
New Member
May 12, 2017
Baal7734, another small thing I’ve noticed, Younger Sister Becky appears to have light blue eyes, but all of her other ATs have light green eyes.

Like I said, minor thing and may not be worth fixing at this time, but I thought you may want to be aware of it. Of course, it may just be my eyes seeing things.


Jun 19, 2017
Game is fun, but, the UI need some improvements, too much mouse clics to do things, too much distance between some options, like using the wardrobe, you have to clic on the top left corner, then validate in the bottom right. Can't you make a pop-in sub menu instead for thoses actions? If you play like 10mn, you'll not notice theses things, but after some hours...

After hours of gameplay I've discovered that I can drag things I've bought from the shop from the inventory to the action bar to use them during conversations XD I've read the tutorial, but I've totally missed the "gifts goes to the hotbar" part.

Renders are very nice, as the girls, with differents shape like SP, thats really cool.
I hope you'll implements some pretty sounds and musics one day.


New Member
May 12, 2017
Aaand one more issue. There doesn’t appear to be any time where you can encourage Immediagram Mother Diane to have secondary interests. Not sure if I’m just missing the time point where this is possible, if it’s not implemented yet, or if it’s an actual bug. Just thought I’d mention it just to get it on your radar. Thanks!


Mar 18, 2018
Aaand one more issue. There doesn’t appear to be any time where you can encourage Immediagram Mother Diane to have secondary interests. Not sure if I’m just missing the time point where this is possible, if it’s not implemented yet, or if it’s an actual bug. Just thought I’d mention it just to get it on your radar. Thanks!
There's really no need as you can't advance her to anything new anyway.


New Member
May 12, 2017
There's really no need as you can't advance her to anything new anyway.
I’m aware of that, but like I said, I wasn’t sure if this was intended or not, as you can take the others, with the exception of Less Bitchy Becky, back to previous ATs.

I’d rather bring it up and have Baal say that’s what he intends for now rather than it being something he’d have to spend time on later patching, as he’s back on SP now.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I’m aware of that, but like I said, I wasn’t sure if this was intended or not, as you can take the others, with the exception of Less Bitchy Becky, back to previous ATs.

I’d rather bring it up and have Baal say that’s what he intends for now rather than it being something he’d have to spend time on later patching, as he’s back on SP now.
I think Baal posted about it earlier and said that the plan is for each AT to have a path into and out of it to a new AT but he ran out of time for one or two of them so a couple may currently be 1 way only.
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Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
Baal said something about Becky having a Slutty route at one point, didn't he? Or am I not remembering rightly?


New Member
May 12, 2017
I think Baal posted about it earlier and said that the plan is for each AT to have a path into and out of it to a new AT but he ran out of time for one or two of them so a couple may currently be 1 way only.
Much appreciated! I must’ve just missed that! I knew about less bitchy Becky not having a path back out, but didn’t recall anything for Diane.

Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
I've just read a review of this and while I agree with certain parts, the rest of it seems to mewling for a super easy mode.
For instance, he thinks the women should about 10x faster. This would mean they'd gain anywhere from 10-30pts in one visit.
He also goes on to complain about the Tiers, the point requirements and the fact that they start at level 0.
He seems to think going 50/150/300 as opposed to 100/300/500 would be better. Again, mewling for easy mode.
Also complains about how hard money is to come by in this game. He should work on the tree that gets him the Streamer job. Much better than mowing the grass one day per week.
Then complains about how the controls are split between sides. If you ask me having half on one side and half on the other is preferable to having the all down one side.

I'd advise everybody read the latest review. By the end I was laughing about how much whining he does in favour of making the game super easy. He doesn't actually say this, but that's basically what it all amounts to. And seems to think everybody plays this with their wrists and elbows.
Criticising the UI holds no weight when he proposes something infinitely uglier which would cause the player to misclick far more than they do now.
Whinges about how Save/Load is buried under two menus. Click phone, click Save/Load, click save or load. What's the problem here? He's right on the number of clicks but he's wrong about it being a problem.
Display delays, he says, should be user-configurable. Not bad, but he says that a forced delay of 1 second is a problem. 1 fucking second is a problem. Riiiiiiiiiiiight.

He admits to expecting some grind but goes on to complain about HOW MUCH grind there is. And admits to cheating all skills up to 600.
He flat out calls it bad and tells us to go anything else and thinks he was doing us a favour by not realising that this early state is an ALPHA. It's not even close to being a beta. This means there's still a shload of tweaks and content to go in. FFS, I wish people would stop reviewing things when it's basically just started.
It'd be like your child just learning to walk and criticising them for not getting it right.

