Lust Epidemic is a monument of a hobbyist game. It's amazing what has been achieved. It has some scenes like chasing the rodent and avoiding the lightning, that are so over the top that they are unforgettable.
It's reminiscent of the golden age of adventures like sierra and lucasarts games. I actually played it for the adventure as the cut scenes weren't really my thing.
Unfortunately it suffers from the same flaws of most games in that era. The puzzles it only solvable by trail and error or walkthrough. Some even made me think that a map file was corrupted (the radiator in nowhere). Also the game does foreshadowing of items like magic boots that make you able to pick up stuff from the top of a shelf or closet. This not only breaks the immersion of the game, but it also makes it frustrating. In general the game mixes console game tropes like pickaxes, who are icons representing something, with adventure game "realism". Replacing the lases with glass cabinets and glass door would already help.
The meandering of the story, starting out as a drama, moving to murder mystery and ending in horror, is actually quite interesting. The latter parts are good, but the start is very slow. Adding a clock that moves the arms when a clue is found, would give more feedback to the user. It's a trope that has been used before in murder mystery adventure games, although it does force the main story to be linear. That should not be a problem because the story is currently very linear.
I suspect the game will become a commercial indie game and in it's current state that would be a shame. Like any artist having created something, one needs to take an ax and cut away the bad parts. Painful as it is.
It kind reminds me of the documentary about "Dark star" by John Carpenter. Where it was said that "We had what would have been the world’s most impressive student film and it became the world’s least impressive professional film".