
Mar 3, 2020
BTW did anyone keep track of the fat printed capital letters in this episode?
p a r a l l e l, v o r, and d u p l i c a are the ones that i actually noticed. i'm interested in what the words are tbh ^^
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Nov 27, 2017
There's a couple of errors in your analysis, although it is very well thought out. Where it comes apart is on the issues of consent. You make two curious interpretations of how consent is defined.

The first is the idea that consent for one type of penetration is automatically and continual consent for all others. Even if it were, then Megan's telling the MC no earlier in the day should have been taken as her revoking consent to the MC for everything, unless you believe consent cannot be revoked. But that's not how it works. She did not consent to vaginal sex with the MC while sober, and in fact gave him an emphatic no. That made her feelings on the matter clear, so he knew she didn't want to have vaginal sex with him. You also seem to be believe that she consenting to previous sexual acts in the past with the MC somehow negates her ability to withdraw consent.

Secondly, you make a point that it wasn't the MC that got her drunk. That is a loophole that appears in a few places that recent outrage over a man going free after raping a woman someone else had drugged is closing in the places it does exist. In most other places though, the inability to give consent because someone is drunk or drugged is independent of who made them drunk or drugged. If you stumble upon a drunk girl at a party, just because she says yes to sex in no way puts you in the clear because you didn't contribute to her current state. Being the person who helped incapacitated them for the purpose of sex just ends making you serious of a more serious crime, or results in a longer sentence.

Now, I'm not saying the MC would definitely go to jail, or that anyone would. The laws are pretty messed up, with lots of loopholes. Juries can make the wrong call even when the laws are clear. Victims often don't want to come forward. Megan may not remember a thing (assuming the timeline did not reset), or if she did, may not say anything because it was her brother. But could someone go to jail for what the MC did? Most definitely, in an awful lot of places. And again, in no way am I saying that it's wrong to have this scene in the game. I found it disappointing as a rape scene because it was boring and because Megan was so drunk. If you're going to give us a rape scene, give us something longer and more involved. So let's first of all not dance around the fact that this was a rape scene, although a very weak one. The devs like to include scenes like this that are rape but aren't actually the MC "forcing" himself upon a resisting target. It's him sticking his dick into a sleeping/drunk/distracted woman and then often getting called out on it before anything happens. There is the one time when he penetrates Ellie when she tells him no that ends in him getting kicked in the balls, instead of the MC finishing what he started that could have been an interesting scene, just as the MC doing something similar with Megan during their sober fooling around earlier. But t

The devs seem to draw the line at very weak rape scenarios, so perhaps their own views are that those don't count as rape either. It could be too that they're located in a country where they don't count, because laws are different in different parts of the world. For most of western Europe and the english speaking part of the world though, this would be considered rape. Again, not making a value judgement against in being in the game. Just a statement that claiming it isn't in this day and age is incorrect, and perhaps shows why it still happens so often because people are misinformed.
My analysis was very basic, but thanks.

I'll number my responses to make it easier for you to respond.

1. I do believe that consent can be revoked at any time. For example, if you try anal and the girl suddenly regrets it and tells you to stop and you continue to fuck her ass then that's rape. Of course, that's why you always enter sex with a safe word and if you're unsure, then ask. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Remember that people.

2. You asked me if I believe consent can be revoked and then seem to make up my mind for me. That's not how you make a solid argument.

3. I'll admit that I could have worded the house oral scene better at the end, but my point there was that was where consent was respected by both parties. In that instance, they both followed the law regarding sex. In court, if you have committed repeated offences, especially of the same manner, your word and your plead for innocence is going to be looked down upon me. If one were to build a case of not guilty, then that's something one would include, especially when it happened on the same day and barely a few hours before he penetrated Megan's vagina with his cock.

