at the beginning you think the idea of the topics is cool, but then it all gets tiresome and annoying, at some point you will say, ENOUGH! I'm not going to waste my time grinding this out! so you feel a little regret for having wasted your time and the worst thing is that the game doesn't look bad, the game needs to be adjusted in the best possible way for the player to have more comfort and to have fun in the best possible way.

    Graphics & Sexual Content:
    The graphics of the girls' renderings is something that draws the attention of this game, practically, if the renderings were bad, this game would undoubtedly be abandoned in the second version. Gina's model is great, as are Becky and Diane. Of course it is a DAZ3D model and etc, it turns out that there are renderers that can't create a decent rendering, so the ones in the game are fine. The other girls in the game are kind of 'meh', only these characters are more interesting at the moment. The sexual content of this game is average to good, the problem is that there is very little content for the amount of hours you spend grinding. You evolve 5 ATs from Becky and you can't get a decent blowjob from her, of course, there is a development in the game, for each character, this is nice, but it also leaves you with blueballs. The sexual content of the game is OK, but don't expect too much or else spend a lot of your time grinding to catch up on one or two scenes for each ATs of each character you evolve. The animations are pretty basic, nothing impressive, better to say 'meh' than bad.

    Each female NPC is specific, only Gina's I found a little strange. Each AT evolution will corrupt the character and its look will change. It's hard to find this in some games, where you see a rendering of Becky fixing her hair, changing her look, there are sandbox games that don't change and it's kind of frustrating, but in Loser it's a stupid little detail but I thought it was cool. The incest story is not so bad, the problem lies in the gameplay itself. It is not a forced story, but it is not a silly story either. Typical incest story. The dialogs are also ok, it won't impress you but you won't mind too much either.

    The exaggerated excess of grind is absolutely bad. The problem is that it takes you a long, long time to evolve a character's ATs. It takes a long time to find a specific topic, it takes a long time to do things. Worst of all there is no in-game cheat or developer to remove this excess grind he has put in, I won't say that this game is impossible to play but it is very tiring, you will take days until you get tired of it. And you know, there are other games, maybe not very interesting for you but certainly faster than this one. There are many CONS in this game, time consuming, bugs, ugly interface, complicated mechanics or hard to master in the beginning, slow save, problems when saving the game, freezing, many things.

    Why I did gave 2 stars?
    I don't know why I am giving it a two star rating, in no way is it worth more than that, and I'm even being a bit dishonest. I mean the game is not bad but at the same time it is. First, the game mechanics are interesting but at the same time annoying. Second that the renderings are good but there is not much sexual content to enjoy, spend 10 hours, fap at the first sex scene you find, go to sleep and move to recycle bin. So, I'm being dishonest in saying this, but let's say it's a feeling, you've probably already felt this, but you always give it a chance, one more, one more, new update, want to know about the new content... The game is fun if the grind is drastically reduced, or rather balanced, but who thinks that the game management is balanced, the person must be crazy. So, this is my frustration, a game that looks like fun, is even fun, but will frustrate you so much, you only realize it when you play it at night and look out the window and see the sun shining and then wonder, did I stay here wasting all my time? Anyway, I don't think it is a game to be abandoned, because it has a huge potential, hard to find incest games but what this game deserves is a reduction in the grind and some other things to be easily accessible, for example aggression topics, because the RNG is bad. I hope this game improves, but at the moment, I can't recommend it if you're looking for something quick and don't want to waste your time. If you have free time, give it a try. It's not a bad game but it needs to be fair and balanced, reduce time consumption.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is not your typical game. Got grinding and making money. Different mechanics and many different paths for the girls. Beginning is long but you can just download someone's hacks or use cheat engine on 2bit to get values.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Review bases on playing from scratch with version 5 and version 6.01

    First of all this is an actual game. It is not a visual novel. It is a game.

    Like most games it requires you to actually learn the game mechanics and actually take the time needed to play it.

    There is a learning curve. Once you learn the mechanics then you can play it more and more efficiently. Playing smart will save you time. Optimizing your day will save you time. Optimizing your resources will save you time.