Really, though. Read the review. It's accidentally funny in its whinge factor.


Jun 19, 2017
Really, though. Read the review. It's accidentally funny in its whinge factor.

As I disagree with lots of his points, like you, I'm totallly feeling the same about the 3, 4 and 7 points he suggests in the bottom section of his review.
That's something you heavily notice after consecutives hours of playing. I've discovered the game about 1 month ago and was totally hooked by the progression system, unlike SP it's very fun and I've never seen it anywhere else, it's simple and just, great. So, I 've spent hours playing it (like 30 hours the first 2 days, never ever do that a week end. -_-).
Beside the fun, after hours, you start to notice how much you have to click or move your move around the screen, the waiting, the confirm button... That's the point he tries to bring here. As I said in my previous post.

But, the pace of the game is, I think, just my opinion of course, very well balanced for a game at this stage.
The game is really fun and I can't wait to see a complete version with tons of archetypes!!!
A proof that a game doesn't require animations or heavy background and walls of text to be fun.

For my next session, if I don't forget, I'll track how much meters/clicks my mouse suffer, and compare them with a H&S game in the same timelapse. XD

Bob Barker666

New Member
Jun 15, 2017
Hi there folks,

I just wanted to clarify a couple of points in case they weren't clear in the review. I'm not looking for a lot of back-and-forth here. I wrote the review after putting in a lot of time to work through it. I perhaps should have spent more time writing it but I was fresh off a 16 hour session with it where I finally tried to edit the files.

First clarification: I played the first 35 or so hours vanilla. I added the cheats in the last few hours to try to find some content I hadn't seen before.
Second: I read the help screen/tutorial. I read the Discord info and I read the (outdated) walkthrough. I appeciated what info I could get from those. I know people like to say RTFM. Honestly, I tried. I think I understand the game ok now but there's so much hidden information from the player that it is difficult to really get a good strategy for how to attack it.
Third: I know it's in development. I know it has promise. I'm reviewing the current state. If everything I wrote is different in the future... I'll happily delete or update the review. On F95, all reviews have to be of current state. How can I review that which does not exist?
Minor Quibble: One can't 'admit' to using a cheat on a personal non-competitive game. One can cheat on a test but this is really not the same.

So, I'll accept a little ad hominem from the responses as... being pretty tired... I was probably too harsh with some of my word choices. For example, I forgot to say... the developer is responsive and his work is great and his game concepts a break from the repetitive stuff out there. I wouldn't be doing the Patreon thing otherwise.

But I was reviewing the game, as it stands along with a pattern of grindy design decisions by this particular dev.

I've just read a review of this and while I agree with certain parts, the rest of it seems to mewling for a super easy mode.
Mewling? Ouch. I mean... There is a happy middle between easy mode and holy crap these women are simply slow on the uptake. I mean... This obviously isn't reality and most games tend to be too low effort on the players part. But this is the other extreme. If a son had 30-50 different conversations with mom where they brought up incest, porn, nude photography, etc... you'd think at some point mom would realize there was a message here.

I think we can agree that 1 bullet in a magazine is too low a limit and a million bullets in a civilian magazine is too many. I'm looking for something significantly lower than the developer is currently targeting.

... Again, mewling for easy mode.
Am I asking for more reward for along the progression path? Yes. How to do this? I made suggestions. Easy mode? Come on. Interaction values could be doubled or more and the game would still be grindy as I see it.

Also complains about how hard money is to come by in this game. He should work on the tree that gets him the Streamer job. Much better than mowing the grass one day per week.
I'm going to suggest you search up YouTube
Magic: the Gathering: Twenty Years, Twenty Lessons Learned. It's a good discussion of game design. In specific, I want to point out lesson 13: Make the fun part also the correct strategy to win.

"It's not the players job to find the fun it is your job as a game designer to put the fun where they can't help but find it because when players sit down to a game there's an implied promise from the game designer the game designer says if you do what the game tells you to do it will be an enjoyable experience so the players will do whatever the game tells them to achieve the desired goal usually to win even if that isn't fun they'll do it and when the game is done if the players didn't have fun they will blame the game and rightfully so because you the designer have messed up you have not delivered on the promise
... fun cannot be tangental it has to be the core component of your game experience ...
you see how your audience is playing the game and sometimes they go the wrong path they don't do what you expect them to do well guess what if they find unfun parts of your game you put them there"

Then complains about how the controls are split between sides. If you ask me having half on one side and half on the other is preferable to having the all down one side.
This is really a quality of life issue. It's more about the way controls are grouped, how they shift around the screen, how they interact. So, i'll give you an example of what I am referring to. In the bedroom, the sleep button (which has a confirmation page) is in the same location on the screen as the clean button for many of the rooms. When you are grinding for hours and hours, it is very easy to try to hit the sleep button and instead accidentally clean a room. This type of UI issue causes me to a lot more reloading than I would like to... not because I made a strategic mistake, but because I fumbled on the UI. I already covered the issues with lack of quick save/load and putting the option in an awkward location.

