This game has received so much praise that I finally caved in and decided to give it a go.
From the get go I've already noticed one glaring issue that put me off of it - after a choice, the character may react in a way I did not expect or ever intended to. This is a similar problem to Fallout 4, Mass Effect and a few other RPGs with dialogue options; where your choice and the character reaction/what they actually say is completely different from one another.
First example was after class, we were waiting for Darren when Lei and Tom showed up. When I chose to "defend myself" I did not expect my character to start flirting with Tom, hoping he would support her against Lei (in this case he completely roasted my character and left her to fend off for herself because she did not accept his behavior before class.) The reaction as both of them walked away, telling my MC to basically "bugger off" was pretty humiliating and off putting. Not what I expected from trying to "defend myself".
This one isn't so much of a misaligned choice/consequence but rather how black and white the options were. (I also recognize it is more of a personal preference than a game issue.) When the landlord (forgot his name) asked us if we could help him find another person to rent the room to, we get an option to help or not. Personally, I would prefer a "maybe" option, as I'm not inclined to make promises I don't know if I can keep but neither do I feel like rebuffing the guy with a "not my problem, go ask an agency... like you should have done in the first place".
That being said, the art is superb and the variation in facial expressions is an added bonus. My favorite RO so far is Darren, love that shy, nerdy guy!