so how do you download a 4.3gb file from mega ??? i think there is a limit of 3gb per 24h? or less ?
I have the companion app so i can download any size from mega, but if I do I have to just wait for 24h or how long before the cap reset?
im using another download right now, but wanted to know for there a way to switch ip or something when mega hit your cap or it is associated with your free account?
Limit for Mega free account is 5 GB and then have to wait for at least 5 hrs. There is a way to change your IP address but it won't help if the file exceeds Mega's limit. I sometimes use NOPY but they have a file limit size that greatly affects the download speed, haven't figured what that limit is yet. If I have exceeded limits then I will use Workupload which will download through Free Download Manager (FDM). I use Chrome which sets up an extension for FDM so it automatically launches if it is supported by the site I am downloading from, Mega doesn't. Mega allows you to restart a download from where you left off and so does FDM.
Much as I hate the short updates and the time between them I think this game is worth all that effort. It has a good story and great renders. I read
@Super Alex P page and he seems to be trying to fix the file size and size of updates. Have to wait a couple of updates to see.
Edit: I think I fixed whatever was happening.