I'd advise everybody read the latest review. By the end I was laughing about how much whining he does in favour of making the game super easy. He doesn't actually say this, but that's basically what it all amounts to. And seems to think everybody plays this with their wrists and elbows.
Hmm... I'm not sure what that means. Do most people not use mice? I could use any number of input devices.... but the
point was the game is requiring simply too many actions.

You can laugh if you'd like. I really wanted to like this game and put in a lot of effort to try to find the fun.

Criticising the UI holds no weight when he proposes something infinitely uglier which would cause the player to misclick far more than they do now.
Whinges about how Save/Load is buried under two menus. Click phone, click Save/Load, click save or load. What's the problem here? He's right on the number of clicks but he's wrong about it being a problem.
Display delays, he says, should be user-configurable. Not bad, but he says that a forced delay of 1 second is a problem. 1 fucking second is a problem. Riiiiiiiiiiiight.
Now you've just lost me. So, my opinion is laughable and whiny... but your opinion about how you might misclick is not?

PS: Those one second delays are multiplied thousands of times in the game. They add up to huge amounts of real time where I am only seeing the exact same cut scene or wose... continue button. Every second I am bored or frustrated is another second that I'm not having fun. I'm surprised you could read my entire review and not understand I'm saying there's too many little things and a huge multiplier of the amount of grind.

He admits to expecting some grind but goes on to complain about HOW MUCH grind there is. And admits to cheating all skills up to 600.
What is with this "admits" thing? Its a game not a trial. I tried to explain my expectations and how the game isn't meeting them. You're basically making assumptions about my intelligence and understanding of software development, UI design and game theory. I'm trying to help the developer make a better game or inform other people of what is in it so they can make informed choices about what they are getting into.

FFS, I wish people would stop reviewing things when it's basically just started.
You'd have to take that up with F95 I guess. There's a review feature. We obviously can only review a game that is and not a game that will be. I have to ask this question though; If you think alpha games shouldn't be reviewed... then why in the world would you go into that section to read them? That seems kind of silly to me.

I have made the conscious choice not to edit the review in response to this post. I will update it when I next look at the game. It wouldn't change anything anyway.. if you look at the reviews : all of the 5 stars are short and about the games potential. The other reviews contain more substantive opinions. And for the record... I'm not the first person to mention the grind, the UI issues or the lack of findable content. I just documented (I hope) to be other aspects with some ideas to improve it.
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Active Member
Jul 7, 2018
I've just read a review of this and while I agree with certain parts, the rest of it seems to mewling for a super easy mode.
For instance, he thinks the women should about 10x faster. This would mean they'd gain anywhere from 10-30pts in one visit.
He also goes on to complain about the Tiers, the point requirements and the fact that they start at level 0.
He seems to think going 50/150/300 as opposed to 100/300/500 would be better. Again, mewling for easy mode.
Also complains about how hard money is to come by in this game. He should work on the tree that gets him the Streamer job. Much better than mowing the grass one day per week.
Then complains about how the controls are split between sides. If you ask me having half on one side and half on the other is preferable to having the all down one side.

I'd advise everybody read the latest review. By the end I was laughing about how much whining he does in favour of making the game super easy. He doesn't actually say this, but that's basically what it all amounts to. And seems to think everybody plays this with their wrists and elbows.
Criticising the UI holds no weight when he proposes something infinitely uglier which would cause the player to misclick far more than they do now.
Whinges about how Save/Load is buried under two menus. Click phone, click Save/Load, click save or load. What's the problem here? He's right on the number of clicks but he's wrong about it being a problem.
Display delays, he says, should be user-configurable. Not bad, but he says that a forced delay of 1 second is a problem. 1 fucking second is a problem. Riiiiiiiiiiiight.

He admits to expecting some grind but goes on to complain about HOW MUCH grind there is. And admits to cheating all skills up to 600.
He flat out calls it bad and tells us to go anything else and thinks he was doing us a favour by not realising that this early state is an ALPHA. It's not even close to being a beta. This means there's still a shload of tweaks and content to go in. FFS, I wish people would stop reviewing things when it's basically just started.
It'd be like your child just learning to walk and criticising them for not getting it right.

