I have a question here :
A game size over 14G , no clearly in game guide , no scene replay , no gallery ,no female voice , and sort of save slot ,
with out cheat mod , it will toke too much to play (and must with walk-through), why all you wanna play so hard ?
because the CG ? you know there a tool can extract it , right ?
I know these creator work so hard to try make money and share their idea of adult game,
but ........... why so less creator consider about player's view?
For example :
Renpy type game , the save screen , default is 6 slot and page 1~10, with out name it function , only few wanna change it (add over 12 slot in 1 page), and we player never can input page number or see that bottom page 1~10 can horizontal scroll change to after page 11.
I do enjoy most of game story , but .............