4. Juries can make the wrong call, but in this scenario it feels like a easy decision to make correctly. Especially if Megan remembers enough, if she misses out key parts (I can't be arsed to figure out what) due to a loss of memory, then things become complicated. The key issue here would be, if Megan did believe that the MC raped her even with her memory loss, then it looks bad for the MC, if Megan didn't believe the MC raped her, then they wouldn't be in court.

Megan is capable of falsely labelling this as rape, regardless of it actually being rape or not in either of our eyes or the law or any law and she couldn't be the only one to have done so. Whether it be by accident or on purpose for whatever reason, whether it be just or not. Here is a short soft list of such cases in general. I say soft, because it doesn't go into too much detail of each case, but gives an extremely short summary of what happened.

5. For the recent outrage, you lack sources and I'm not going to go around hunting for it since this post is already long and I'm addressing this at the last minute after going back. The case you've just put forward is not the same as what's happening here.

6. You seem to like label this as a rape scene, despite every single point of evidence pointing otherwise. Including the laws mentioned thus far. This is clearly NOT a rape scene. This is clearly a drunken sex scene. Megan clearly gave consent to penis in vagina sex. Even when drunk. She was intoxicated of her own will. She clearly had the capacity to make her own decisions, whether it was a good decision or not. Not only did Megan give consent, she dragged the MC to a secluded place to fuck, she rejected his attempts to take her home twice because he was concerned for her health and safety and her current state of drunkenness, she prostrated herself before him and was the one who began to take off her clothes, before he helped her. This isn't a weak case of him asking and her just saying yes, she deliberately set things off and ignored every one of his attempts to reject her and take her home to help her recuperate.

At no point did Megan ever resist at the party until she realised he was about to cum inside of her without a condom. She did not consent to that, but we don't know just how much time the MC was given, before he came inside her. Even so, that's not rape. That's called not practising safe sex and not taking enough precautions to prevent being cummed inside of. For example, telling the MC not to cum inside of her, before or during the middle of their sex.

Just because someone is drunk, it does not mean that they can't make the same decisions as if they were not drunk. There's a reason why alcohol is called liquid courage. Megan clearly had the courage to have sex before hand, but not enough courage/confident to have vaginal penetration with a penis earlier. The MC showed concern and she then ran off. She drank, because she was stressed and then acted upon her sexual desires when she saw him again. Do you have any idea how often there are similar cases to this? Girl is stressed from something in her life, gets drunk, goes to party and then fucks someone and then regrets it on some level, because she didn't use a condom, didn't warn the guy enough before he came inside her or any other number of similiar reasons that can be squarely laid on her. That's not rape. That's called drunken sex.

As for when Megan said no to penis in vagina sex earlier in the day, we still aren't given any reason as to why, Megan only said "[name], this isn't right", followed by, "god, really... what am I doing?" > "god, I need a drink," and the thought 'was I really about to let him fuck me?' > "No!" to meeting up later to go to the party.

Megan is clearly saying no then due to some sort of social stigma. Whether it be incest, being too easy or something else. It's left open to interpretation, but the story is clearly written as if they were all blood relatives. We've only been given blank titles to avoid the game being taken down and off patreon as they don't tolerate incest at all IIRC.

If you want to point out a rape scene, there are better examples that this which actually are rape. Like when you pointed out with Ellie at the party. Ellie was clearly intoxicated, but not drunk and she said no. He ignored it and penetrated her vagina with his dick anyway. That is rape. No two ways about that.

As for this being classed as rape in most western and English speaking countries. You can't just make a claim like that without providing sources. It's completely ignorant of what the actual laws regarding rape in those countries are. According to this source, there are 68 "western countries" -

7. You haven't proven any point. You've only given hypothesis which lack proof or creditable sources that hold up under scrutiny. Whether it be thoughts, actions or words. You over generalise far too much in favour of labelling this as rape, which it isn't.

I do wish the dev would just create better sex scenes and more.

