4.20 star(s) 103 Votes


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 18, 2018
Why is everybody bitching? Can someone show me the old art vs the new art?


May 30, 2020
I do not know why the dev wanted to start the game over from scratch and with new art and characters, but it's ok, I can work with it, it's still interesting.


May 30, 2020
What is so hard to understand? The dev didn't want to change the art style. It was forced onto her. We all liked the old art (including the dev), but it's gone. The old art is no more, it has ceased to be, it's bereft of life, it rests in peace, it is an ex-art. Get over it!

And instead of giving up the game alltogether the dev found a new artist and started all over. Yourself noted the considerable difference in style, so it wouldn't have made a lot of sense to mix the art styles together. There was NO OTHER WAY than to restart the project.

Stop whining, get a grip, and start to enjoy the game you get for free!
Forget what I asked before, I found the answer above... In short: Changed art for financial reasons...


Sep 19, 2017
Why is everybody bitching? Can someone show me the old art vs the new art?
Just download it and see when you have time. It's a downgrade.

I can get over it, as long as the story holds it together... Only time will tell if the writing can do that.
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Apr 17, 2020
It's been explained thoroughly throughout this thread. The previous artist would require royalties to continue to use his work as long as the game was developed -- so Red Lolly would have to pay two artists, one not even involved in the project anymore.

EDIT: Not singling you out, just yours was the latest post I was replying to, but this now being on the "Latest Updates" page is clearly bringing in a lot of easily-confused and/or belligerently-ignorant members.

Maybe if a FAQ was created, but the people who need it most won't bother.
I guess devs might need to deal with it as a PR event and explain it on the front page where people download. This is a significant change, after all. Naturally, people would get surprised.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 18, 2018
Oh, you guys are on drugs or something. Lay off the cocaine for a bit, guys.

The new artstyle is absolutely top-tier.

Both of the styles are indeed top-tier, albeit a very different stylistic approach.

Honestly I prefer the new style. I'm a bit sad that Alice's boobies seem to have taken a hit, though. They look smaller.

All in all, though? I wouldn't call the change a downgrade at all. Maybe not an upgrade, either. Definitely a sidegrade, though. The quality is absolutely there.


Aug 24, 2021
Art being different does not bother me. Both artists have distinctively different styles so of course the art will look different. All of this is a simple matter of preferences. What I dislike is the fact that they decided to change how the characters look. Not sure how much of it was artistic direction choice and how much was new artist not being able to achieve the likeness.
From my very own experience (see my previous post many pages ago) I know that Alice was particularly difficult to get the resemblance right. There is something very specific about her jaw line. At least it was for me anyway.
I am going to check out the title, most likely when they catch up in the plot to the previous release. I am not paying for the same thing twice.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
Hmmm... I like the old Alice, Lei and Bonnie art better, but everyone else looks like an improvement. The main story difference with the old chapter 1 seems to be the new girl Alice meets in the library, which is a welcome addition. She's cute as hell too.


Apr 23, 2021
I always liked this game, it was one of my favourites. Now I still like it, cause new art isn't worse for me. I would even say it is much better than it was. It is just personal choice of course, but definitely can't agree with all those complains here, you may liked old one more, but come one, objectively speaking new one is also very good.


Aug 29, 2021
Just download it and see when you have time. It's a downgrade.

I can get over it, as long as the story holds it together... Only time will tell if the writing can do that.
Certainly not a downgrade it's just a different style. The old art was extremely clean and realistic, while the new art goes more down the cartoon path, and I think both styles are great.


Aug 29, 2021
Oh, you guys are on drugs or something. Lay off the cocaine for a bit, guys.

The new artstyle is absolutely top-tier.

Both of the styles are indeed top-tier, albeit a very different stylistic approach.

Honestly I prefer the new style. I'm a bit sad that Alice's boobies seem to have taken a hit, though. They look smaller.

All in all, though? I wouldn't call the change a downgrade at all. Maybe not an upgrade, either. Definitely a sidegrade, though. The quality is absolutely there.
Devs have frequently tried to interact with this website in the past, then realised it simply isn't worth it. There's far too much bile and obvious trolling flung around.


Active Member
Jun 10, 2018
I love this.
Left this game for a while to give it some time to develop. Now I come back to find out it's been remade and the art is worse...
Classic porn games these days...
What a joke.
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Engaged Member
Aug 26, 2020
Of course they don't work, it's a rework and only has the first chapter.

Talk about dumbass comments.
Same start page with same graphic art, available old savings clicking "spank here".
Then, inside, new art, new story, new characters.
One hour to remake the start page is a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2017
I don't really care about changed art and i'm not sure why everyone focuses on that when we have regressed back to chapter 1 from chapter 5 losing something like a year and a half worth of updates.

The only way I would be fine with that is if the rework was covering several chapters at once or took up to 6 months to complete, resulting in only a minor setback, this here looks like no new content will be added for another year at best, changing artstyle is a joke compared to this issue.
4.20 star(s) 103 Votes