Completed the anal attempts and saw the plus sign 2 times after speaking to Elena. How (where) do i get a chance to take a photo of my dick in Annie's mouth ? Is this needed to get Kat visit ? That has not triggered either. ( all other things maxed out) ( does she have to be wearing lingerie ? )
Thanks in advance
0.17 /
Found this tid bit got it all done.... waiting on 0.18 i guess....
23:00 hours attempted anal with chris ( seek elena help ) 11:00 am get help 14:00 Wednesday (click talk icon above her head)
She asked for photo with Dick in Annie's mouth (MC has nitemares)
i had nite-mares trying to get the scene.
23:00 hours go to Annie's room (save first) most lick Bill has dick in hand.
Reload your save, save again ( i think its like sleep to trigger)
Most likely Bill has dick in hand again... LOL (killin me)
Do this until it happens. Nice scene make the "wise" it took along time to get there "get-er done"...
To all those who cannot get the Katerina morning visit to trigger
The procedure based on Event Main variable should be
23: Talk to Bill, He tells Christina does not want to date with Chang anymore (She was dating him on Sundays at 2pm before)
24: You are suppose to talk to Christina "About Bill". You mention how you convinced Bill to allow you to take Christina to meet Katerina.
This appears to be bugged I couldn't trigger the next event no matter how many days I spent sleeping and waking up at 8am.
This is how I fixed
1. Edit the save file and change the '<eventMain>
XX<eventMain>' to '<eventMain>
23<eventMain>' (
## should be 24)
2. Load the save
DO NOT TALK WITH CHRISTINA, just sleep and wake up at 8am and the event will trigger.