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Engaged Member
Aug 22, 2019
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BadPotato GameDev

Game Developer
Mar 13, 2018
Wait what...
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Hahaha wooow, I know I've fixed that before but I must have fixed the wrong version. But moving forward I've already made sure that was taken out in the next public release.
Sorry about that!
~Cheers, at least it provided a good laugh!


Aug 18, 2016
Have a few questions. Regarding the images of Alice/Sarah in the hot tub area, how do you get those? Is there currently a followup to the whole necklace thing? And finally what is the max level of Alice, I can't seem to get her higher than 11 but it doesn't say that is all the current content.

BadPotato GameDev

Game Developer
Mar 13, 2018
Some news:

Well as of today I officially lost my job. Due to my health issues I think I won't be looking for another at the time being. Apparently using the phrase "Why don't you fire me then?" to a boss who fundamentally hates you and everything you stand for is a bad thing to say during an argument.

So that being what it is... I hope this game can take off soon. If not I'll still be at least working on it at the pace I have been because in the end I enjoy telling stories.

I think I'm going to take a break from working on it for a day or two... Maybe play some cyberpunk as I've barely been able to touch it since it came out. But after a brain reset and some financial musical chairs to make sure I'll at least be good for a few months... I'll get back to work on V0.2.3a, I'm nearly done with all of the writing, just a couple more events to do and then I could get to work on the bulk images/animations. I have already created many of the new assets that will be seen in this update and I at least look forward to being able to devote more time into this right now.

MOVING FORWARD: After V0.2.3a is out for patrons on Jan 15th, I am considering something that I both want to do and hate the thought of doing at the same time. Recreating all of Chapter 1 content into the new style. This will also include fixing the biggest complaint I have received about this game... Sarah's room in chapter 1. The idea behind it will be reworked and I already have something in mind. So those of you who play this game in an entirely dark room would no longer have an issue playing through Sarah's first half of her storyline so far.

All in all it is what it is as I raise a toast to you all... Fuck 2020, may we never have another year like it.

~Cheers and I hope everyone has a wonderful time during the holidays.


Devoted Member
Jun 26, 2018
Some news:

Well as of today I officially lost my job. Due to my health issues I think I won't be looking for another at the time being. Apparently using the phrase "Why don't you fire me then?" to a boss who fundamentally hates you and everything you stand for is a bad thing to say during an argument.

So that being what it is... I hope this game can take off soon. If not I'll still be at least working on it at the pace I have been because in the end I enjoy telling stories.

I think I'm going to take a break from working on it for a day or two... Maybe play some cyberpunk as I've barely been able to touch it since it came out. But after a brain reset and some financial musical chairs to make sure I'll at least be good for a few months... I'll get back to work on V0.2.3a, I'm nearly done with all of the writing, just a couple more events to do and then I could get to work on the bulk images/animations. I have already created many of the new assets that will be seen in this update and I at least look forward to being able to devote more time into this right now.

MOVING FORWARD: After V0.2.3a is out for patrons on Jan 15th, I am considering something that I both want to do and hate the thought of doing at the same time. Recreating all of Chapter 1 content into the new style. This will also include fixing the biggest complaint I have received about this game... Sarah's room in chapter 1. The idea behind it will be reworked and I already have something in mind. So those of you who play this game in an entirely dark room would no longer have an issue playing through Sarah's first half of her storyline so far.

All in all it is what it is as I raise a toast to you all... Fuck 2020, may we never have another year like it.

~Cheers and I hope everyone has a wonderful time during the holidays.
I'm sorry you lost your job. Hope you can find another one soon.

Sarah's room is too bright in chapter 1, posibly is my only complain of the game.

BadPotato GameDev

Game Developer
Mar 13, 2018
V0.2.2b public post from Patreon:

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a happy and safe new years. 2020 tested us all, so we can only hope that we can at least regain some sanity in 2021.
If you are in the public discord you would have already gotten the heads up that I am skipping straight to the b version for this as it was only a single new event and went back and did a lot of typo and grammar fixes. Unless something drastic needs to be fix i.e. a bug that decided to show up finally then this will be the only public post this month as I wanted to take my time with V0.2.3a coming out for patrons on the 15th of this month.
on to the patch notes!

