
New Member
Oct 14, 2021
Thanks about your feedbacks !
Specialy for ouch2020 for this long reply !

eye123321 Congratulation to see the night with lucie at the end of day 11.

SeveredRealms I'll add tag "kidnapping" if you want. Not rape.

bosp I have great respect for the English language and of course another person did the translation.
I also have a proofreader who went over it.

I'm working hard about day 12, I want beautiful and interactive ending for each player.

View attachment 1454026

Best regards,
A simple independant creator of video game.
do you know any more games of " Lucie " she is georgious. i love to see more game games of her....


New Member
Feb 20, 2018
The English is quite good all things considered. Dev's native tongue is French iirc?

Anyway, I did want to point out one grammatical issue I saw: "In view of the good quality of work you did with Lucie, I decided that you world look after her personally."

This gets the point across of course but if the dev is curious: "In view" doesn't really make sense here, at least it isn't an English expression or saying I've ever heard. If you meant the phrase "In lieu" that means "instead" so that wouldn't really work either. The only way I could see it working is:

"In light of the good quality..."

I only point this out because I'm so impressed with the translating and grammar with the product as a whole. Typically games in this situation have writing/spelling that is.. just.. just awful lmao.
As the dev said in his reply, there are multiple proofreaders (I was one of them for the last two versions).
I think I was the one who corrected that sentence that way, but I guess I made a mistake as well x)
Thanks for pointing that out, it's nice to learn from my mistakes rather than totally ignoring if I made some or not.
I'm French just like the dev, I used that turn of phrase because we say it that way in French, I thought it would be the same in English.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2020
What do the points represent? freindship and love or love and corruption? and how much do they affect the game? I did a small search with the word point on this thread but could not find anything.

En passant salut de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique. / By the way hello from the other side of the Atlantic.

It is interesting how different our cultures can be. I am still at the start of the game but with the client that goes sideway in the MC's shoes I would have more vehemently defended Lucie to the point of calling every contact in the business and have his name bard from every client list. At the minimum I would threaten him with that to get him to give Lucie a proper apology.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2020
Also the inconsistencies in the story is annoying the hell out of me, how how much Lucy trusts pascal and goes against the MC at every turn is infuriatingly annoying.
I don't understand why the MC doesnt tell her the actual proof he does have. From the Toilets at work when he overheard them talking.
The fact that they put stuff in the drinks at the party.
When he talks about it later Lucy just gets mad and calls the MC jealous and says that pascal is oh so great.
It's just bad storytelling.
Uh, I know it will get another flaming (or borderline insuling) answer as did some previous answer of mine :), however, that is actually rather realistic.

The author went for a story that does have some simplifications and things that I agree are a bit unrealistic, as any other game, but that is realistic exactly in those parts that it seems most people are getting pissed off at.

Going for the part of your interest, Lucie and the MC fell rapidly in a "relation" based on passion, and in paralle she just got out of a relation with a controlling jerk. The fact they get in so rapidly, does not happen for everybody, but can happen for real, but then it is normal that she does not automatically trust the MC word like if they had built a relationship over months and years.
Make me wonder if people complaining about that ever had to deal with anybody (women, specifically) who had any kind of bad relationship where they were really invested emotionally.

Lucie accuses the MC of trying to suffocate and control her and of jealousy of the very successful Pascal, and people scream - but it is actually nothing strange if one considers the other elements about her profile and her past, and the way Pascal and his cohort are depicted (e.g. image of success, make her feel center of attention, play on the psychological weaknesses), and how fast she got in with the MC (no time build her strength and the solidity of the trust relationship).