In all honesty though, I'm tired of this conversation and am putting way too much into it and it doesn't help when you're nowhere near as thorough, nor seem to try to, when making claims. Either way, I do not believe this is rape, not do I believe Megan would believe this is rape (Yes, yes, I know she can incorrectly or correctly believe it to be rape regardless of what happened), nor would she report it as rape to anyone. It does not feel like it would be in character of her to do so.

And that's the end of this discussion for me.
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Jun 15, 2017
He's inside the Matrix, a rudimentary one. The sheer computational power to attempt to answer such a question causes about 1 minute of lag. /s

Anyway, I liked everything you said. Oh you wouldn't happen to remember if that hot shower scene with Megan was in S1 or S2? I need to go peep on that scene again. I kind of hope we find ourselves in a very similar but lengthier scene in the future.
I think it's part of the Christmas event in season 2 but I'm not 100% sure
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Active Member
Oct 10, 2018
Nah, Zoe even says in the dialogues that she has received lots of praises for her deepthroating skills in the past and other stuff like that. And since she is the insecure one, there is no way that Megan hasn't had her pussy ravaged by other dicks before mc.

Only "confirmed" virgin in the game is Ellie, who however took that 12 inch Pringles can in to her asshole without any difficulties.
Then why make such a big deal out of a threesome if they're supposed to be massive whores?


New Member
Oct 14, 2019
I am facing an issue. The number of active quests is stuck at 8/8. I tried going to Amy's party in the evening but I can't speak with anyone there. Am I missing out on something? Shouldn't the quest count increase?


Active Member
Oct 10, 2018
Maybe they haven't done threesome yet and wanted to lose their threesome virginity together or something.
"Threesome virginity"? God, might be better just to ask IncetonGames what he had in mind. As we either have two massive whores being ridiculous about body insecurities and making a big deal out of their "threesome virginity", or two virgins who have the coitus skills of sexual savants.

It's a timeloop game where suspension of disbelief is required and holding characters to realistic standards is silly. Question is what the dev intended, as I think we're in a kind of epicycle scenario here. Both models of understanding work in the realm of porn games as predictors for how characters behave, but one of them has the planets orbiting the sun, and the other has them doing silly pirouettes as they orbit earth.
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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2020
My analysis was very basic, but thanks.

I'll number my responses to make it easier for you to respond.

1. I do believe that consent can be revoked at any time. For example, if you try anal and the girl suddenly regrets it and tells you to stop and you continue to fuck her ass then that's rape. Of course, that's why you always enter sex with a safe word and if you're unsure, then ask. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Remember that people.

2. You asked me if I believe consent can be revoked and then seem to make up my mind for me. That's not how you make a solid argument.

3. I'll admit that I could have worded the house oral scene better at the end, but my point there was that was where consent was respected by both parties. In that instance, they both followed the law regarding sex. In court, if you have committed repeated offences, especially of the same manner, your word and your plead for innocence is going to be looked down upon me. If one were to build a case of not guilty, then that's something one would include, especially when it happened on the same day and barely a few hours before he penetrated Megan's vagina with his cock.

4. Juries can make the wrong call, but in this scenario it feels like a easy decision to make correctly. Especially if Megan remembers enough, if she misses out key parts (I can't be arsed to figure out what) due to a loss of memory, then things become complicated. The key issue here would be, if Megan did believe that the MC raped her even with her memory loss, then it looks bad for the MC, if Megan didn't believe the MC raped her, then they wouldn't be in court.

Megan is capable of falsely labelling this as rape, regardless of it actually being rape or not in either of our eyes or the law or any law and she couldn't be the only one to have done so. Whether it be by accident or on purpose for whatever reason, whether it be just or not. Here is a short soft list of such cases in general. I say soft, because it doesn't go into too much detail of each case, but gives an extremely short summary of what happened.

5. For the recent outrage, you lack sources and I'm not going to go around hunting for it since this post is already long and I'm addressing this at the last minute after going back. The case you've just put forward is not the same as what's happening here.

