...47 years into the game most people just wanna fuck the neighbor in the thumbnail. Kelly? Katie? People just wanna fuck her and 802 chapters in it's still just touching her tit before fucking some tramp at work lol
Game suffers from the same problem as dating my daughter. The main character is pretty vanilla to begin (she is still killer cute, though) with and she requires other characters to set herself apart from but at some point these characters are way more interesting or develop a far more dynamic and interesting story. Final girl Katy just as Daughter from DMD is a static centerpiece in the story, not a goal you take step by step. As a consequence extra character's story delays the main girlstory.
I think slonique makes a good try in presenting other character's as lustful obstructions to your final goal: A happy life with your neighborhood girl, Katy. Problem is: Why would i still aim for Sweet Katy AFTER I banged her mom, her best friend (my sister), my ex-girlfriend, my secretary, had a threesome with my ex-girlfriend and sister, my secretary and my sister and banged a random chick i forgot.
At this point in the story the player should already be in a close and intimate relationship with Katy, presented with a threesome option between either MC's sister and Katy or ex-girlfriend and katy to make OR break her... but we didn't even get to eat katie's pussy ONCE neither did we get a sloppy hand job.
How can someone so casually successful at fucking unwilling and manipulative partners (bossy sister, bitchy ex, spoiled housewife), fail at getting virgin? If naive virgin pussy was harder to get than random pussy, then all randoms would be virgins! Not to mention that Abyss-girl is Katie's surrogate as far as dating goes. MC just decided to corrupt instead of charming her like katy. Man needs variety i suppose.
Also. even though i enjoy the challenge of taming strong females for my harem. By this update MC should have Katy on a tight leash and the only other 'hard to get' female should be MC's own mom. I mean come on he gave D to every chick on the block why can't he assert himself without the help of coercion and drugs?