About the " actual proof he has", if you allow me the quote, what proof ?
Vague tidbits the MC says he overheard by eavesdropping in a bathroom (we know for sure it was by chance, people in the game don't), a picture in which you see a woman but not the man obtained searching without any authority or authorisation after having already an idea he must be up to something wrong, "I say they put something in a drink" (but cannot proof it), etc.
Try to use that as proof with police or a court in most countries, and you will see what happens to you :), especially if you do it after you have tried to spread things against someone based on that.
Lucie is not a court ? True, but the only way Lucie would believe the MC without solid proof, would be if they had a long history that allow her to trust his word impllicitly, at the exclusion of any doubt - something they don't have.
That's why she believes him only after what happens in a certain day, when there is no ambiguity possible anymore.

I have seen real situations that were similar (although with no cage, no special drugs, and some other differences), and the behaviour by Lucie the author describes is closer to a possible reality that many would like, as well as some other aspects.

You have all the right to complain about storytelling, if you think is bad, however, you may want to think again about that stuff of "why does she do like that" and "why does not he tell her the proof".
Those elements are actually more realistic that most Hollywood movies and telefilms :), though I guess that may in itself annoying - I myself play other games, where I know many things are unrealistic, and I would not enjoy them if they were more realistic, but I play them the same way in which I play this one, knowing what to expect from that point of view.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2020
Well, if you are from USA, you have the two extremes.
Now I guess it is still the "metoo" time approach, and I guess you could to that, because by definition everybody would assume that if you accuse him, it must be true, and they don't wait for a court to decide, they do a process by public opinion.
But at the same time, without justifying or defending a certain Hollywood producer who according to charges did nasty stuff (actually, if I remember well he was already condemned to prison terms), there was a icon of USA cinema including animation, and related activities, who was famous for his "casting couch" and did not have to make efforts or threats to get it used. So, the USA swings between extremes.
Honestly, having known the artistic environment in other countries, I know the same way in which there can be pressures on actresses (and not only on actresses, some behaviour is not exclusive of a certain type of sexual preferences), there are also actresses (and actors, of course) who gets pictures, at least at the start of their career, only due to, and by using, their body, even by offering certain "shortcut" ;-) to directors/star actors/producers , because they have no real acting skills or not good enough. Without counting the ones who get to star in a movie basically only because the husband is also a star in the movie, and/or the producer, and/or the director.

Back to the different cultures, you may be familiar (it is a rethoric question ;-), I am sure you know about it) with libelling.
If she did not try to bring charges (assuming she could), you could try spreading the voice, but then, if you do it within a circle that listen to you, it could work, but if you do it with someone outside that circle, you could easily get libellling charges, which in more than one country is a criminal offense (no "I will sue you", directly a "criminal record", even if with eventual addditional damages).
The thing is, some things should be prosecuted seriously, not put down or tackled by blaming the victim, but on the other hand, the fact someone launches an allegation, or that someone repeates an allegation heard somewhere else, should be taken always carefully, when the allegation can have strong consequences, although without creating a sensation of blaming the victim (or alleged victim, if you prefer), given the type of thing.

Diffusing false strong allegations about someone is an old mechanism to get rid of competition, do paybacks, and for a woman by absurd can even be a way get back to a guy who refused her - creating a big damage to the women who really had traumatic episodes, and have deep psychological difficulties in dealing with them and pressing charges.
In a case I knew because was on the newspaper, a woman even pressed sexual harassment charges at work that were then proven as false on purpose, to avoid being fired after being warned more than once because she had violated repeatedly her employment obligations.
Diffusing negative voices about people is also one of the preferred method for the mafia to get rid of people without having to get rid of them, if you see what I mean ;-).

Incidentally, any kind of charges relating to sexual conduct must be brought by the victim, unless you are the legal tutor - it does not matter how well you know the thing, exactly because in most jurisdictions it is considered a crime against the person.