6. You seem to like label this as a rape scene, despite every single point of evidence pointing otherwise. Including the laws mentioned thus far. This is clearly NOT a rape scene. This is clearly a drunken sex scene. Megan clearly gave consent to penis in vagina sex. Even when drunk. She was intoxicated of her own will. She clearly had the capacity to make her own decisions, whether it was a good decision or not. Not only did Megan give consent, she dragged the MC to a secluded place to fuck, she rejected his attempts to take her home twice because he was concerned for her health and safety and her current state of drunkenness, she prostrated herself before him and was the one who began to take off her clothes, before he helped her. This isn't a weak case of him asking and her just saying yes, she deliberately set things off and ignored every one of his attempts to reject her and take her home to help her recuperate.

At no point did Megan ever resist at the party until she realised he was about to cum inside of her without a condom. She did not consent to that, but we don't know just how much time the MC was given, before he came inside her. Even so, that's not rape. That's called not practising safe sex and not taking enough precautions to prevent being cummed inside of. For example, telling the MC not to cum inside of her, before or during the middle of their sex.

Just because someone is drunk, it does not mean that they can't make the same decisions as if they were not drunk. There's a reason why alcohol is called liquid courage. Megan clearly had the courage to have sex before hand, but not enough courage/confident to have vaginal penetration with a penis earlier. The MC showed concern and she then ran off. She drank, because she was stressed and then acted upon her sexual desires when she saw him again. Do you have any idea how often there are similar cases to this? Girl is stressed from something in her life, gets drunk, goes to party and then fucks someone and then regrets it on some level, because she didn't use a condom, didn't warn the guy enough before he came inside her or any other number of similiar reasons that can be squarely laid on her. That's not rape. That's called drunken sex.

As for when Megan said no to penis in vagina sex earlier in the day, we still aren't given any reason as to why, Megan only said "[name], this isn't right", followed by, "god, really... what am I doing?" > "god, I need a drink," and the thought 'was I really about to let him fuck me?' > "No!" to meeting up later to go to the party.

Megan is clearly saying no then due to some sort of social stigma. Whether it be incest, being too easy or something else. It's left open to interpretation, but the story is clearly written as if they were all blood relatives. We've only been given blank titles to avoid the game being taken down and off patreon as they don't tolerate incest at all IIRC.

If you want to point out a rape scene, there are better examples that this which actually are rape. Like when you pointed out with Ellie at the party. Ellie was clearly intoxicated, but not drunk and she said no. He ignored it and penetrated her vagina with his dick anyway. That is rape. No two ways about that.

As for this being classed as rape in most western and English speaking countries. You can't just make a claim like that without providing sources. It's completely ignorant of what the actual laws regarding rape in those countries are. According to this source, there are 68 "western countries" -

7. You haven't proven any point. You've only given hypothesis which lack proof or creditable sources that hold up under scrutiny. Whether it be thoughts, actions or words. You over generalise far too much in favour of labelling this as rape, which it isn't.

I do wish the dev would just create better sex scenes and more.

In all honesty though, I'm tired of this conversation and am putting way too much into it and it doesn't help when you're nowhere near as thorough, nor seem to try to, when making claims. Either way, I do not believe this is rape, not do I believe Megan would believe this is rape (Yes, yes, I know she can incorrectly or correctly believe it to be rape regardless of what happened), nor would she report it as rape to anyone. It does not feel like it would be in character of her to do so.

And that's the end of this discussion for me.
Wow, two full essays on getting around rape? I'm worried for the women that live near you. Keep it to the digital ladies only please.


Active Member
Jul 2, 2018
anyone share save from previous version lost. deleted 400gb of games ,kept good ones , and this one by mistake!


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2020
Ok, looks like the hidden words are DUPLICAION PARALLEL EL VOID EXTINCTION. I think there is a missing T for Duplication but I couldn't find it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
My analysis was very basic, but thanks.