The computer has been brought back for chapter 2
Patrons voted on who they wanted to get a special event for and the winner was Luna! So check out the bathroom in chapter 2 to access that.
photo sets:
Re-rendered Sol's first photo set
first photo sets for both Lina and Sarah, just talk to them after the beach has been unlocked and you will see an option to ask them if they want to do a photo shoot. After these side events are completed, you will be able to access the pictures taken from your computer.
Lina 1 main event as well as the third part of her multistage event is ready, talk to Luna again as she will have an idea for you. This is the last one before the conclusion. Stay tuned for V0.2.3a for the conclusion.
Sol 1 main event
Luna 1 main event that is unlocked after Sol's and will unlock a repeatable version afterwards as it has 4 ways total it can end.
Quick jump map is now in place. Yes I know that the beach shows up before it is unlocked, however you are unable to click on it until then. This is because I am still deciding how I want to structure that aspect for coding the map moving forward, testing out two methods to see which will result in less of a headache as I will be including an accurate depiction of who is where on the map at that moment of the day.

Moving forward!
After V0.2.3a is released I will be doing something that I have hated the thought of until now. To acknowledge the two biggest complaints about the game (Change in game look between chapter 1 and chapter 2. As well as an immense dislike for Sarah's void room before she puts up walls to block the light.) Not only will I be reworking the idea behind Sarah's void so that it isn't harsh to look at, I will be going back and recreating all of chapter 1 into HS2 so there is no longer any interruption of art style. By doing this, I will also be rewriting many scenes so that things make more sense and some things might actually have to be completely redone as there is no way to directly mimic a couple actions in the updated game engine. I HOPE this only lasts a single update cycle as simply recreating is far easier than creating something entirely new. It will be somewhere around 2,000 images recreated in a single month so this will be quite the test of how much I can get done now that I've lost my job. Regardless though I will do all main events first as to keep the game at least playable just in case something happens and I am unable to get every side action entirely done.
~Cheers! and I look forward to what 2021 will bring us.
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Apr 11, 2018
Was starting to get into this, but the change in the character models just feels wrong. The ones from the first part of the game were much better. The new faces just seem off somehow


Engaged Member
Aug 22, 2019
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2018
Lina is really messed up looking. I get you were trying to keep similar to her old face, but as it is she looks really alien almost. Also you keep letting her hair clip through her body.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
That lead up to the choice in the Luna/Vesta scene had me screaming 'abort' in my head... Glad it was optional because otherwise I wouldn't be advancing Luna's story further.

BadPotato GameDev

Game Developer
Mar 13, 2018
Love or Lust V0.2.3A Public release post from Patreon:

V0.2.3a Update notes:
2 New characters introduced during this update.
Alice - 3 Main events, last one is quite long at 183 images/animations total. Staying the night in her room as well as her first photoshoot event is unlocked afterwards.
Lina - 2 Main events, first one will introduce one of the new characters.
Jaime - 2nd new character. 4 Main events total with her. You can find her by going to the cafe. To get to the cafe, go to the main entry room in chapter 2 and you will have an option to leave the house now.
Total Image/Animation count to the game now stands at 4,369. (Nice...)
Moving forward to V0.2.4a... Welp you all know what that's going to be. Recreating all of chapter 1 into the new game engine. I will start with all main events first and work my way though them from there. Because simply recreating is faaaar easier than creating new content, and the fact that I am home the majority of the day now, I hope to get it all done in a single month. If it extends beyond a single update cycle, it will only be for simple side options that will get updated in the following update.
I hope everyone is having a good week.

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Jun 18, 2017
Do we report bugs here?

Dunno if this has been reported yet, but during the nights if you click on dream, and then go back, you get all the options back. So basically you can have a never ending day. It's not game breaking or anything, just in case you wanted to know. Also when Lina arrives you are sent to pick up her lugguge :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2018
Never played the game until now, but I like it. My current favorite character is Alice. I did found a few images not loading. An example is when you talk with Luna and they met Vesta. When I picked "lifting double penetration" I got a black screen after Luna said, "Well then, let's get moving!" but I didn't have any problems when I picked "Spitroast."

I do have a question, I have Luna, Sol, and Alice say either "End of main questline for this version" (Luna & Sol) or End of current build" (Alice). Lina and Sarah don't have anything until their name, it's blank. Does that mean they have more story or is that a bug as well?


Jun 2, 2020
I must say its goin well and wanted to see more of the anal play/sex in this in the future. Also decent graphics as well and keep up the good work.
4.50 star(s) 2 Votes