Sorry, I know it sounds boringly serious, given we are talking about a game, but this game tries to be realistic in some aspects, even if without going all the length of this type of explanations - though quite interestingly (about cultural differences), as far as I understood from the author, most of the "flaming" about the game (your post is actually far from "flaming" ;-)) is coming from USA.
Nha I am a bit north of the USA. While what you are saying Is interesting, I must admit that in the scenario in my head is not entirely acurate, I would also try to use the situation to threaten him and try to get him to offer contract terms more beneficial to me. And with out diffamating him, simply warning connections that he is a bit of a pig can also go a long way with out solid proof. Someone so hand on in that situation is bound to act in the same way other times if there is no one there to teach him it is not ok. At least the way the characters reacted in the game do this, but I don't think this one time would be enough. If I try puting myself in the MC shoes, I would say that the client alredy had an other contract signed when he had those feelingsd (préscentiments)

And rather than saying I am flamming I would say that I am intreaged, I play this particular game (and many others) to saee something different and it is so I know I'll continue playing when I get any kind of answer about the point system in the game.

I have one strong opinion thow: Verlan is a blight on the French language and can go die in a ditch for all I care.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
Uh, I know it will get another flaming (or borderline insuling) answer as did some previous answer of mine :), however, that is actually rather realistic.

The author went for a story that does have some simplifications and things that I agree are a bit unrealistic, as any other game, but that is realistic exactly in those parts that it seems most people are getting pissed off at.

Going for the part of your interest, Lucie and the MC fell rapidly in a "relation" based on passion, and in paralle she just got out of a relation with a controlling jerk. The fact they get in so rapidly, does not happen for everybody, but can happen for real, but then it is normal that she does not automatically trust the MC word like if they had built a relationship over months and years.
Make me wonder if people complaining about that ever had to deal with anybody (women, specifically) who had any kind of bad relationship where they were really invested emotionally.

Lucie accuses the MC of trying to suffocate and control her and of jealousy of the very successful Pascal, and people scream - but it is actually nothing strange if one considers the other elements about her profile and her past, and the way Pascal and his cohort are depicted (e.g. image of success, make her feel center of attention, play on the psychological weaknesses), and how fast she got in with the MC (no time build her strength and the solidity of the trust relationship).

About the " actual proof he has", if you allow me the quote, what proof ?
Vague tidbits the MC says he overheard by eavesdropping in a bathroom (we know for sure it was by chance, people in the game don't), a picture in which you see a woman but not the man obtained searching without any authority or authorisation after having already an idea he must be up to something wrong, "I say they put something in a drink" (but cannot proof it), etc.
Try to use that as proof with police or a court in most countries, and you will see what happens to you :), especially if you do it after you have tried to spread things against someone based on that.
Lucie is not a court ? True, but the only way Lucie would believe the MC without solid proof, would be if they had a long history that allow her to trust his word impllicitly, at the exclusion of any doubt - something they don't have.
That's why she believes him only after what happens in a certain day, when there is no ambiguity possible anymore.

I have seen real situations that were similar (although with no cage, no special drugs, and some other differences), and the behaviour by Lucie the author describes is closer to a possible reality that many would like, as well as some other aspects.

You have all the right to complain about storytelling, if you think is bad, however, you may want to think again about that stuff of "why does she do like that" and "why does not he tell her the proof".
Those elements are actually more realistic that most Hollywood movies and telefilms :), though I guess that may in itself annoying - I myself play other games, where I know many things are unrealistic, and I would not enjoy them if they were more realistic, but I play them the same way in which I play this one, knowing what to expect from that point of view.
You type way too much that is the only thing I am gonna say to you.
If you don't want to be "insulted" you shouldn't include snide remarks or act like you know everything.
You just come off as a jackass.
Keep your shit concise and don't type a life story in every message.
You must have better things to do.

I just mentioned a few things, I have 20 more, but I can't be arsed to list everything little thing that annoyed me.
Every inconsistency I saw in the script etc.
So I just went with what annoyed me the most with the story, which was Lucie and Pascal and how braindead she was regarding him.
I don't know if you knew, but you can talk to her about him the very moment he takes over the company, at that point you have enough proof for anyone to think he's sketchy.
You know he did a hostile takeover of the company through Claire's storyline.
That should be enough for anyone to figure out that you are dealing with a bad person.
The MC was very stupid when he did not record that conversation in the bathroom.
But that would have ended the forced plot that we have going on here. This is just a game with an illusion that the player has a choice.
I don't think any choice I made mattered at all. If it was the wrong one it was a game over anyway.


