Like the story so far.
But what is wrong with her hips?
Especially with the red dress, and from behind.
If you continue her legline from where it connects to the skirt, you get a crotchgap, where you can drive a truck through without her needing to spread her legs.
It is better with the shorts, but still that hipline too big for her body.
Her hips are twice as wide as her shoulders
Not sure how old she is supposed to be. Judging that her dad was born 71, she can be at most be 29.
She looks much older, or maybe its heavy drug and alcohol use that makes her look so used up.
Like some of the renders in the throwbacks better.
Especially the teen Luna boxing with her father is nicely done, like her face there.
But seems there is a little error in the pictures. Her profile says hair color red, but the teen Luna has dark brown hair. Seems also her eyes are at least not such a vibrant green as the current Luna.
Have to agree with some people wit the hairdo, makes her look like the bride of Frankenstein.