Does anybody know what the 'a strange girl has appeared' notification means?
I appreciate the attempt to get actual gameplay and progression out of a thing that started out as a simple toy/gimmick.
I think there's a lot of room for improvement in the report mechanic, because as it stands there's no real way to avoid getting reported since you have no control of when girls leave the lockers, and no way to reduce the number of active reports other than waiting for them to get dismissed over time, so your only options are to spend a lot of time sitting there doing nothing while you wait for the authorities to forget about you or to regularly get rewinded by three days, which removes any progress you could be making... and doesn't even reset your report meter, beyond going down to whereever it was three days ago. The girls who show up with little hearts floating around them don't report anything that they witness, so there's some potential there, but there's no indication of how (or if) you can get more of them to start appearing.
There definitely needs to be a description of the advanced locker types, and an option to replace them. I spent days trying to figure out what the portal locker did, and put the gas generators in the worst possible places.
It's also weird that the automatic locker seems to be a straight downgrade to the manual one? Ive never seen a girl leave the auto-locker, which means once it grabs somebody it effectively becomes an empty slot that you can't do anything with. It does provide a slightly different animation when you look inside, but one that you can't progress like the others...