I'll number my responses to make it easier for you to respond.

1. I do believe that consent can be revoked at any time. For example, if you try anal and the girl suddenly regrets it and tells you to stop and you continue to fuck her ass then that's rape. Of course, that's why you always enter sex with a safe word and if you're unsure, then ask. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Remember that people.

2. You asked me if I believe consent can be revoked and then seem to make up my mind for me. That's not how you make a solid argument.

3. I'll admit that I could have worded the house oral scene better at the end, but my point there was that was where consent was respected by both parties. In that instance, they both followed the law regarding sex. In court, if you have committed repeated offences, especially of the same manner, your word and your plead for innocence is going to be looked down upon me. If one were to build a case of not guilty, then that's something one would include, especially when it happened on the same day and barely a few hours before he penetrated Megan's vagina with his cock.

4. Juries can make the wrong call, but in this scenario it feels like a easy decision to make correctly. Especially if Megan remembers enough, if she misses out key parts (I can't be arsed to figure out what) due to a loss of memory, then things become complicated. The key issue here would be, if Megan did believe that the MC raped her even with her memory loss, then it looks bad for the MC, if Megan didn't believe the MC raped her, then they wouldn't be in court.

Megan is capable of falsely labelling this as rape, regardless of it actually being rape or not in either of our eyes or the law or any law and she couldn't be the only one to have done so. Whether it be by accident or on purpose for whatever reason, whether it be just or not. Here is a short soft list of such cases in general. I say soft, because it doesn't go into too much detail of each case, but gives an extremely short summary of what happened.

5. For the recent outrage, you lack sources and I'm not going to go around hunting for it since this post is already long and I'm addressing this at the last minute after going back. The case you've just put forward is not the same as what's happening here.

6. You seem to like label this as a rape scene, despite every single point of evidence pointing otherwise. Including the laws mentioned thus far. This is clearly NOT a rape scene. This is clearly a drunken sex scene. Megan clearly gave consent to penis in vagina sex. Even when drunk. She was intoxicated of her own will. She clearly had the capacity to make her own decisions, whether it was a good decision or not. Not only did Megan give consent, she dragged the MC to a secluded place to fuck, she rejected his attempts to take her home twice because he was concerned for her health and safety and her current state of drunkenness, she prostrated herself before him and was the one who began to take off her clothes, before he helped her. This isn't a weak case of him asking and her just saying yes, she deliberately set things off and ignored every one of his attempts to reject her and take her home to help her recuperate.

At no point did Megan ever resist at the party until she realised he was about to cum inside of her without a condom. She did not consent to that, but we don't know just how much time the MC was given, before he came inside her. Even so, that's not rape. That's called not practising safe sex and not taking enough precautions to prevent being cummed inside of. For example, telling the MC not to cum inside of her, before or during the middle of their sex.

Just because someone is drunk, it does not mean that they can't make the same decisions as if they were not drunk. There's a reason why alcohol is called liquid courage. Megan clearly had the courage to have sex before hand, but not enough courage/confident to have vaginal penetration with a penis earlier. The MC showed concern and she then ran off. She drank, because she was stressed and then acted upon her sexual desires when she saw him again. Do you have any idea how often there are similar cases to this? Girl is stressed from something in her life, gets drunk, goes to party and then fucks someone and then regrets it on some level, because she didn't use a condom, didn't warn the guy enough before he came inside her or any other number of similiar reasons that can be squarely laid on her. That's not rape. That's called drunken sex.

As for when Megan said no to penis in vagina sex earlier in the day, we still aren't given any reason as to why, Megan only said "[name], this isn't right", followed by, "god, really... what am I doing?" > "god, I need a drink," and the thought 'was I really about to let him fuck me?' > "No!" to meeting up later to go to the party.

