happy to hear of you, take you time, so long there will come updates, i go use renpy, lot easyer, and make similar game, but different off course, i always wanted make my own game , you game give me the idee and a theme, i thank you, sad i cant help you with this, even if i learn how to use renpy, maby if i ever use unity.... if there is stuff i cannot do under renpy,
ps if you have some game finish, please update, and tell us how go around some bugs, maby some people with knowledge can help you, some here helps me a lot to make my dream to make a game, and helps me a lot to make a good start for a demo, i want wake up in a bodybag, not turning in a zombie by the antibody in the sperm but with the superpowers as a zombie as smell and beter way to see , so more a superhero version, and way to heal even zombie's, so you can play on different ways, but male zombie"s cannot be saved, there turn back by the virus, so its not easy game, but you give my the idee by play you game, please if possible , post a update, not al are patient like me,