-added a way to return to Mermaid Caves for a new questline
-added a new quest involving Vini the Dragon Girl
-added new texts about camp people to Nele
-modified the layout of the camp hub map a little (exchanged the positions of the cafeteria and right-side middle dorm, as well as top-right dorm with blue dorm), and added a small new path over vines
-overhauled the design of the cafeteria, it is now larger
-also added a new system where during dinner time Eri can take food from the cafeteria; the three different foods are available on rotation and have different effects
-the game now uses a new font called "AzartisSweet" (a fork of the font "Amaranth") -overhauled descriptions of all weapons, armours, items, and skills
-Natalie's face art has been updated
-changed the Bee Hive area (outside) slightly so players have to confront the bees wax and Tilia's subsequent rescue mission -Eric(a)'s Cutie Magic Transformation can now be shut off at will (menu only)
-merchant interactions now use a more detailed window
-several skills have new icons
-Wendy's Mana Burst trickery no longer provides the Bubble Butt Transformation
-the whole party now benefits from the wishing well's LUK boost
-Veronica can now provide the Vir Shaped Charge in a different location, provided the raid on Yoshida's room is resolved in some way
-the "Emerald Talisman" is now in a different chest, which can be accessed before the poison trap chest
-nerfed the item "Cracked Ward" by removing its DEF boost (all other traits remain unchanged)
-Battle Flames should no longer bug out with their movement if players escaped from battle
-if Eric(a) is in succubus mode during Veronica's first spaceship dinner, Isonei will now properly shut it off
-Graceful Dance now properly lasts for 1-5 turns and disables basic attack commands and skills except Alice's Doll Strike command
-Magico Mimic now correctly uses "Venomous Runes" or "Toxic Winds" when doing "Mimicry: Monarch Insect", and "Slime Bubble" from "Mimicry: Slime Princess"
-fixed a possible bug that could happen from siphoning the Plant Core
-fixed a possible bug that could happen from equipping the Sakura Yukata
-Xylyra's Soul-Stealing Kiss skill now properly takes the target's charmed status situation into account
-Nele now correctly uses a black-dress faceset during Alice's memories
-boulders and similar objects now no longer reset their positions if they were pulled from a wall and then left alone while Eric(a) changes maps
-Catherine's bunnies no longer comment outside of battle after their attacks -Cursed Grimoire's loss scene now correctly provides GirlScore
-Monarch Insect's bubble butt loss scene now correctly provides GirlScore
-Slime Queen's cow-breast loss scene now correctly provides GirlScore -if Marianne undoes the Heels TF in Watanabe Inn, this will now properly subtract GirlScore
-obligatory fixes to grammar and spelling