noo ne

Aug 7, 2018

How do you start the Quest "Harder Better Faster Stronger"?. Tried messing with the shoes and taking a nap to make it the evening and nadda
How do you know the questname if you didn't get the quest yet? I'm not sure how it gets started (only read the small part in the script files where it gets added to the questlog) but it's the reason for most of the game crashes I read on the past couple of pages. So it's probably bugged at the moment....

The quest was announced for me top left after you talk to the Cop about the shotting (Tell Truth), then it became this entry in the journal that I could not start or complete. TY for the info will treat it as a bugged quest for now
Go to the park


Aug 20, 2018
every option in the votepool should just be implemented as part as the story progression. can't imagine someone who wouldn't want to see every option, i hope becky doesn't get shared with anyone else now that she's actually attractive lol


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 4, 2017
Veqvil we can't touch the dildo of amy is bug
google the answer. It's written about a thousand times in here. Btw. it's not a bug, it's lazy converting of a game.

Okay! Quick question, how do I toggle the quest navigation?
One answer with given up above by @Poorloading the other is if you are already at that point and it doesn't show up for some reason, go into your preferences and make sure the Questlog is "Enabled".

every option in the votepool should just be implemented as part as the story progression. can't imagine someone who wouldn't want to see every option, i hope becky doesn't get shared with anyone else now that she's actually attractive lol
Well as I understand it the vote is just for him to decide "which" route to implement next, he never wrote that he won't implement the others. So in my understanding it means, whatever routes gets voted for the most WILL be implemented with the next update, while the second vote "might" be implemented in the next update if everything goes like he plans. While all the other routes might turn up in the next votes again.

I'm glad you are using the superior measuremt system - line would of been funny if he spelled measurement correctly LOL
omg really? :D I saw that picture all over the place on every discord server but didn't check the spelling... well it's funny in it's own way that he didn't spell it correctly x'D
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