    But if you play badly it won't cost you anything other than time.

    Essentially the game concept is that you can make changes to the world you live in via a complex conversation system in which you influence those around you towards whatever goals you are currently interested in.

    You can influence people to go back and forth. So if you decide you don't like a character's personality you can change it.

    It is fun, and can be challenging. It is a slow burn, though as you develop your skills it does get easier and easier. There is a lot of freedom to play however you want... you can just do the same thing over and over again, or you can do a lot of various things each day. No matter what you do you are building your resources and moving things forward.

    There are a lot of small details that change depending on what you decide to do. I am often amazed at some of the subtle changes that can happen when I do or do not take some action.

    It is your world. Influence it and change it as you like.

    Personally, I think this is a really interesting and fun game. But I like games and it isn't unusual for me to sink hundreds of hours into games when I enjoy them. I have only encountered a few adult games that were actually good games with interesting game mechanics. I hope to see more games like this.

    If you like playing games, and you like being able to make choices and slowly affect the game world then Loser will be a fun adventure.

    I already have 15+ hours sunk into Loser and I have yet to see a lot of what it has to offer. I enjoyed the experience and I look forward to seeing what more can be done with this engine.

  16. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3176988

    UPDATED REVIEW: So someone finally uploaded a save. I had looked for a recent save in 170 pages of game thread, and there wasn't one. I was also able to get the F2, F3, and F4 cheats working too, probably because of a recent hotfix. The game isn't that much better with the save and cheats though. It's annoying. Most of the time, if I click Load Save, it tells me "Saving Bitches". That's confusing. I also think that is infantile to even have "Loading Bitches" and "Saving Bitches" as the save and load save screens. The developer put the Save/Load Save in the worst possible location. In just about every game that I played in my entire life, you could press the ESC key to access the main menu and save or load a game from there. But in this game, you have to click on your cellphone instead. When you Save or Load Save, you can't even ESC out of it when you are done. You have to move the mouse cursor to click the close button. Let's see. Anytime that you want to do something with someone, most likely you won't have the topic in your hotbar. So you have to exit the room, run back to your bedroom, and then look for the topic that you might need. And because there are so many topics, there is no explanation on what each topic does, and because you might not have the topics that you need it's a waste of time. Also, in this save, one sister Gina is a slut and easy to have sex with. But every time that you have sex with her, you lose like 30 relationship points. And so know that it's really, really hard to get the relationship points back up. You can only get them up a little at a time. So anytime you want to do something naughty with someone, be prepared to not be able to do anything with them again for a very long time. Because you lose relationship points having sex with someone who enjoys having sex with you and who has had sex with you many times before. The sex scenes suck. They consist of just a few still frames. That's it. I've seen hundreds, maybe thousands, of Ren'Py games where the sex scenes are longer, are animated, and just have overall more and better content. Not all of the females are even that attractive. For instance, there is a lover named Charlene who lives next door and doesn't look anything special. I honestly thought that Gina was a tranny when I saw someone on F95 use her as their profile picture. In the game, she looks better and just looks okay. But she does look a bit weird. And she doesn't even look anything like the other female relatives in the house. Is everyone adopted? This game prides itself on being "different from all the F95 games which all suck. Those are the developer's own words. Well, the only difference that I can see is that you have to grind a billion times more than other grindy games, and there is an annoying topic hotbar system where you have to run back and forth between your room to get the topics that you might not have yet and are a pain to acquire. Like, wow, oh wow, that's just amazing man. I've played games with some grind before like MIST and Astral Lust, but they were decent. It wasn't that impossible to get to the sex content, they didn't require you to run between rooms to get topics for conversation, and they were way less grindy. This game, even after I unlocked the tiny bit of, almost nonexistent, sex content, still deserves a 1 star from me. I can't recommend it. If you want to get your fap on, you are wasting your time here. As the developer will say "go play a visual novel".

