4.20 star(s) 103 Votes


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2020
It would be interesting just to see how this art looks animated. I think it's kind of rarely done well in other games.


Active Member
Sep 18, 2021
Why are you adding a Polish mode? There can't be that many players from Poland. I think most people would rather just have the English version!

Yes, I know what it actually means. I just couldn't help myself.

any gang bang scene ?
Yes, eventually. The football team is going to run a train on Darren. It's going to be an unskippable scene that takes 40 minutes to scroll through.


Apr 30, 2020
This is what im afraid of when the dev choose to redo the game from scratch with different kind of story and Art, im by no mean hate the new arts, i like this one better than the old one, and i know their issues with their previous artist.

I thinks its way better if the Dev just replace all the previous art with the new art so the rework can be way faster than this, so they can give us new and fresh story, and i dont see the urgency to rework the story too, cuz from that 5 chapter, the story itself still in the prologue phase, they can add whatever they want in chapter 6 instead of rework the story too, and every chapter too was short, not like what Eva got in her games in every chapter.

Now the game update cycle became longer and longer, but the story itself still way shorter than the older 5 chapter of this game, and some of its story is still the same with the older version.

I already said that this game has a huge chances of being drop because of this decision that Redlolly takes (You can search it up on this thread, i said it when Redlolly choose to remakes this game) cuz we got very little story every update and theres literally only a small changes compared to older version, but the update cycle itself keep on getting longer and longer.

If they choose to just replace the old art to the new art with the same number of picture like whats in the old version (cuz the old artist only copyrighted his art, not the game itself, so they can just replace his art and continue the project from that point) , we probably got like 8 chapter already, but now, we only get 2 chapter for maybe one year or more after that decisions, just from this point, i dont even see this game reach chapter 5, cuz i dont see the dev can keep this game alive with this long update cycle and this definitely will keep getting longer and longer until the patron give up (i already see many voiced out their disappointment on this thread and even on Redlolly patreon) and if that happend, then its time to say goodbye to this good game gone bad


Apr 30, 2020
Dennis :
July for chapter 1? You mean chapter 1 of 5? Oh, ok, I seemingly did understand you wrong. I thought you were already working on the remake for a long time. I hoped to get all the existing chapters out until July.
And then every 3 months another known chapter? So, the next real new chapter will be out in August 2023?
I thought you would only make some smaller adjustments to the chapters and otherwise only exchange the pictures.

Except of this little setback ;) , I think it is a good idea of beeing updated at least once a weak.

Redlolly :
Well, it's not quite like that. In each chapter we will add new elements and scenes, which in the following chapters will have to be developed. That means that each redesigned chapter is going to have a little "new chapter", and as we go forward with the redesign that "new" part will be expanded. It's not just swapping old art for new, we're also adding more illustrations per scene, and more illustrated scenes. This regarding the art, but at the script level we are retouching the existing scenes and adding totally new ones.
So yes, you're right that chapter 6 will come out around those dates, but you'll have to wait until then to see new content within chapters 1-5.

PS. this is the comment from Redlolly patreon post


Yup our worst nightmare getting real, Chapter 6 will be released around august 2023:FacePalm::FacePalm:

1. Your game is still on prologue, so why even bother to changes the story with this very little story that we got. Your PRIORITY is to changes the old art with the new art and release the chapter 6 as soon as possible before your patron leaves you. But you still wanna changes this little story and add new story in them when you can just add the new story in chapter 6 and changes the previous story JUST A LITTLE BIT so the new story can fit in chapter 6 :FacePalm: :FacePalm:

2. Your game art already downgraded with the old artist left the team. Instead of released the new version as soon as possible so you can see the people reaction to the new art, you need another fucking 3 months to release CHAPTER ONE OF NEW GAME, YES ONLY ONE, after the old artist want to leaves the team. Many people already dont like the new art, so why dont you just release the new version more faster, they will not like them for the first time, but the more updates on the game you give to them, people will eventually like the new art and forget the older version:FacePalm::FacePalm:

3. WHY EVEN BOTHER TO FINISH CHAPTER 5 WHEN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEW VERSION BECAME VERY STAGNANT BECAUSE OF THAT? When the old artist want to leaves the team, let him leaves and find new artist as soon as possible and tell the departure of the old artist to your patron NOT JUST VANISHED FOR MONTHS WITHOUT NEWS AT ALL.

God damn, im really speechless with this dev:FacePalm::FacePalm: If this games release on steam with 10-15 $ price tag, i will definitely buy it to support the dev. But 2 euro per months minimum to became her patron with this kind of development of the game, it will never happen.

At this point, it will be a miracle if we ever see chapter 6 of the game with around august 2023 releases dates. This game will be dropped if the dev still dont know her priority with this old artist departure issues, because this game already lost their selling point which is top realistic art and the new art doesnt really different to other game like this:FacePalm::FacePalm:
Just wanna brought my comment around one year ago, she said that chapter 6 supposed to be released around august 2023, and here we are with 2 chapter, maybe 3 in few weeks. I think you guys know what this means right, its really a shame that a game with this huge potential go down like this, i really really hopes that my comment turn out to be wrong and im just being way too pessimistic, but i guess my comment turned out to be true in the end :FacePalm::FacePalm:
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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2017
Yeah, it would be a shame that out of the 3 games here which are the best for me, 2 to be abandoned... :cautious: One game already is.


Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
This is what im afraid of when the dev choose to redo the game from scratch with different kind of story and Art, im by no mean hate the new arts, i like this one better than the old one, and i know their issues with their previous artist.

