Yeah, the tagging system is a little limited in scope. Standard procedure is to just tag every theme or fetish that appears in the game, but maybe you could separate the main themes of the game from the sub themes that only appear on certain paths.I wasn't the one who tagged it, but if/when I get ownership of the thread hopefully I can fix that. But that's going to be so misleading as there's a little bit of everything in it, just like how theres a little bit of femdom (Just not in the trailer) but it's NOT all about femdom. :S hmm...
Like several other posters I only found this demo because it has the "gay" tag and I enjoyed the heck out of it! Your game already has more "gay" content (even if it's just a tweak on content written for a female character) than a host of other games with the "gay" tag so I really feel it's appropriate even though gay or lesbian content isn't a large focus of the game.
Setting the tags aside, I think you've got a great demo here! The story grabs you immediately by skipping unnecessary exposition, the art is great (love the little animations) and Sebastian is surprisingly likable for a man who just kidnapped you. Overall, I'm very much looking forward to seeing how this all shakes out, if and when you decide to update!