Active Member
May 9, 2017
Just wanted to say that quick time events in a VN are a terrible game design idea. Besides that this game is on the better end of good even if sometimes things like the translation and overall dialog can be confusing at times.

Also hats off to those who have posted passwords and such as that is also another gameplay element that I don't think was handled all that well because boy were some of the references out of left field.


Creating realistic and original visual novel
Game Developer
Feb 5, 2019
What do the points represent? freindship and love or love and corruption? and how much do they affect the game? I did a small search with the word point on this thread but could not find anything.

En passant salut de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique. / By the way hello from the other side of the Atlantic.

It is interesting how different our cultures can be. I am still at the start of the game but with the client that goes sideway in the MC's shoes I would have more vehemently defended Lucie to the point of calling every contact in the business and have his name bard from every client list. At the minimum I would threaten him with that to get him to give Lucie a proper apology.
Originally I wanted to use the "friendship" and "sex" points to unlock future dialogues/scenes.
I quickly realized that it was frustrating in many cases, to realize that a sentence said a long time ago can have a big impact later on. And from a program point of view, I couldn't even figure out what.

I preferred to use a system of : 1 choice = 1 variable which allows me to be much more precise about past actions taken.

However, They are hidden, but I will use these points to propose alternative endings, complete and playable depending on all the choices made by the player. It's ambitious, but I'm mature enough in the game to do it now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2020
And rather than saying I am flamming I would say that I am intreaged, I play this particular game (and many others) to saee something different and it is so I know I'll continue playing when I get any kind of answer about the point system in the game.

I have one strong opinion thow: Verlan is a blight on the French language and can go die in a ditch for all I care.
Oh, the "flaming" was absolutely not a reference to you, you are on the nice side of things, as I try to be. I actually enjoy exchanging view on different cultures, I have spent almost half of my life living "permanently" outside my country of origin/citizenship, and I have friends spread around.
Actually, even in Canada (well, North of USA, as country... ;-)), although they are not Canadian, I have even been there, and lately, I have been teleworking with bunches of Canadians colleagues in Canada.

About the approach you propose, understand what you mean. At the same time, we cannot go too in depth with the psychology of fantasy characters that are just sketched in two dialogues, but I think it is far from guaranteed that your approach would work either.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2020
You type way too much that is the only thing I am gonna say to you.
If you don't want to be "insulted" you shouldn't include snide remarks or act like you know everything.
Well, I don't know everything, but so it happens I do have experience with some type of situation for real, about proviidng psychological support, criminal law in more than once country, different corporate and working cultures, and drugs legal framework, and I have been in contact with the game author, although I did not contribute to the story (maybe I said two small things elements, but that did not have any impact on the story).

So, it is also normal that when I see people saying things based on assuming something cannot be true, my reply tries to talk with them, rather than just say "you are wrong", exactly because it is not about me being above or below anybody else, even in knowledge, it is about sharing the knowledge.

About the length, comes to mind some people I cross in professional contexts, they make statements like "the rule is x", then if one try too say "it is not x" and explain the rule, that can be complex and long, they complain about the length and sign off mentally.

Luckily, we are not in a work context, so it is fine, in the end, it seems to me you indicated clearly that you just do not like the game, period - something you are completely entitled to, without need to justify it with rational logical explanations.

It is like reading a book, or watching a painting, at the end of the day, you can analyse it, but it is often also about emotions, feelings, whether it resonates with you or not, so, this game just does not cut it for you, said that way, would have avoided any of my replies.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2020
How do you escape the red room? I hit every key before the bar goes down and yet it ALWAYS says I am too slow.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2018
There are more less interesting games out here which have a walkthrough/mod when you don't even need one any.
I can't believe no one does it for this.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2020
How do you get past the ran away from the red room? Is it even possible if you aren't playing this on a computer???
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