I thinks its way better if the Dev just replace all the previous art with the new art so the rework can be way faster than this, so they can give us new and fresh story, and i dont see the urgency to rework the story too, cuz from that 5 chapter, the story itself still in the prologue phase, they can add whatever they want in chapter 6 instead of rework the story too, and every chapter too was short, not like what Eva got in her games in every chapter.

Now the game update cycle became longer and longer, but the story itself still way shorter than the older 5 chapter of this game, and some of its story is still the same with the older version.

I already said that this game has a huge chances of being drop because of this decision that Redlolly takes (You can search it up on this thread, i said it when Redlolly choose to remakes this game) cuz we got very little story every update and theres literally only a small changes compared to older version, but the update cycle itself keep on getting longer and longer.

If they choose to just replace the old art to the new art with the same number of picture like whats in the old version (cuz the old artist only copyrighted his art, not the game itself, so they can just replace his art and continue the project from that point) , we probably got like 8 chapter already, but now, we only get 2 chapter for maybe one year or more after that decisions, just from this point, i dont even see this game reach chapter 5, cuz i dont see the dev can keep this game alive with this long update cycle and this definitely will keep getting longer and longer until the patron give up (i already see many voiced out their disappointment on this thread and even on Redlolly patreon) and if that happend, then its time to say goodbye to this good game gone bad
Yeah instead of remaking the art 1:1 for a quick catch-up to chapter 5, Redlolly chose to add some scenes and some characters, supposedly because of disagreement with previous artist. Even though, and what we've seen of remade chapters 1 and 2, the time taken is not justified. At this point it's just stalling, or even milking.


Nov 26, 2020
I thinks its way better if the Dev just replace all the previous art with the new art so the rework can be way faster than this, so they can give us new and fresh story, and i dont see the urgency to rework the story too, cuz from that 5 chapter, the story itself still in the prologue phase, they can add whatever they want in chapter 6 instead of rework the story too, and every chapter too was short, not like what Eva got in her games in every chapter.
I agree with your fear of the game going abandonia. It has been very quiet on this front for some time now.
But I don't agree that just replacing the art would have been better: The old base-story was goot - this is what we agree on, right? But the story-telling was not that good. There were a few shortcuts into corruption and even some bigger story glitches. It felt like not beein ironed out enough.
The new story deploys a slower yet more realistic pace. It is also hotter at the same time. It is more believable, I think.

But yeah, what is all this worth if new versions of this still quite "simple" game take more developement time than Eva's epos for example? Let's just hope it will not be abandoned.


Apr 30, 2020
Yeah instead of remaking the art 1:1 for a quick catch-up to chapter 5, Redlolly chose to add some scenes and some characters, supposedly because of disagreement with previous artist. Even though, and what we've seen of remade chapters 1 and 2, the time taken is not justified. At this point it's just stalling, or even milking.
Yeah, and this old artist issues already begin long before chapter 5 even released, idk why Redlolly even tried to released chapter 5 at that time, logically it doesnt even makes sense when she will remakes the game after released the chapter 5, she choose to wasted months of development cycle to develop chapter 5 that already became useless the moment it released because of the remake thing... If she just chose to remakes the game as soon as the artist want to leave instead of forcing to makes the useless chapter 5, maybe this remakes thing will became even faster now, i really dont know how Redlolly thinks at that time, cuz for me its really doesnt makes sense


Apr 30, 2020
I agree with your fear of the game going abandonia. It has been very quiet on this front for some time now.
But I don't agree that just replacing the art would have been better: The old base-story was goot - this is what we agree on, right? But the story-telling was not that good. There were a few shortcuts into corruption and even some bigger story glitches. It felt like not beein ironed out enough.
The new story deploys a slower yet more realistic pace. It is also hotter at the same time. It is more believable, I think.

But yeah, what is all this worth if new versions of this still quite "simple" game take more developement time than Eva's epos for example? Let's just hope it will not be abandoned.
I said that she only needs to replace the old art to a new one and polish the story a little bit, because thats her number one priority to keep her patron happy, she wasnt Evakiss that did her art by herself without any artist and basically did everything by herself, but redlolly need someone to makes the art and many other things for her game, this makes her expenses every month will became way bigger than Eva's.

Every patreon dev income comes from their patron and patron chose to supports dev based on their content, Eva can do whatever she wants to her games because she did almost all of it by herself, she doesnt needs to pay someone every month to help her develop the game, this makes her can be at eased to develop her game and her games was only a passions project at that point.

But not with Redlolly, she needs to pay some people to keep her games alive and her income will only increased if she give enough new content to their patron or enough new content so people chose to became her patron, the longer she dragged this development cycle, the more she needs to pay to keep her games alive, but based on this trajectory, her updated cycle keep getting longer and longer, some of her patron already starts to leave her and many people doesnt even want to supports her by becoming her patron based on how long this remakes thing going.

So its litterally way better in every aspect for her to just replace the old art with a new art and just changes the story a little bit to released the chapter 6 as soon as possible to get people attention and eventually convince them to became her patron.

This is her first project, so her highest priority should be build up her community first and makes as much money possible to supports her second games.

This is what Eva did with her games, she build her community during GGGB era and because she did almost everything by herself, she can keep most of her incomes everymonth, and now she used the money she get during GGGB era to develop ORS, game that was more complex than GGGB and with way better art.

But Redlolly choose the wrong way for her games, she doesnt need to makes her first game to complex, by making her games too complex, she needs a longer time to develop it and the expense every month will be very big, i know that she only keeps a small amount of her incomes from her patron every month after paying other people their money, and this strategy is wrong, she doesnt have the capability and money to supports the development with this scale yet.

Sometimes being way too idealists do more harm than good.
4.20 star(s) 103 Votes