Megan is clearly saying no then due to some sort of social stigma. Whether it be incest, being too easy or something else. It's left open to interpretation, but the story is clearly written as if they were all blood relatives. We've only been given blank titles to avoid the game being taken down and off patreon as they don't tolerate incest at all IIRC.

If you want to point out a rape scene, there are better examples that this which actually are rape. Like when you pointed out with Ellie at the party. Ellie was clearly intoxicated, but not drunk and she said no. He ignored it and penetrated her vagina with his dick anyway. That is rape. No two ways about that.

As for this being classed as rape in most western and English speaking countries. You can't just make a claim like that without providing sources. It's completely ignorant of what the actual laws regarding rape in those countries are. According to this source, there are 68 "western countries" -

7. You haven't proven any point. You've only given hypothesis which lack proof or creditable sources that hold up under scrutiny. Whether it be thoughts, actions or words. You over generalise far too much in favour of labelling this as rape, which it isn't.

I do wish the dev would just create better sex scenes and more.

In all honesty though, I'm tired of this conversation and am putting way too much into it and it doesn't help when you're nowhere near as thorough, nor seem to try to, when making claims. Either way, I do not believe this is rape, not do I believe Megan would believe this is rape (Yes, yes, I know she can incorrectly or correctly believe it to be rape regardless of what happened), nor would she report it as rape to anyone. It does not feel like it would be in character of her to do so.

And that's the end of this discussion for me.

Here's a link referencing the recent loophole one state had found, and their plans to close it. tl;dr Under the previous law that existed, it was only chargeable as rape if the victim became drunk because of the person who later raped them.

Here is my actual rebuttal, but I just woke up, so it may not be as organized as it could be.

Megan is too drunk to give consent. That should be the answer to this, plain and simple. A prosecutor might have trouble finding sympathy from a jury if Megan had an ongoing history of vaginal sex with the MC, although honestly that shouldn't matter from a legal perspective. She did consent to non-vaginal sex earlier while sober, but again, irrelevant. She expressly did not consent to vaginal. The only thing that changed since then is that she got incredibly drunk, which the devs go to great lengths to show. It's not her needing some "liquid courage". It's about not being in the right frame of mind to make a good decision about anything. If, at the party, she told the MC he could have her computer for a $1, that would not be a legally binding transaction because of her current state.

Would Megan consider it rape? Pretty sure the legal definition of the act doesn't factor that in, although obviously if she doesn't see it as such and report it, it's not likely to be prosecuted. There's a good chance she may not remember the night at all, or only in the vaguest terms. She may blame herself, as many victims do. "I shouldn't have gone up to his room." "I shouldn't have flirted with him, or dressed that sexy." Again, irrelevant from a legal standpoint, although in the past juries wrongly took them as forms of consent. We're still not too far removed from the days where "Can a husband ever technically rape his wife?" was considered something debatable.

Had the day not reset, I think the most likely course of action was that Megan didn't remember anything from the party, or sees it as a weird dream. If she does remember it, I think there's a fair chance she herself sees it as rape, or at least as the MC "taking advantage" of her, which is just a more polite word for rape. She had her reasons for saying no to vaginal sex with the MC, ones that being completely drunk should not be considered the answer for. Whatever her motivations for saying no are, they are again completely irrelevant. It's inevitable that her and the MC will have actually, non-rape sex at some point, although it will likely be after the MC uses time-loops to find the right words to say to her to overcome her hesitations while she is in a non-impaired state.

You could really go down the rabbit-hole here and debate whether the use of time-loops itself would constitute rape. At the very least it's a bit dishonest. But that's a far less clear-cut discussion, because it has no real world parallels. That night at the part does, and those all point towards it being rape in most places I can think of. Obviously not all, because different cultures develop new understandings of things like consent and other factors they longer they go on. If any of this is legal where someone lives now, it's not likely to be for too much longer, nor should it be. But laws often lag behind society.
3.70 star(s) 240 Votes