Well personaly I think dick number 2 is a good choice (neutral).
I'm curious to see how we will lead our sister to this scene ^^ (it sounds quit promising for the next update !)
This scene will be part of the very early submission route, the way our smart MC starts manipulating Amy is by going the "Sis, I'm so insecure about my body could you help me?." tactic. While it certainly is not that realistic, to me seeing that loving and caring relationship they both have, it's not entirely bs, I mean if you are close to your sis, you also share things that are totally private right?
Also, I want to add more stuff for the eye in 0.04 and since we are at a point where the MC hits those "weak spots"/has confessed his feelings I think it's reasonable to get to more intimate scenes. I'm not going slow for the sake of keeping my audience put/waiting, I simply go at a pace I find reasonable. Desires, wishes, and desperation in combination with alcohol IMHO strongly accelerated this process in LaS 0.03.1.
Hehe, as long as we get the option to tell her to "put it in her whore mouth" on the submission route and make her gag on cock, I'll be happy. I love that there are darker options, because IRL I'm a nice guy and would NEVER act like that, and we play videogames to do things we can't/won't do for real.
@veqvil, you deserved that review. I can't tell you how awesome it is not to be faced with "game over" at every turn if you decide to be a bad person "too soon" in the game. I just wish I was in good enough shape financially to support you on Patreon, because if any Dev ever deserved it, you do.
You got it! The submission route can go either way; utilizing psychology to enhance a relationship or going full degrading and taking control of a character. Also training the love-interests minds to submit to you!
I hate Game-Overs as well (yeah I'm bad at games XD), to me that's lost potential storytelling and isn't the game over part the most interesting thing in a VN?
Reading the last part really brought me close to tears, supporting me mentally is equally important as financially. I'm not saying that someone who is willing to support me with their hard earned money is somewhat less important, it does allow me to chase my goal of creating good games, I can be proud of, whenever I look back. But I will also remember the fun times reading interesting and awesome opinions as well as laughing my ass off in forums.
No matter what, all support is awesome and if you can't help me get rid of this stupid part-time thing, writing comments of any kind, even hate posts feels good (Am I going to regret that one? XD).