hesus danu

Apr 3, 2020
I'm pretty sure the Dev is dead, you know from Covid-19 or some shit
good possible , and still have over 300 patreons ............ death too???????
336 patreons, and update is even still on june and in 2 days we in august.............. so..... death as death can me, maby you find him as zombie in his own game, its make me sad, i really liked that game, but reason why i want make game based on this and not exact same shit is .......... complete not replayable, there must be several ways to play where chooses open of close some chooses, and where you want play back to get other options, , like you can save a male zombie , and if you return home and you find al death and raped and get a "bad ending" so you must do learn that you can only save female zombies and kill male of ignore them till you can destroy virus in the air that turn them back, so there can help you with repopulate earth
so if you kill all, you need do al alone, so much less new baby"s than if you can save the other males , you always the hero in the end , so most girls know you alone save them,

this game have no changing you cant make other chooses, you only other choose is do nothing if you see a zombie en get bitten , so reason why i want make a superzombie human of you, where if you lose you just wake up again in a coffin and get back home , where al wonders how you return, (where you must get naked to let people see you not have new bidden wounds, (fast healing so if you wake up, all is healing in your undead sleep
, you see i have the basic idee already, but there stil stuff to figure out like the perfect begin (proberbly wake up in a coffin with intact memorie so you know if you healing sperm , and not need kill girls, you learn you had the power to save them then
but still can you try to figure out why he live................. patient x, a virus that keep 1 man alive else he will die out, and why is only his sperm good and not his blood etc, can be funny, and give you lot possibilitys, throuw different storyline that hangs on what you dit in the past you het never twice same game, because is other responses
we see, im planning but still not know of use renpy or rpg maker............... or both .......... twice similar game , with some differences

hesus danu

Apr 3, 2020
easy take it easy man the dev sure is shiting on us but that doesn't mean the game/thread is abandoned
not yet, but he posten a month ago in his patreon and maked new wall papers of something like that

en on 12 jun he posten something about updates, and liitle before he posted here on this site, that he was frustraded and had problems, so he working on it, if you have problems you want bring a bug free update, and not like in 0,11 where you need use inventory to fuck and speaking only dont working, so it can cost some time, he knows we are all pissed and dont think every update will cost 3 moths to make he had problems , but once you know how to solve, you can never have same problem withouw findind out same solution, once you figure it out , hou know how to solve it, and so long he nog started a new demo....................... he still works on the old one i think , (and hope)

update, its easyer to show you screenshot of the post of the maker that he gas surieuw problems and that was on 9 june,

so after almost 2 months, good possible there will soon come a update, btw if its on patreon for tje 20 dollar (or euro?) mebers get always week fist, and there can be asked to not posted this because else all ask a link, , and you het no money if you get same time as the rest
we will see soon enough
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hesus danu

Apr 3, 2020
Is the dev active? I am planning to pledge.
Honest reply please
if you looked on my reaction , you see his reaction here on 7 ,8 or 9 june (cant remember -

lust3.jpg thats all we know, try find a patreon member we can send him a "chat" of mail.................... im waiting too

hesus danu

Apr 3, 2020
So, Covid has hit everywhere hard....damn
corona, lazyness, or boredom, because in his had he think he make a game in a couple weeks, sad enough unless you make a short crapy game with only text and no chooses, than many............. if i was him, make bigger map and more weapens and updates for house, most you must even never see, if you buy a wall, you hear say them there feel them saver,, but gives you idee its saver, and do randoms attack based on you defence, and you hade beter game, more a "tower defense part on the game is easy and make game much more fun,

and ways to earn money, and you make game much longer already, to get no or less attacks
more wounted is lesser food etc because cannot help to seek , etc

easy to make much longer game with less programming, and updates are "easy" to make

hesus danu

Apr 3, 2020
ask back in a couple months............... there is not even a sign he lives
if you patreon say in august that naxt update come in june............. he not even chang to update

put in in you for favoriets, and look once at week, if you react you see if there is here a new message, if here is a update you will see a lot of reactions believe me

so long there is no reactions of his patreon, there here is nothing too, there ignore us , patreons pay him, we not ,ot direct, rest i dont know, dont start on my game yet , ...... not in the mood yet


hesus danu

Apr 3, 2020
last update was half april so its 14 weeks, much longer there cant wait, dont understand wy some till pay on patreon, ........ extra money for do nothing
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hesus danu

Apr 3, 2020
the woman with dicks , have a special name.......... i forget the name, .......... if i make here a alien, i have the explanion why "he" is last man (but in game he is also nog last (but because she binds them away for more money . but once drunken tells he is no complete man , but a race that is also man as female, so " the other girls" find out , and there sperm can heal too, so you get from begin more possible ways fir playing the game, and also reason why none believe the thruth, no man on earth can cumms 50 times at day, and who know can tell nothing because there aliens too, so there work together , and know your no "mann but help you make enough kids, and only you do keeps your look, simple because all will know else you are an alien
give you possible ways to play, as smell of see the virus etc, so my game is based on this but can have much more superpowers............ lust man standing man is just human, and humans have limits to cum on a day, so lot more frustrations, here we are aliens , so we can manipulate the ufo

hesus danu

Apr 3, 2020
win is ver 12.0 come please
everbody here does, i look 3 times at day, now i will surprized if there was a update after 14, 15 weeks,
he not even update his patreon

Upcoming v0.12 (June)

this is from this moment................ june was last time he even visit his patreon, and if he dont give a f*ck about the people that send him money, why you you think hi care"s about you , he not even care about fact he do false promisses to get longer money ................. i know exact wen there will come with a small update, if he have almost no money from patreon with a fake explation, why he had so much problem s will use corona proberbly than keeps him 12 weeks in bed, and all on patreon dumps him wen there needed them the most, and than is again wait 4 a 5 months, maby longer........
if you have problems here experience people enough that make games and had same problems, and there help you with pleasure ............... he is more the , i doe al myselfs and need no help type, , that you always lose, if there is no trust, you can make best game ever, only a few will looks because there lose there intrest and all will only look tha day you finish the game


till i look last time he posted it all over internet as "game"
but there is nothing from last month, he not even try to "repost" as "new game"
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