Uh, I know it will get another flaming (or borderline insuling) answer as did some previous answer of mine

, however, that is actually rather realistic.
The author went for a story that does have some simplifications and things that I agree are a bit unrealistic, as any other game, but that is realistic exactly in those parts that it seems most people are getting pissed off at.
Going for the part of your interest, Lucie and the MC fell rapidly in a "relation" based on passion, and in paralle she just got out of a relation with a controlling jerk. The fact they get in so rapidly, does not happen for everybody, but can happen for real, but then it is normal that she does not automatically trust the MC word like if they had built a relationship over months and years.
Make me wonder if people complaining about that ever had to deal with anybody (women, specifically) who had any kind of bad relationship where they were really invested emotionally.
Lucie accuses the MC of trying to suffocate and control her and of jealousy of the very successful Pascal, and people scream - but it is actually nothing strange if one considers the other elements about her profile and her past, and the way Pascal and his cohort are depicted (e.g. image of success, make her feel center of attention, play on the psychological weaknesses), and how fast she got in with the MC (no time build her strength and the solidity of the trust relationship).
About the " actual proof he has", if you allow me the quote, what proof ?
Vague tidbits the MC says he overheard by eavesdropping in a bathroom (we know for sure it was by chance, people in the game don't), a picture in which you see a woman but not the man obtained searching without any authority or authorisation after having already an idea he must be up to something wrong, "I say they put something in a drink" (but cannot proof it), etc.
Try to use that as proof with police or a court in most countries, and you will see what happens to you

, especially if you do it after you have tried to spread things against someone based on that.
Lucie is not a court ? True, but the only way Lucie would believe the MC without solid proof, would be if they had a long history that allow her to trust his word impllicitly, at the exclusion of any doubt - something they don't have.
That's why she believes him only after what happens in a certain day, when there is no ambiguity possible anymore.
I have seen real situations that were similar (although with no cage, no special drugs, and some other differences), and the behaviour by Lucie the author describes is closer to a possible reality that many would like, as well as some other aspects.
You have all the right to complain about storytelling, if you think is bad, however, you may want to think again about that stuff of "why does she do like that" and "why does not he tell her the proof".
Those elements are actually more realistic that most Hollywood movies and telefilms

, though I guess that may in itself annoying - I myself play other games, where I know many things are unrealistic, and I would not enjoy them if they were more realistic, but I play them the same way in which I play this one, knowing what to expect from that point of view.