    PREVIOUS REVIEW: I want to like this game, but I have been playing for an hour with cheats and I still can't do anything. For some reason, only the F1 cheat works for me. I haven't been able to use F2, F3, or F4. So the only things that I have maxed out are my focus, health, stamina, and arousal. All the other points are very low and take forever to increase. I've watched education videos like a billion times now, and I still don't have any smarts. And I really don't like the conversation feature where you put topics in your hotbar and use them on people and hope that it doesn't decrease your relationship points with them. I spent 10 or so minutes burning all the conversation topics to see if that would do anything and it increased some skills by like 1%. ROFL. I'm also sick of cleaning the house. I am only six points away from having the 50 points needed to "encourage" mom, but I'm tired of cleaning. And I don't want to do any of the other tasks billions of times either, like doing light exercise, etc. This game is nothing but grinding. The models and rooms and graphics look completely outstanding and wonderful. But I can't enjoy the game like this. If someone uploaded a save with everything maxed out, or if the cheats worked for me, then maybe I could get into this game. But I have no interest whatsoever in wasting billions of hours of my life doing the same tasks over and over hoping to one day have the XP needed to unlock some nice stuff. Forget that. Oh, and I have never used Save Editor but I am aware of it. But I'm not going to waste my time trying to figure it out in hopes that I can make this game playable and fun for me. I am uninstalling the game now. Thank you for wasting my entire morning. Oh yeah, I am ignoring this thread too. Not worth downloading a second time. I saw dozens of other reviews complaining about the insane grind. It's a clever tactic having a game that requires 1,000 hours of gameplay, and 999 of those hours are just doing the same repetitive tasks over and over again in hopes that you will some day get to the one hour of fun scenes. But that's not for me. Thanks anyway.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Currently worth just one star.

    There is no introduction, of any kind. Not of setting, plot, characters, or a tutorial to explain the UI. Anything good this game has to offer suffers irrevocably from that.

    Add to that, I accidently hit some hotkey that brought up my... well, in game hotkeys, and I could not make them go away. They couldn't be used in the situation I was in, and could not be dismissed. And they supersede everything, enough that hitting esc to access the menu brought up the menu, but I couldn't access it because... the hotkeys take precedent and the main menu is in the background.
    Maybe an easy way to close your hotkey bar in game is a good idea?
    Hell, maybe it exists, but there is no tutorial to show it to us.

    I need some opening to establish a game. I'm sure just a few minutes of experimenting might explain the UI to me, but some basic tutorial would be nice.
    A character screen that showed me my stats, if I have to grind so much, would be nice.

    I am not worried about grind, and sandbox isn't something I hate, intrinsically. I would be THRILLED to come back to this game, when those very simple things are dealt with, play it, and re-evaluate my review.
    But the game is 2 years old, and dev hasn't put in a damned intro yet.

    At some point, breaks should be hit on ALL future development, to allow work to focus on a simple intro, and a simple tutorial to break down the UI and stats we're working with.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the most grinding game i've played, and yes, i quit a few times. Returned to it (becouse i was bored) and persevered (and cheated aswell :p) and was rewarded with the most intuitive characters, it felt great, you can mold their personality and it feels very rewarding when you finally accomplish something. I cannot recommend this enough! (with cheats)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    A rather interesting take on the family corruption sub-genre that is so popular on this site. You'll see many of the reviews below me lamenting the dreaded "grind," which isn't that bad in my opinion, due to the fact that unlike so many other "games" on this site Loser actually has some gaming mechanics to contend with. If you're looking for another run of the mill ren'py VN with no gameplay then this is not the game for you, If you think that you have the patience to actually play a h-game with gameplay then give it a try.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting Idea and Gameplay
    well developed Steps of Corruption
    average Renderings
    enogh Contents

    Grind is Out of the line (but you could make it ... or maybe not :rolleyes:)
    Sandbox gameplay but Limited style of contents
    {(Interaction = Grind ) >>> (Story progression = only Contents) }
    No Prologue (Background of story&character)


    Anyway it is definitely Hot and Fun game. but beware ! Grind >>> Hot,Fun