[...] but we am NOT some fucks you are e-mailing and saving time on spelling.
I get the "am" as a late correction, passing from "I" to "we", but the rest of the sentence, while being understandable, still make not much sense. A "while" in place of the "and" would have been welcome.
You are supposedly putting out a VN. Which is ostensibly about storytelling via writing.
"Ostensibly" ? Really ?
Oh, by the way, in "visual novel", there's "visual". You can tell the whole story without writing a single word, that it would still match the category.
Or needing a proof readier being a new requirement.
Talking about proof reading, perhaps you should have done it yourself. Who know, perhaps would have you catch the superfluous "i" that turned your sentence into a meaningless one ?
God damn. We aren't in grade school anymore. The excuses are old.
And so, what's your own excuse ?
Mine is easy, I'm not a native English speaker, haven't had an use of it during the nearly thirty years between I left school and registered here two years ago, and, which is the main reason, when it comes to people like you, I really don't care, they don't worth my time.
By the way, the author of the game have proved that, as low that can be his skill, he can use two different languages. Can you say the same, or are you like the majority of the Engrish haters, unable to use another language than English, and still not as well as you think ?