Really, though. Read the review. It's accidentally funny in its whinge factor.
You were too harsh to him man, c'mon. :eek:

Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
Bob Barker666
Your review was scathing this early in development and I took it as a lack of understanding, so I was scathing of your review. "Mewling" may have been too much, sorry.
But I understand your points a little more clearly now and I've since calmed down a little.
My first point on the bloating of points you wanted -you explicitly stated that it should be AT LEAST 10x faster- would make everything super easy. Given that the girls scores range anywhere from 0 to 100, this would mean you could conceivably change their AT in two days, three for the one day later mechanic.
There's the next thing. You want that gone, I think it's acceptable. With enough management, it gives you time to set up someone else for the day after. Instant *poof* changes I feel would be a step backwards, not forwards.
Okay, it's grindy as all hell - I get that - but I think Baal will be tweaking the gains little by little as well as adding new ways to gain XP for whatever skills. But he will NOT increase them to a factor of 10. Nor do I want him to. Heck, do well enough in a conversation (with topic buffs) and you can conceivably get between 6 and 9 points per skill.
My comment on your proposed changes to the UI seemed fairly clear to me. Picture a scenario whereby all available buttons are all on one side. That would make misclicks more likely, IMO. The left/right split that's currently there feels more usable to me. The current layout also gives you more screen estate to look at.
I fail to understand why the left/right switch is such a hot button for you. Moving the mouse takes a little time, yes, but that could be alleviated with a hotkey link instead.
I know setting up the topic bar is a little clunky right now. That's probably my biggest gripe with the game.
Baal I feel prefers people to find their own fun rather than handing them things and saying "here, this is fun". That'd be making people's minds up for them which is something I just can't abide by. Hence why there's so many optional things in SP.
Yes, 1 second transitions can add up but still. At least there's a way to tell who's where now.
When I said "Shoot for the Streamer job", I meant it. Even OAS Gina can join in. It takes a lot of Stamina an initially doesn't net much but buy the things to boost it and you could be making about $100/day which is a lot when there isn't that much to do with money. The only thing is the unlock (c'mon, video games isn't that hard to work on) and you need to score an invisible amount of points. Instead of saying to myself "Fuck, I wish I knew about [skill x] sooner!" I was "Oh hey, a new skill. What's this? A new job? Okay, I have something to work for now." Yes, there are a lot of jobs left to be coded but Baal's said those will be going in as development progresses. The currently unused skills like Hacking, too.

Really, I do tend to run my mouth more than I should. Your points are valid. I share some of them and dispute others.
But calling something that's not even 10% done just plain bad doesn't help anyone and the way said "I've done you a favour" is along the lines of making people's minds up for them. And you know how I feel about that.
Some people are attracted by anything that gets a bad rap. I enjoy SP and thought I'd enjoy this. For the most part, I do. I just have one AT left to get now and it's the grindiest one.

Again, I'm sorry.
And it's not "just bad", it's just pretty raw right now.
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Bob Barker666

New Member
Jun 15, 2017
Bob Barker666
And it's not "just bad", it's just pretty raw right now.
I agree with a ton of what you said there. The UI thing being one point where I think there's more than one good way to do things and we just differ in some of the details. You want to avoid misclicks. I want to avoid traveling 35 inches of screen to click a button on the other side, to travel back again immediately.

Discussion is healthy and hopefully it gives him some ideas or at least some points of concern. Maybe the ideas he comes up with are even better then anything I considered.

I tried to actually say it had promise... But with a list of issues like I posted, I know everyone has to wonder why I'd stuck with it. Frankly, it's the same reason I am still talking about this. I think this game can be great. I mean really, really great.

I'm glad we had some discussion. I for sure went a little too hard due to being tired and frustrated. I'll own that. I actually appreciate you calling out what wasn't clear and taking the time to read it. Constructive criticism is the best way for us all to get better.

Thanks again!

Edit note: just fixed some punctuation and a missing connector word or two.
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Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
I have a doubt. How many characters are in the game currently and how they are unlocked. Thank you
You can't be that far into the game if you're asking this.

To my knowledge there's four mains at the moment: Diane, Gina, Becky and Charlene.
Charlene unlocks naturally over time. You just have to find her.
You're also going to need money. Only mow the grass until you get access to the Streamer job. That'll be your main source until more jobs get coded. Or don't bother with the grass at all and concentrate entirely on Skill levels.

There's also a few more at the party, when that unlocks but I don't think you can do much with them. Pretty sure those npcs only exist to help do an AT on Becky.
3.00 star(s) 120 Votes